--[[-- A button widget that shows text or an icon and handles callback when tapped. @usage local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local button = Button:new{ text = _("Press me!"), enabled = false, -- defaults to true callback = some_callback_function, width = Screen:scaleBySize(50), max_width = Screen:scaleBySize(100), bordersize = Screen:scaleBySize(3), margin = 0, padding = Screen:scaleBySize(2), } --]] local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local IconWidget = require("ui/widget/iconwidget") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local logger = require("logger") local Button = InputContainer:new{ text = nil, -- mandatory text_func = nil, icon = nil, icon_width = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE), -- our icons are square icon_height = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE), icon_rotation_angle = 0, preselect = false, callback = nil, enabled = true, hidden = false, allow_hold_when_disabled = false, margin = 0, bordersize = Size.border.button, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, radius = nil, padding = Size.padding.button, padding_h = nil, padding_v = nil, width = nil, max_width = nil, text_font_face = "cfont", text_font_size = 20, text_font_bold = true, vsync = nil, -- when "flash_ui" is enabled, allow bundling the highlight with the callback, and fence that batch away from the unhighlight. Avoid delays when callback requires a "partial" on Kobo Mk. 7, c.f., ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb for more details. } function Button:init() -- Prefer an optional text_func over text if self.text_func and type(self.text_func) == "function" then self.text = self.text_func() end if not self.padding_h then self.padding_h = self.padding end if not self.padding_v then self.padding_v = self.padding end if self.text then self.label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.text, max_width = self.max_width and self.max_width - 2*self.padding_h - 2*self.margin - 2*self.bordersize or nil, fgcolor = self.enabled and Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK or Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, bold = self.text_font_bold, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, self.text_font_size) } else self.label_widget = IconWidget:new{ icon = self.icon, rotation_angle = self.icon_rotation_angle, dim = not self.enabled, width = self.icon_width, height = self.icon_height, } end local widget_size = self.label_widget:getSize() if self.width == nil then self.width = widget_size.w end -- set FrameContainer content self.frame = FrameContainer:new{ margin = self.margin, bordersize = self.bordersize, background = self.background, radius = self.radius, padding_top = self.padding_v, padding_bottom = self.padding_v, padding_left = self.padding_h, padding_right = self.padding_h, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = widget_size.h }, self.label_widget, } } if self.preselect then self.frame.invert = true end self.dimen = self.frame:getSize() self[1] = self.frame if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelectButton = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Tap Button", }, HoldSelectButton = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Hold Button", }, -- Safe-guard for when used inside a MovableContainer HoldReleaseSelectButton = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = self.dimen, }, } } end end function Button:setText(text, width) if text ~= self.text then -- Don't trash the frame if we're already a text button, and we're keeping the geometry intact if self.text and width and width == self.width then self.text = text self.label_widget:setText(text) else self.text = text self.width = width self:init() end end end function Button:setIcon(icon) if icon ~= self.icon then self.icon = icon self.width = nil self:init() end end function Button:onFocus() if self.no_focus then return end self.frame.invert = true return true end function Button:onUnfocus() if self.no_focus then return end self.frame.invert = false return true end function Button:enable() if not self.enabled then if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK self.enabled = true else self.label_widget.dim = false self.enabled = true end end end function Button:disable() if self.enabled then if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY self.enabled = false else self.label_widget.dim = true self.enabled = false end end end function Button:enableDisable(enable) if enable then self:enable() else self:disable() end end function Button:hide() if self.icon and not self.hidden then self.frame.orig_background = self.frame.background self.frame.background = nil self.label_widget.hide = true self.hidden = true end end function Button:show() if self.icon and self.hidden then self.label_widget.hide = false self.frame.background = self.frame.orig_background self.hidden = false end end function Button:showHide(show) if show then self:show() else self:hide() end end function Button:onTapSelectButton() -- NOTE: We have a few tricks up our sleeve in case our parent is inside a translucent MovableContainer... local was_translucent = self.show_parent and self.show_parent.movable and self.show_parent.movable.alpha -- We make a distinction between transparency pre- and post- callback, because if a widget *was* transparent, -- but no longer is post-callback, we want to ensure that we refresh the *full* container, -- instead of just the button's frame, in order to avoid leaving bits of the widget transparent ;). local is_translucent = was_translucent if self.enabled and self.callback then if G_reader_settings:isFalse("flash_ui") then self.callback() else -- We need to keep track of whether we actually flipped the frame's invert flag ourselves, -- to handle the rounded corners shenanigan in the post-callback invert check... local inverted = false -- NOTE: self[1] -> self.frame, if you're confused about what this does vs. onFocus/onUnfocus ;). if self.text then -- We only want the button's *highlight* to have rounded corners (otherwise they're redundant, same color as the bg). -- The nil check is to discriminate the default from callers that explicitly request a specific radius. if self[1].radius == nil then self[1].radius = Size.radius.button -- And here, it's easier to just invert the bg/fg colors ourselves, -- so as to preserve the rounded corners in one step. self[1].background = self[1].background:invert() self.label_widget.fgcolor = self.label_widget.fgcolor:invert() -- We do *NOT* set the invert