local Event = require("ui/event") local Generic = require("device/generic/device") local logger = require("logger") local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end -- xdg-open is used on most linux systems local function hasXdgOpen() local std_out = io.popen("xdg-open --version 2>/dev/null") local version = nil if std_out ~= nil then version = std_out:read() std_out:close() end return version ~= nil end -- open is the macOS counterpart local function hasMacOpen() local std_out = io.popen("open") local all = nil if std_out ~= nil then all = std_out:read() std_out:close() end return all ~= nil end -- get the name of the binary used to open links local function getLinkOpener() local enabled = false local tool = nil if jit.os == "Linux" and hasXdgOpen() then enabled = true tool = "xdg-open" elseif jit.os == "OSX" and hasMacOpen() then enabled = true tool = "open" end return enabled, tool end -- differentiate between urls and commands local function isUrl(s) if type(s) == "string" and s:match("*?://") then return true end return false end local EXTERNAL_DICTS_AVAILABILITY_CHECKED = false local EXTERNAL_DICTS = require("device/sdl/dictionaries") local external_dict_when_back_callback = nil local function getExternalDicts() if not EXTERNAL_DICTS_AVAILABILITY_CHECKED then EXTERNAL_DICTS_AVAILABILITY_CHECKED = true for i, v in ipairs(EXTERNAL_DICTS) do local tool = v[4] if not tool then return end if isUrl(tool) and getLinkOpener() or os.execute("which "..tool .. " >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 then v[3] = true end end end return EXTERNAL_DICTS end local Device = Generic:new{ model = "SDL", isSDL = yes, hasKeyboard = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = yes, hasWifiToggle = no, isTouchDevice = yes, needsScreenRefreshAfterResume = no, hasColorScreen = yes, hasEinkScreen = no, canSuspend = no, canOpenLink = getLinkOpener, openLink = function(self, link) local enabled, tool = getLinkOpener() if not enabled or not tool or not link or type(link) ~= "string" then return end return os.execute('env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH '..tool.." '"..link.."'") == 0 end, canExternalDictLookup = yes, getExternalDictLookupList = getExternalDicts, doExternalDictLookup = function(self, text, method, callback) external_dict_when_back_callback = callback local tool, ok = nil for i, v in ipairs(getExternalDicts()) do if v[1] == method then tool = v[4] break end end if isUrl(tool) and getLinkOpener() then ok = self:openLink(tool..text) else ok = os.execute('env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH '..tool.." "..text.." &") == 0 end if ok and external_dict_when_back_callback then external_dict_when_back_callback() external_dict_when_back_callback = nil end end, } local AppImage = Device:new{ model = "AppImage", hasMultitouch = no, hasOTAUpdates = yes, isDesktop = yes, home_dir = os.getenv("HOME"), } local Emulator = Device:new{ model = "Emulator", isEmulator = yes, hasEinkScreen = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, hasWifiToggle = yes, hasWifiManager = yes, canPowerOff = yes, canReboot = yes, canSuspend = yes, } local Linux = Device:new{ model = "Linux", isDesktop = yes, home_dir = os.getenv("HOME"), } local UbuntuTouch = Device:new{ model = "UbuntuTouch", hasFrontlight = yes, } function Device:init() local emulator = self.isEmulator -- allows to set a viewport via environment variable -- syntax is Lua table syntax, e.g. EMULATE_READER_VIEWPORT="{x=10,w=550,y=5,h=790}" local viewport = os.getenv("EMULATE_READER_VIEWPORT") if emulator and viewport then self.viewport = require("ui/geometry"):new(loadstring("return " .. viewport)()) end local touchless = os.getenv("DISABLE_TOUCH") == "1" if emulator and touchless then self.isTouchDevice = no end local portrait = os.getenv("EMULATE_READER_FORCE_PORTRAIT") if emulator and portrait then self.isAlwaysPortrait = yes end self.hasClipboard = yes self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_SDL2_0"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} local ok, re = pcall(self.screen.setWindowIcon, self.screen, "resources/koreader.png") if not ok then logger.warn(re) end local input = require("ffi/input") self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/sdl/event_map_sdl2"), handleSdlEv = function(device_input, ev) local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") -- SDL