--[[-- This module provides development-only asserts and other debug guards. Instead of a regular Lua @{assert}(), use @{dbg.dassert}() which can be toggled at runtime. dbg.dassert(important_variable ~= nil) For checking whether the input given to a function is sane, you can use @{dbg.guard}(). dbg:guard(NickelConf.frontLightLevel, "set", function(new_intensity) assert(type(new_intensity) == "number", "Wrong brightness value type (expected number)!") assert(new_intensity >= 0 and new_intensity <= 100, "Wrong brightness value given!") end) These functions don't do anything when debugging is turned off. --]]-- local logger = require("logger") local dump = require("dump") local isAndroid, android = pcall(require, "android") local Dbg = { -- set to nil so first debug:turnOff call won't be skipped is_on = nil, is_verbose = nil, ev_log = nil, } local Dbg_mt = {} local function LvDEBUG(lv, ...) local line = "" for i,v in ipairs({...}) do if type(v) == "table" then line = line .. " " .. dump(v, lv) else line = line .. " " .. tostring(v) end end if isAndroid then android.LOGV(line) else io.stdout:write(string.format("# %s %s\n", os.date("%x-%X"), line)) io.stdout:flush() end end --- Turn on debug mode. -- This should only be used in tests and at the user's request. function Dbg:turnOn() if self.is_on == true then return end self.is_on = true logger:setLevel(logger.levels.dbg) Dbg_mt.__call = function(dbg, ...) LvDEBUG(math.huge, ...) end --- Pass a guard function to detect bad input values. Dbg.guard = function(_, mod, method, pre_guard, post_guard) local old_method = mod[method] mod[method] = function(...) if pre_guard then pre_guard(...) end local values = {old_method(...)} if post_guard then post_guard(...) end return unpack(values) end end --- Use this instead of a regular Lua @{assert}(). Dbg.dassert = function(check, msg) assert(check, msg) return check end -- create or clear ev log file --- @note: On Linux, use CLOEXEC to avoid polluting the fd table of our child processes. --- Otherwise, it can be problematic w/ wpa_supplicant & USBMS... --- Note that this is entirely undocumented, but at least LuaJIT passes the mode as-is to fopen, so, we're good. local open_flags = "w" if jit.os == "Linux" then -- Oldest Kindle devices are too old to support O_CLOEXEC... if os.getenv("KINDLE_LEGACY") ~= "yes" then open_flags = "we" end end self.ev_log = io.open("ev.log", open_flags) end --- Turn off debug mode. -- This should only be used in tests and at the user's request. function Dbg:turnOff() if self.is_on == false then return end self.is_on = false logger:setLevel(logger.levels.info) function Dbg_mt.__call() end function Dbg.guard() end Dbg.dassert = function(check) return check end if self.ev_log then self.ev_log:close() self.ev_log = nil end end --- Turn on verbose mode. -- This should only be used in tests and at the user's request. function Dbg:setVerbose(verbose) self.is_verbose = verbose end --- Simple table dump. function Dbg:v(...) if self.is_verbose then LvDEBUG(math.huge, ...) end end --- Log @{ui.event|Event} to dedicated log file. function Dbg:logEv(ev) local ev_value = tostring(ev.value) local log = ev.type.."|"..ev.code.."|" ..ev_value.."|"..ev.time.sec.."|"..ev.time.usec.."\n" if self.ev_log then self.ev_log:write(log) self.ev_log:flush() end end --- Simple traceback. function Dbg:traceback() LvDEBUG(math.huge, debug.traceback()) end setmetatable(Dbg, Dbg_mt) Dbg:turnOff() return Dbg