local A = require("android") A.dl.library_path = A.dl.library_path .. ":" .. A.dir .. "/libs" A.log_name = 'KOReader' local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C ffi.cdef[[ char *getenv(const char *name); int putenv(const char *envvar); ]] -- check uri of the intent that starts this application local file = A.getIntent() if file ~= nil then A.LOGI("intent file path " .. file) end -- (Disabled, since we hide navbar on start now no need for this hack) -- run koreader patch before koreader startup pcall(dofile, "/sdcard/koreader/patch.lua") -- set proper permission for sdcv A.execute("chmod", "755", "./sdcv") A.execute("chmod", "755", "./tar") A.execute("chmod", "755", "./zsync") -- set TESSDATA_PREFIX env var C.putenv("TESSDATA_PREFIX=/sdcard/koreader/data") -- create fake command-line arguments arg = {"-d", file or "/sdcard"} dofile(A.dir.."/reader.lua")