--[[ This is a registry for document providers ]]-- DocumentRegistry = { providers = { } } function DocumentRegistry:addProvider(extension, mimetype, provider) table.insert(self.providers, { extension = extension, mimetype = mimetype, provider = provider }) end function DocumentRegistry:getProvider(file) -- TODO: some implementation based on mime types? local extension = string.lower(string.match(file, ".+%.([^.]+)")) for _, provider in ipairs(self.providers) do if extension == provider.extension then return provider.provider:new{file = file} end end end --[[ This is an abstract interface to a document ]]-- Document = { -- file name file = nil, info = { -- whether the document is pageable has_pages = false, -- whether words can be provided has_words = false, -- whether hyperlinks can be provided has_hyperlinks = false, -- whether (native to format) annotations can be provided has_annotations = false, -- whether pages can be rotated is_rotatable = false, number_of_pages = 0, -- if not pageable, length of the document in pixels length = 0, -- other metadata title = "", author = "", date = "" }, -- flag to show whether the document was opened successfully is_open = false, error_message = nil, -- flag to show that the document needs to be unlocked by a password is_locked = false, } function Document:new(o) local o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self if o.init then o:init() end return o end -- this might be overridden by a document implementation function Document:unlock(password) -- return true instead when the password provided unlocked the document return false end -- this might be overridden by a document implementation function Document:close() end -- this might be overridden by a document implementation function Document:getNativePageDimensions(pageno) return Geom:new{w=0, h=0} end -- calculates page dimensions function Document:getPageDimensions(pageno, zoom, rotation) local native_dimen = Geom:copy(self:getNativePageDimensions(pageno)) if rotation == 90 or rotation == 270 then -- switch orientation native_dimen.w, native_dimen.h = native_dimen.h, native_dimen.w end native_dimen:scaleBy(zoom) debug("dimen for pageno", pageno, "zoom", zoom, "rotation", rotation, "is", native_dimen) return native_dimen end -- load implementations: require "document/pdfdocument"