local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Device = require("device") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local Math = require("optmath") --[[ BBoxWidget shows a bbox for page cropping ]] local BBoxWidget = InputContainer:new{ page_bbox = nil, screen_bbox = nil, linesize = 2, fine_factor = 10, dimen = Geom:new(), } function BBoxWidget:init() self.page_bbox = self.document:getPageBBox(self.view.state.page) if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapAdjust = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.view.dimen, } }, SwipeAdjust = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = self.view.dimen, } }, HoldAdjust = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.view.dimen, } }, ConfirmAdjust = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "double_tap", range = self.view.dimen, } } } end end function BBoxWidget:getSize() return self.view.dimen end function BBoxWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) self.dimen = self.view.dimen:copy() self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y = x, y -- As getScreenBBox uses view states, screen_bbox initialization is postponed. self.screen_bbox = self.screen_bbox or self:getScreenBBox(self.page_bbox) local bbox = self.screen_bbox -- top edge bb:invertRect(bbox.x0 + self.linesize, bbox.y0, bbox.x1 - bbox.x0, self.linesize) -- bottom edge bb:invertRect(bbox.x0 + self.linesize, bbox.y1, bbox.x1 - bbox.x0 - self.linesize, self.linesize) -- left edge bb:invertRect(bbox.x0, bbox.y0, self.linesize, bbox.y1 - bbox.y0 + self.linesize) -- right edge bb:invertRect(bbox.x1, bbox.y0 + self.linesize, self.linesize, bbox.y1 - bbox.y0) end -- transform page bbox to screen bbox function BBoxWidget:getScreenBBox(page_bbox) local bbox = {} local scale = self.view.state.zoom local screen_offset = self.view.state.offset bbox.x0 = Math.round(page_bbox.x0 * scale + screen_offset.x) bbox.y0 = Math.round(page_bbox.y0 * scale + screen_offset.y) bbox.x1 = Math.round(page_bbox.x1 * scale + screen_offset.x) bbox.y1 = Math.round(page_bbox.y1 * scale + screen_offset.y) return bbox end -- transform screen bbox to page bbox function BBoxWidget:getPageBBox(screen_bbox) local bbox = {} local scale = self.view.state.zoom local screen_offset = self.view.state.offset bbox.x0 = Math.round((screen_bbox.x0 - screen_offset.x) / scale) bbox.y0 = Math.round((screen_bbox.y0 - screen_offset.y) / scale) bbox.x1 = Math.round((screen_bbox.x1 - screen_offset.x) / scale) bbox.y1 = Math.round((screen_bbox.y1 - screen_offset.y) / scale) return bbox end function BBoxWidget:inPageArea(ges) local offset = self.view.state.offset local page_area = self.view.page_area local page_dimen = Geom:new{ x = offset.x, y = offset.y, h = page_area.h, w = page_area.w} return not ges.pos:notIntersectWith(page_dimen) end function BBoxWidget:adjustScreenBBox(ges, relative) if not self:inPageArea(ges) then return end local bbox = self.screen_bbox local upper_left = Geom:new{ x = bbox.x0, y = bbox.y0} local upper_right = Geom:new{ x = bbox.x1, y = bbox.y0} local bottom_left = Geom:new{ x = bbox.x0, y = bbox.y1} local bottom_right = Geom:new{ x = bbox.x1, y = bbox.y1} local upper_center = Geom:new{ x = (bbox.x0 + bbox.x1) / 2, y = bbox.y0} local bottom_center = Geom:new{ x = (bbox.x0 + bbox.x1) / 2, y = bbox.y1} local right_center = Geom:new{ x = bbox.x1, y = (bbox.y0 + bbox.y1) / 2} local left_center = Geom:new{ x = bbox.x0, y = (bbox.y0 + bbox.y1) / 2} local anchors = { upper_left, upper_center, upper_right, left_center, right_center, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, } local _, nearest = Math.tmin(anchors, function(a,b) return a:distance(ges.pos) > b:distance(ges.pos) end) if nearest == upper_left then upper_left.x = ges.pos.x upper_left.y = ges.pos.y elseif nearest == bottom_right then bottom_right.x = ges.pos.x bottom_right.y = ges.pos.y elseif nearest == upper_right then bottom_right.x = ges.pos.x upper_left.y = ges.pos.y elseif nearest == bottom_left then upper_left.x = ges.pos.x bottom_right.y = ges.pos.y elseif nearest == upper_center then if relative then local delta = 0 if ges.direction == "north" then delta = -ges.distance / self.fine_factor elseif ges.direction == "south" then delta = ges.distance / self.fine_factor end upper_left.y = upper_left.y + delta else upper_left.y = ges.pos.y end elseif nearest == right_center then if relative then local delta = 0 if ges.direction == "west" then delta = -ges.distance / self.fine_factor elseif ges.direction == "east" then delta = ges.distance / self.fine_factor end bottom_right.x = bottom_right.x + delta else bottom_right.x = ges.pos.x end elseif nearest == bottom_center then if relative then local delta = 0 if ges.direction == "north" then delta = -ges.distance / self.fine_factor elseif ges.direction == "south" then delta = ges.distance / self.fine_factor end bottom_right.y = bottom_right.y + delta else bottom_right.y = ges.pos.y end elseif nearest == left_center then if relative then local delta = 0 if ges.direction == "west" then delta = -ges.distance / self.fine_factor elseif ges.direction == "east" then delta = ges.distance / self.fine_factor end upper_left.x = upper_left.x + delta else upper_left.x = ges.pos.x end end self.screen_bbox = { x0 = Math.round(upper_left.x), y0 = Math.round(upper_left.y), x1 = Math.round(bottom_right.x), y1 = Math.round(bottom_right.y) } UIManager:setDirty("all") end function BBoxWidget:getModifiedPageBBox() return self:getPageBBox(self.screen_bbox) end function BBoxWidget:onTapAdjust(arg, ges) self:adjustScreenBBox(ges) return true end function BBoxWidget:onSwipeAdjust(arg, ges) self:adjustScreenBBox(ges, true) return true end function BBoxWidget:onHoldAdjust(arg, ges) -- FIXME: this is a dirty hack to disable hold gesture in page cropping -- since Kobo devices may append hold gestures to each swipe gesture rendering -- relative replacement impossible. See koreader/koreader#987 at Github. --self:adjustScreenBBox(ges) return true end function BBoxWidget:onConfirmAdjust(arg, ges) if self:inPageArea(ges) then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ConfirmPageCrop")) end return true end return BBoxWidget