--[[-- This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for the creoptions and koptoptions. ]] local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local optionsutil = {} function optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, option, value) return configurable[option] == value end function optionsutil.showValues(configurable, option, prefix) local default = G_reader_settings:readSetting(prefix.."_"..option.name) local current = configurable[option.name] local value_default, value_current if option.toggle and option.values then -- build a table so we can see if current/default settings map -- to a known setting with a name (in option.toggle) local arg_table = {} for i=1,#option.values do local val = option.values[i] -- flatten table to a string for easy lookup via arg_table if type(val) == "table" then val = table.concat(val, ",") end arg_table[val] = option.toggle[i] end value_current = current if type(current) == "table" then current = table.concat(current, ",") end current = arg_table[current] if not current then current = option.name_text_true_values and _("custom") or value_current end if option.show_true_value_func then value_current = option.show_true_value_func(value_current) end if default then value_default = default if type(default) == "table" then default = table.concat(default, ",") end default = arg_table[default] if not default then default = option.name_text_true_values and _("custom") or value_default end if option.show_true_value_func then value_default = option.show_true_value_func(value_default) end end elseif option.labels and option.values then if option.more_options_param and option.more_options_param.value_table then if option.more_options_param.args_table then for k,v in pairs(option.more_options_param.args_table) do if v == current then current = k break end end end current = option.more_options_param.value_table[current] if default then if option.more_options_param.args_table then for k,v in pairs(option.more_options_param.args_table) do if v == default then default = k break end end end default = option.more_options_param.value_table[default] end else if default then for i=1,#option.labels do if default == option.values[i] then default = option.labels[i] break end end end for i=1,#option.labels do if current == option.values[i] then current = option.labels[i] break end end end elseif option.show_true_value_func and option.values then current = option.show_true_value_func(current) if default then default = option.show_true_value_func(default) end end if not default then default = _("not set") end local help_text = "" if option.help_text then help_text = T("\n%1\n", option.help_text) end local text local name_text = option.name_text_func and option.name_text_func(configurable) or option.name_text if option.name_text_true_values and option.toggle and option.values then if value_default then text = T(_("%1\n%2\nCurrent value: %3 (%4)\nDefault value: %5 (%6)"), name_text, help_text, current, value_current, default, value_default) else text = T(_("%1\n%2\nCurrent value: %3 (%4)\nDefault value: %5"), name_text, help_text, current, value_current, default) end else text = T(_("%1\n%2\nCurrent value: %3\nDefault value: %4"), name_text, help_text, current, default) end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text=text }) end function optionsutil.showValuesHMargins(configurable, option) local default = G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_"..option.name) local current = configurable[option.name] if not default then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_([[ Current margins: left: %1 right: %2 Default margins: not set]]), current[1], current[2]) }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_([[ Current margins: left: %1 right: %2 Default margins: left: %3 right: %4]]), current[1], current[2], default[1], default[2]) }) end end return optionsutil