events can remain cdata but are almost completely transparent local SDL_MOUSEWHEEL = 1027 local SDL_MULTIGESTURE = 2050 local SDL_DROPFILE = 4096 local SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED = 5 if ev.code == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL then local scrolled_x = ev.value.x local scrolled_y = ev.value.y local up = 1 local down = -1 local pos = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0, } local timev = TimeVal:new(ev.time) local fake_ges = { ges = "pan", distance = 200, distance_delayed = 200, relative = { x = 50*scrolled_x, y = 100*scrolled_y, }, relative_delayed = { x = 50*scrolled_x, y = 100*scrolled_y, }, pos = pos, time = timev, mousewheel_direction = scrolled_y, } local fake_ges_release = { ges = "pan_release", distance = fake_ges.distance, distance_delayed = fake_ges.distance_delayed, relative = fake_ges.relative, relative_delayed = fake_ges.relative_delayed, pos = pos, time = timev, } local fake_pan_ev = Event:new("Pan", nil, fake_ges) local fake_release_ev = Event:new("Gesture", fake_ges_release) if scrolled_y == down then fake_ges.direction = "north" UIManager:broadcastEvent(fake_pan_ev) UIManager:broadcastEvent(fake_release_ev) elseif scrolled_y == up then fake_ges.direction = "south" UIManager:broadcastEvent(fake_pan_ev) UIManager:broadcastEvent(fake_release_ev) end elseif ev.code == SDL_MULTIGESTURE then -- no-op for now do end -- luacheck: ignore 541 elseif ev.code == SDL_DROPFILE then local dropped_file_path = ev.value if dropped_file_path and dropped_file_path ~= "" then local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:doShowReader(dropped_file_path) end elseif ev.code == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED then device_input.device.screen.screen_size.w = ev.value.data1 device_input.device.screen.screen_size.h = ev.value.data2 device_input.device.screen.resize(device_input.device.screen, ev.value.data1, ev.value.data2) local new_size = device_input.device.screen:getSize() logger.dbg("Resizing screen to", new_size) -- try to catch as many flies as we can -- this means we can't just return one ScreenResize or SetDimensons event UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", new_size)) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("ScreenResize", new_size)) --- @todo Toggle this elsewhere based on ScreenResize? -- this triggers paged media like PDF and DjVu to redraw -- CreDocument doesn't need it UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("RedrawCurrentPage")) end end, hasClipboardText = function() return input.hasClipboardText() end, getClipboardText = function() return input.getClipboardText() end, setClipboardText = function(text) return input.setClipboardText(text) end, gameControllerRumble = function(left_intensity, right_intensity, duration) return input.gameControllerRumble(left_intensity, right_intensity, duration) end, file_chooser = input.file_chooser, } self.keyboard_layout = require("device/sdl/keyboard_layout") if self.input.gameControllerRumble(0, 0, 0) then self.isHapticFeedbackEnabled = yes self.performHapticFeedback = function(type) self.input.gameControllerRumble() end end if emulator and portrait then self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(self.input.adjustTouchSwitchXY) self.input:registerEventAdjustHook( self.input.adjustTouchMirrorX, self.screen:getScreenWidth() ) end Generic.init(self) end function Device:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) if hour == nil or min == nil then return true end local command if year and month and day then command = string.format("date -s '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d'", year, month, day, hour, min, sec) else command = string.format("date -s '%d:%d'",hour, min) end if os.execute(command) == 0 then os.execute('hwclock -u -w') return true else return false end end function Device:simulateSuspend() local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Suspend") }) end function Device:simulateResume() local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Resume") }) end -------------- device probe ------------ if os.getenv("APPIMAGE") then return AppImage elseif os.getenv("KO_MULTIUSER") then return Linux elseif os.getenv("UBUNTU_APPLICATION_ISOLATION") then return UbuntuTouch else return Emulator end