#!/bin/bash CURDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" function assert_ret_zero() { if [ "$1" -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then echo "$2" fi exit 1 fi } function check_submodules() { if git submodule status | grep -qE '^\-'; then kodev-fetch-thirdparty fi } # Takes two arguments: # $1 arguments to pass to pgrep # $2 process name to pgrep for function gnuplot_wrapper() { # inspired by https://gist.github.com/nicolasazrak/32d68ed6c845a095f75f037ecc2f0436 trap capture_ctrl_c INT TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp --directory /tmp/tmp.koreaderXXX) LOG="$TEMP_DIR/memory.log" SCRIPT_PNG="$TEMP_DIR/script_png.p" SCRIPT_SHOW="$TEMP_DIR/script_show.p" IMAGE_PNG="$TEMP_DIR/graph.png" echo "Memory plot output to $TEMP_DIR" cat >"$SCRIPT_PNG" <"$SCRIPT_SHOW" <"${LOG}" while true; do # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ps -p "$(pgrep --delimiter ' ' $1 "$2")" -o pid=,vsz=,rss= >>"${LOG}" sleep 1 done & LOOP_PID=$! gnuplot "$SCRIPT_SHOW" & GNUPLOT_PID=$! } function setup_env() { files=$(ls -d ./koreader-emulator-*/koreader) assert_ret_zero $? "Emulator not found, please build it first." export EMU_DIR=${files[0]} } function kodev-fetch-thirdparty() { make fetchthirdparty } SUPPORTED_TARGETS=" kindle For kindle with touch support kindle5 For kindle models >= kindle5 < paper white 2 kindlepw2 For kindle models >= paper white 2 kindle-legacy For kindle2/3/4/DXG kobo android pocketbook ubuntu-touch emu (*default) If no TARGET is given, assume emulator win32 " function kodev-build() { BUILD_HELP_MSG=" usage: build OPTIONS: -v, --verbose Build in verbose mode. TARGET: ${SUPPORTED_TARGETS}" while [[ $1 == '-'* ]]; do PARAM=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $1}') VALUE=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $2}') case $PARAM in -v | --verbose) export VERBOSE=1 ;; -h | --help) echo "${BUILD_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$PARAM\"" echo "${BUILD_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac shift 1 done check_submodules case $1 in kindle) make TARGET=kindle assert_ret_zero $? ;; kindle5) make TARGET=kindle5 assert_ret_zero $? ;; kindlepw2) make TARGET=kindlepw2 assert_ret_zero $? ;; kobo) make TARGET=kobo assert_ret_zero $? ;; kindle-legacy) make TARGET=kindle-legacy assert_ret_zero $? ;; android) if [ -z "${NDK+x}" ]; then if [ -n "${ANDROID_NDK+x}" ]; then # some distributions use `ANDROID_NDK` instead, fall back to it export NDK="${ANDROID_NDK}" else export NDK="${CURDIR}/base/toolchain/android-ndk-r15c" fi fi [ -e "${CURDIR}/base/toolchain/android-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc" ] || { { [ -e "${NDK}" ] || make -C "${CURDIR}/base/toolchain" android-ndk; } make android-toolchain assert_ret_zero $? } echo "Using NDK: ${NDK}..." make TARGET=android assert_ret_zero $? ;; pocketbook) if [ ! -d "${CURDIR}/base/toolchain/pocketbook-toolchain" ]; then make pocketbook-toolchain assert_ret_zero $? fi make TARGET=pocketbook assert_ret_zero $? ;; ubuntu-touch) make TARGET=ubuntu-touch assert_ret_zero $? ;; win32) make TARGET=win32 assert_ret_zero $? ;; *) make assert_ret_zero $? "Failed to build emulator! Try run with -v for more information." setup_env ;; esac } function kodev-clean() { CLEAN_HELP_MSG=" usage: clean TARGET: ${SUPPORTED_TARGETS}" case $1 in -h | --help) echo "${CLEAN_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; kindle) make TARGET=kindle clean ;; kindle5) make TARGET=kindle5 clean ;; kindlepw2) make TARGET=kindlepw2 clean ;; kobo) make TARGET=kobo clean ;; kindle-legacy) make TARGET=kindle-legacy clean ;; android) make TARGET=android clean rm -f ./*.apk ;; pocketbook) make TARGET=pocketbook clean ;; ubuntu-touch) make TARGET=ubuntu-touch clean ;; win32) make TARGET=win32 clean ;; *) make clean ;; esac } function kodev-release() { # SUPPORTED_RELEASE_TARGETS=$(echo ${SUPPORTED_TARGETS} | sed 's/win32//') SUPPORTED_RELEASE_TARGETS="${SUPPORTED_TARGETS/emu*/""}" RELEASE_HELP_MSG=" usage: release OPTIONS: --ignore-translation do not fetch translation for release TARGET: ${SUPPORTED_RELEASE_TARGETS}" [ $# -lt 1 ] && { echo "${RELEASE_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 } ignore_translation=0 while [[ $1 == '-'* ]]; do PARAM=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $1}') VALUE=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $2}') case $PARAM in --ignore-translation) ignore_translation=1 ;; -v | --verbose) export VERBOSE=1 ;; -h | --help) echo "${RELEASE_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$PARAM\"" echo "${RELEASE_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac shift 1 done if [ "${ignore_translation}" -eq 0 ]; then if which tx>/dev/null; then make po || { echo "ERROR: failed to fetch translation." echo "Tip: Use --ignore-translation OPTION if you want to build a release without translation." exit 1 } else echo "WARN: Transifex client not found, no translation pulled." fi fi case $1 in kindle) kodev-build kindle make TARGET=kindle update ;; kindle5) kodev-build kindle5 make TARGET=kindle5 update ;; kindlepw2) kodev-build kindlepw2 make TARGET=kindlepw2 update ;; kobo) kodev-build kobo make TARGET=kobo update ;; kindle-legacy) kodev-build kindle-legacy make TARGET=kindle-legacy update ;; android) kodev-build android export PATH=$PATH:${CURDIR}/base/toolchain/android-sdk-linux/tools which android &>/dev/null || { make -C "${CURDIR}/base/toolchain" android-sdk } ANDROID_HOME=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(which android)")") export ANDROID_HOME export PATH=$PATH:${NDK} make TARGET=android update ;; pocketbook) kodev-build pocketbook make TARGET=pocketbook update ;; ubuntu-touch) kodev-build pocketbook make TARGET=ubuntu-touch update ;; *) echo "Unsupported target for release: $1." echo "${RELEASE_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac } function kodev-wbuilder() { kodev-build echo "[*] Running wbuilder.lua..." pushd "${EMU_DIR}" && { EMULATE_READER_W=540 EMULATE_READER_H=720 ./luajit ./tools/wbuilder.lua } && popd || exit } function kodev-run() { RUN_HELP_MSG=" usage: run OPTIONS: -h=X, --screen-height=X set height of the emulator screen (default: 720) -w=X, --screen-width=X set width of the emulator screen (default: 540) -d=X, --screen-dpi=X set DPI of the emulator screen (default: 160) --no-build run reader without rebuilding --disable-touch use this if you want to simulate keyboard only devices -s=FOO --simulate=FOO simulate dimension and other specs for a given device model supported model: kobo-aura-one, kindle3, hidpi --graph graph memory use (requires gnuplot) " screen_width=540 screen_height=720 while [[ $1 == '-'* ]]; do PARAM=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $1}') VALUE=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $2}') case $PARAM in --disable-touch) export DISABLE_TOUCH=1 ;; --no-build) no_build=true ;; --graph) graph_memory=true ;; -w | --screen-width) screen_width=${VALUE} ;; -h | --screen-height) # simple numeric check due to overlap between -h for help and height if [ ! -z "${VALUE##*[!0-9]*}" ]; then screen_height=${VALUE} else echo "${RUN_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 fi ;; -d | --screen-dpi) screen_dpi=${VALUE} ;; -s | --simulate) device_model=${VALUE} case ${device_model} in kindle3) screen_width=600 screen_height=800 ;; kobo-aura-one) screen_width=1404 screen_height=1872 screen_dpi=300 ;; hidpi) screen_width=1500 screen_height=2000 screen_dpi=600 ;; *) echo "ERROR: spec unknown for ${device_model}." ;; esac ;; --help) echo "${RUN_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$PARAM\"" echo "${RUN_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ ! ${no_build} ]; then echo "[*] Building KOReader..." kodev-build else setup_env fi if [ ! -d "${EMU_DIR}" ]; then echo "Failed to find emulator directory! Please try build command first." exit 1 fi if [ ${graph_memory} ]; then gnuplot_wrapper "--parent $$" "reader.lua" fi # run with catchsegv by default when it is available # see https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/2878#issuecomment-326796777 if command -v catchsegv >/dev/null; then CATCHSEGV=$(which catchsegv) fi echo "[*] Running KOReader with arguments: $*..." pushd "${EMU_DIR}" && { if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then args=${CURDIR}/test else args="$*" [[ $args != /* ]] && args="${CURDIR}/${args}" fi RETURN_VALUE=85 while [ $RETURN_VALUE -eq 85 ]; do