local bitser = require("ffi/bitser") local buffer = require("string.buffer") local dump = require("dump") local ffi = require("ffi") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local serpent = require("ffi/serpent") local zstd = require("ffi/zstd") local C = ffi.C local function readFile(file, bytes) local f, str, err f, err = io.open(file, "rb") if not f then return nil, err end str, err = f:read(bytes or "*a") f:close() if not str then return nil, err end return str end local codecs = { -- bitser: binary format, fast encode/decode, low size. Not human readable. bitser = { id = "bitser", reads_from_file = false, writes_to_file = false, serialize = function(t) local ok, str = pcall(bitser.dumps, t) if not ok then return nil, "cannot serialize " .. tostring(t) .. " (" .. str .. ")" end return str end, deserialize = function(str) local ok, t = pcall(bitser.loads, str) if not ok then return nil, "malformed serialized data: " .. t end return t end, }, -- luajit: binary format, optimized for speed, not size (combine w/ zstd if necessary). Not human readable. -- Slightly larger on-disk representation than bitser, *much* faster to decode, slightly faster to encode. luajit = { id = "luajit", reads_from_file = false, writes_to_file = false, serialize = function(t) local ok, str = pcall(buffer.encode, t) if not ok then return nil, "cannot serialize " .. tostring(t) .. " (" .. str .. ")" end return str end, deserialize = function(str) local ok, t = pcall(buffer.decode, str) if not ok then return nil, "malformed serialized data (" .. t .. ")" end return t end, }, -- zstd: luajit, but compressed w/ zstd ;). Much smaller, at a very small performance cost (decompressing is *fast*). zstd = { id = "zstd", reads_from_file = true, writes_to_file = true, serialize = function(t, as_bytecode, path) local ok, str = pcall(buffer.encode, t) if not ok then return nil, "cannot serialize " .. tostring(t) .. " (" .. str .. ")" end local cbuff, clen = zstd.zstd_compress(str, #str) local f = C.fopen(path, "wb") if f == nil then return nil, "fopen: " .. ffi.string(C.strerror(ffi.errno())) end if C.fwrite(cbuff, 1, clen, f) < clen then C.fclose(f) C.free(cbuff) return nil, "failed to write file" end C.fclose(f) C.free(cbuff) --- @note: Slight API extension for TileCacheItem, which needs to know the on-disk size, and saves us a :size() call return true, clen end, deserialize = function(path) local f = C.fopen(path, "rb") if f == nil then return nil, "fopen: " .. ffi.string(C.strerror(ffi.errno())) end local size = lfs.attributes(path, "size") -- NOTE: In a perfect world, we'd just mmap the file. -- But that's problematic on a portability level: while mmap is POSIX, implementations differ, -- and some old platforms don't support mmap-on-vfat (Legacy Kindle) :'(. local data = C.malloc(size) if data == nil then C.fclose(f) return nil, "failed to allocate read buffer" end if C.fread(data, 1, size, f) < size or C.ferror(f) ~= 0 then C.free(data) C.fclose(f) return nil, "failed to read file" end C.fclose(f) local buff, ulen = zstd.zstd_uncompress(data, size) C.free(data) local str = ffi.string(buff, ulen) C.free(buff) local ok, t = pcall(buffer.decode, str) if not ok then return nil, "malformed serialized data (" .. t .. ")" end return t end, }, -- dump: human readable, pretty printed, fast enough for most use cases. dump = { id = "dump", reads_from_file = true, writes_to_file = false, serialize = function(t, as_bytecode) local content if as_bytecode then local bytecode, err = load("return " .. dump(t)) if not bytecode then logger.warn("cannot convert table to bytecode", err, "fallback to text") else content = string.dump(bytecode, true) end end if not content then content = "return " .. dump(t) end return content end, deserialize = function(str) local t, err = loadfile(str) if not t then t, err = loadstring(str) end if not t then return nil, err end return t() end, }, -- serpent: human readable (-ish), more thorough than dump (in particular, supports serializing functions) -- NOTE: if you want pretty printing, pass { sortkeys = true, compact = false, indent = " " } to serpent's second arg. serpent = { id = "serpent", reads_from_file = false, writes_to_file = false, serialize = function(t) local ok, str = serpent.dump(t) if not ok then return nil, "cannot serialize " .. tostring(t) .. " (" .. str .. ")" end return str end, deserialize = function(str) local ok, t = serpent.load(str) if not ok then return nil, "malformed serialized data (" .. t .. ")" end return t end, } } local Persist = {} function Persist:new(o) o = o or {} assert(type(o.path) == "string", "path is required") o.codec = o.codec or "serpent" setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Persist:exists() local mode = lfs.attributes(self.path, "mode") if mode then return mode == "file" end end function Persist:timestamp() return lfs.attributes(self.path, "modification") end function Persist:size() return lfs.attributes(self.path, "size") end function Persist:load() local t, err if codecs[self.codec].reads_from_file then t, err = codecs[self.codec].deserialize(self.path) else local str str, err = readFile(self.path) if not str then return nil, err end t, err = codecs[self.codec].deserialize(str) end if not t then return nil, err end return t end function Persist:save(t, as_bytecode) if codecs[self.codec].writes_to_file then local ok, err = codecs[self.codec].serialize(t, as_bytecode, self.path) if not ok then return nil, err end -- c.f., note above, err is the on-disk size return true, err else local str, err = codecs[self.codec].serialize(t, as_bytecode) if not str then return nil, err end local file file, err = io.open(self.path, "wb") if not file then return nil, err end file:write(str) file:close() end return true end function Persist:delete() if not self:exists() then return end return os.remove(self.path) end function Persist.getCodec(name) for key, codec in pairs(codecs) do if key == name then return codec end end return codecs["serpent"] end return Persist