flag, because it just adds an invertRect step at the end of the paintTo process, -- and we've already taken care of inversion in a way that won't mangle the rounded corners. -- The "inverted" local flag allows us to fudge the "did callback invert the frame?" check for these buttons, -- otherwise setting the invert flag here breaks the highlight for vsync buttons... else self[1].invert = true inverted = true end UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) else self[1].invert = true inverted = true UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) end UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return "fast", self[1].dimen end) -- Force the repaint *now*, so we don't have to delay the callback to see the highlight... if not self.vsync then -- NOTE: Allow bundling the highlight with the callback when we request vsync, to prevent further delays UIManager:forceRePaint() -- Ensures we have a chance to see the highlight end self.callback() -- Check if the callback reset transparency... is_translucent = was_translucent and self.show_parent.movable.alpha -- We don't want to fence the callback when we're *still* translucent, because we want a *single* refresh post-callback *and* post-unhighlight, -- in order to avoid flickering. if not is_translucent then UIManager:forceRePaint() -- Ensures whatever the callback wanted to paint will be shown *now*... end if self.vsync then -- NOTE: This is mainly useful when the callback caused a REAGL update that we do not explicitly fence already, -- (i.e., Kobo Mk. 7). UIManager:waitForVSync() -- ...and that the EPDC will not wait to coalesce it with the *next* update, -- because that would have a chance to noticeably delay it until the unhighlight. end if not self[1] or (inverted and not self[1].invert) or not self[1].dimen then -- If the frame widget no longer exists (destroyed, re-init'ed by setText(), or is no longer inverted: we have nothing to invert back -- NOTE: This cannot catch orphaned Button instances, c.f., the isSubwidgetShown(self) check below for that. return true end -- Reset colors early, regardless of what we do later, to avoid code duplication self[1].invert = false if self.text then if self[1].radius == Size.radius.button then self[1].radius = nil self[1].background = self[1].background:invert() self.label_widget.fgcolor = self.label_widget.fgcolor:invert() end end -- If the callback closed our parent (which may not always be the top-level widget, or even *a* window-level widget), we're done local top_widget = UIManager:getTopWidget() if top_widget == self.show_parent or UIManager:isSubwidgetShown(self.show_parent) then -- If the button can no longer be found inside a shown widget, abort early -- (this allows us to catch widgets that instanciate *new* Buttons on every update... (e.g., some ButtonTable users) :() if not UIManager:isSubwidgetShown(self) then return true end -- If our parent is no longer the toplevel widget, toplevel is now a true modal, and our highlight would clash with that modal's region, -- we have no other choice than repainting the full stack... -- This branch will mainly be taken by stuff that pops up the virtual keyboard (e.g., TextEditor), where said keyboard will always be top-level, -- hence the exception, because we want to catch modals *over* all that ;). if top_widget ~= self.show_parent and top_widget ~= "VirtualKeyboard" and top_widget.modal and self[1].dimen:intersectWith(UIManager:getPreviousRefreshRegion()) then -- Much like in TouchMenu, the fact that the two intersect means we have no choice but to repaint the full stack to avoid half-painted widgets... UIManager:waitForVSync() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self[1].dimen end) -- It's a sane exit, handle the return the same way. if self.readonly ~= true then return true end end if self.text then UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) else UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) end -- If the button was disabled, switch to UI to make sure the gray comes through unharmed ;). UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return self.enabled and "fast" or "ui", self[1].dimen end) --UIManager:forceRePaint() -- Ensures the unhighlight happens now, instead of potentially waiting and having it batched with something else. else -- Callback closed our parent, we're done return true end end elseif self.tap_input then self:onInput(self.tap_input) elseif type(self.tap_input_func) == "function" then self:onInput(self.tap_input_func()) end -- If our parent belongs to a translucent MovableContainer, repaint all the things to honor alpha without layering glitches, -- and refresh the full container, because the widget might have inhibited its own setDirty call to avoid flickering (c.f., *SpinWidget). if was_translucent then -- If the callback reset the transparency, we only need to repaint our parent UIManager:setDirty(is_translucent and "all" or self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self.show_parent.movable.dimen end) end if self.readonly ~= true then return true end end -- Allow repainting and refreshing *a* specific Button, instead of the full screen/parent stack function Button:refresh() -- We can only be called on a Button that's already been painted once, which allows us to know where we're positioned, -- thanks to the frame's geometry. -- e.g., right after a setText or setIcon is a no-go, as those kill the frame. -- (Although, setText, if called with the current width, will conserve the frame). if not self[1].dimen then logger.dbg("Button:", self, "attempted a repaint in an unpainted frame!") return end UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self.dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return self.enabled and "fast" or "ui", self[1].dimen end) end function Button:onHoldSelectButton() if self.hold_callback and (self.enabled or self.allow_hold_when_disabled) then self.hold_callback() elseif self.hold_input then self:onInput(self.hold_input, true) elseif type(self.hold_input_func) == "function" then self:onInput(self.hold_input_func(), true) end if self.readonly ~= true then return true end end function Button:onHoldReleaseSelectButton() -- Safe-guard for when used inside a MovableContainer, -- which would handle HoldRelease and process it like -- a Hold if we wouldn't return true here if self.hold_callback and (self.enabled or self.allow_hold_when_disabled) then return true elseif self.hold_input or type(self.hold_input_func) == "function" then return true end return false end return Button