EMULATE_READER_W=${screen_width} EMULATE_READER_H=${screen_height} EMULATE_READER_DPI=${screen_dpi} \ $CATCHSEGV ./reader.lua -d "$args" RETURN_VALUE=$? done } && popd || exit if [ ${graph_memory} ]; then capture_ctrl_c fi } function kodev-test() { TEST_HELP_MSG=" usage: test [front|base] TEST_NAME is optional. If no TEST_NAME is given, all tests will be run. OPTIONS: --tags=TAGS only run tests with given tags " while [[ $1 == '-'* ]]; do PARAM=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $1}') VALUE=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $2}') case $PARAM in --graph) graph_memory=true ;; --tags) opts="--tags=${VALUE}" ;; -h | --help) echo "${TEST_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$PARAM\"" echo "${TEST_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac shift done [ $# -lt 1 ] && { echo "${TEST_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 } [[ $1 != "front" && $1 != "base" ]] && { echo "Invalid test suite: $1!" echo "${TEST_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 } check_submodules && make setup_env make "${EMU_DIR}/.busted" pushd "${EMU_DIR}" && { test_path="./spec/$1/unit" rm -rf "${test_path}"/data/*.sdr if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then test_path="${test_path}/$2" fi echo "Running tests in" "${test_path}" busted --lua="./luajit" "${opts}" \ --no-auto-insulate \ --lazy \ -o "./spec/$1/unit/verbose_print" \ --exclude-tags=notest "${test_path}" } && popd || exit } function kodev-cov() { COV_HELP_MSG=" usage: cov OPTIONS: --show-previous show coverage stats from previous run --full show full coverage report (down to each line) " show_full=0 show_previous=0 while [[ $1 == '-'* ]]; do PARAM=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $1}') VALUE=$(echo "$1" | awk -F= '{print $2}') case $PARAM in --full) show_full=1 ;; --show-previous) show_previous=1 ;; -h | --help) echo "${COV_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$PARAM\"" echo "${COV_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac shift done check_submodules && make setup_env make "${EMU_DIR}/.busted" pushd "${EMU_DIR}" && { target=front test_path="./spec/${target}/unit" if [ ${show_previous} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Running tests in" ${test_path} busted --lua="./luajit" \ --sort-files \ --no-auto-insulate \ --lazy \ -o "./spec/${target}/unit/verbose_print" \ --coverage \ --exclude-tags=nocov "${test_path}" || { echo "Failed to run tests!" && exit 1 } fi if [ ${show_full} -eq 1 ]; then cat luacov.report.out else LUACOV_REPORT_SUMMARY=$(grep -nm1 -e '^Summary$' luacov.report.out | cut -d: -f1) tail -n \ +$((LUACOV_REPORT_SUMMARY - 1)) \ luacov.report.out fi } && popd || exit } function kodev-log() { LOG_HELP_MSG=" usage: log TARGET: android " [ $# -lt 1 ] && { echo "${LOG_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 } case $1 in -h | --help) echo "${LOG_HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; android) adb logcat 'luajit-launcher:D KOReader:D *:S' ;; *) echo "Unsupported target: $1." echo "${LOG_HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac } HELP_MSG=" usage: $0 COMMAND Supported commands: activate Bootstrap shell environment for kodev build Build KOReader clean Clean KOReader build fetch-thirdparty Fetch thirdparty dependencies for build log Tail log stream for a running KOReader app release Build KOReader release package run Run KOReader test Run tests wbuilder Run wbuilder.lua script (useful for building new UI widget) " [ $# -lt 1 ] && { echo "Missing command." echo "${HELP_MSG}" exit 1 } case $1 in activate) echo "adding ${CURDIR} to \$PATH..." export PATH="${PATH}:${CURDIR}" eval "$(luarocks path --bin)" exec "${SHELL}" ;; fetch-thirdparty) kodev-fetch-thirdparty ;; clean) shift 1 kodev-clean "$@" ;; build) shift 1 kodev-build "$@" ;; release) shift 1 kodev-release "$@" ;; wbuilder) kodev-wbuilder ;; run) shift 1 kodev-run "$@" ;; test) shift 1 kodev-test "$@" ;; cov) shift 1 kodev-cov "$@" ;; prompt) kodev-build pushd "${EMU_DIR}" && { ./luajit -i setupkoenv.lua } && popd || exit ;; log) shift 1 kodev-log "$@" ;; --help | -h) echo "${HELP_MSG}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown command: $1." echo "${HELP_MSG}" exit 1 ;; esac