--[[-- HookContainer allows listeners to register and unregister a hook for speakers to execute. It's an experimental feature: use with cautions, it can easily pin an object in memory and unblock GC from recycling the memory. ]] local HookContainer = {} function HookContainer:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function HookContainer:_assertIsValidName(name) assert(self ~= nil) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(string.len(name) > 0) end function HookContainer:_assertIsValidFunction(func) assert(self ~= nil) assert(type(func) == "function" or type(func) == "table") end function HookContainer:_assertIsValidFunctionOrNil(func) assert(self ~= nil) if func == nil then return end self:_assertIsValidFunction(func) end --- Register a function to name. Must be called with self. -- @tparam string name The name of the hook. Can only be an non-empty string. -- @tparam function func The function to handle the hook. Can only be a function. function HookContainer:register(name, func) self:_assertIsValidName(name) self:_assertIsValidFunction(func) if self[name] == nil then self[name] = {} end table.insert(self[name], func) end --- Register a widget to name. Must be called with self. -- @tparam string name The name of the hook. Can only be an non-empty string. -- @tparam table widget The widget to handle the hook. Can only be a table with required functions. function HookContainer:registerWidget(name, widget) self:_assertIsValidName(name) assert(type(widget) == "table") self:register(name, function(args) local f = widget["on" .. name] self:_assertIsValidFunction(f) f(widget, args) end) local original_close_widget = widget.onCloseWidget self:_assertIsValidFunctionOrNil(original_close_widget) widget.onCloseWidget = function() if original_close_widget then original_close_widget(widget) end self:unregister(name, widget["on" .. name]) end end --- Unregister a function from name. Must be called with self. -- @tparam string name The name of the hook. Can only be an non-empty string. -- @tparam function func The function to handle the hook. Can only be a function. -- @treturn boolean Return true if the function is found and removed, otherwise false. function HookContainer:unregister(name, func) self:_assertIsValidName(name) self:_assertIsValidFunction(func) if self[name] == nil then return false end for i, f in ipairs(self[name]) do if f == func then table.remove(self[name], i) return true end end return false end --- Execute all registered functions of name. Must be called with self. -- @tparam string name The name of the hook. Can only be an non-empty string. -- @param args Any kind of arguments sending to the functions. -- @treturn number The number of functions have been executed. function HookContainer:execute(name, args) self:_assertIsValidName(name) if self[name] == nil or #self[name] == 0 then return 0 end for _, f in ipairs(self[name]) do f(args) end return #self[name] end return HookContainer