--[[-- A layout widget that puts objects besides each other. --]] local BD = require("ui/bidi") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local util = require("util") local HorizontalGroup = WidgetContainer:new{ align = "center", allow_mirroring = true, _mirroredUI = BD.mirroredUILayout(), _size = nil, } function HorizontalGroup:getSize() if not self._size then self._size = { w = 0, h = 0 } self._offsets = { } if self._mirroredUI and self.allow_mirroring then util.arrayReverse(self) end for i, widget in ipairs(self) do local w_size = widget:getSize() self._offsets[i] = { x = self._size.w, y = w_size.h } self._size.w = self._size.w + w_size.w if w_size.h > self._size.h then self._size.h = w_size.h end end if self._mirroredUI and self.allow_mirroring then util.arrayReverse(self) end end return self._size end function HorizontalGroup:paintTo(bb, x, y) local size = self:getSize() if self._mirroredUI and self.allow_mirroring then util.arrayReverse(self) end for i, widget in ipairs(self) do if self.align == "center" then widget:paintTo(bb, x + self._offsets[i].x, y + math.floor((size.h - self._offsets[i].y) / 2)) elseif self.align == "top" then widget:paintTo(bb, x + self._offsets[i].x, y) elseif self.align == "bottom" then widget:paintTo(bb, x + self._offsets[i].x, y + size.h - self._offsets[i].y) else io.stderr:write("[!] invalid alignment for HorizontalGroup: ", self.align) end end if self._mirroredUI and self.allow_mirroring then util.arrayReverse(self) end end function HorizontalGroup:clear() self:free() WidgetContainer.clear(self) end function HorizontalGroup:resetLayout() self._size = nil self._offsets = {} end function HorizontalGroup:free() self:resetLayout() WidgetContainer.free(self) end return HorizontalGroup