local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local InputText = require("ui/widget/inputtext") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local NaturalLightWidget = WidgetContainer:extend{ is_always_active = true, width = nil, height = nil, textbox_width = 0.1, button_width = 0.07, text_width = 0.3, white_gain = nil, white_offset = nil, red_gain = nil, red_offset = nil, green_gain = nil, green_offset = nil, exponent = nil, fl_widget = nil, old_values = nil } function NaturalLightWidget:init() self.medium_font_face = Font:getFace("ffont") self.nl_bar = {} self.screen_width = Screen:getWidth() self.screen_height = Screen:getHeight() self.span = math.ceil(self.screen_height * 0.01) self.width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.95) self.button_width = 0.08 * self.width self.textbox_width = 0.1 * self.width self.text_width = 0.2 * self.width self.powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() self:update() end function NaturalLightWidget:applyValues() self.powerd.fl.white_gain = self.white_gain[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl.white_offset = self.white_offset[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl.red_gain = self.red_gain[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl.red_offset = self.red_offset[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl.green_gain = self.green_gain[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl.green_offset = self.green_offset[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl.exponent = self.exponent[2]:getText() self.powerd.fl:setNaturalBrightness() end -- Create an InputText with '-' and '+' button next to it. Tapping -- those buttons will de/increase by 'step', and 'step/10' on hold. function NaturalLightWidget:adaptableNumber(initial, step) local minus_number_plus = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local input_text = InputText:new{ parent = self, text = initial, input_type = "number", hint = "", width = self.textbox_width, enter_callback = function() self:closeKeyboard() self:applyValues() UIManager:setDirty(self._current_input, "fast") end } input_text:unfocus() local button_minus = Button:new{ text = "−", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, width = self.button_width, show_parent = self, callback = function() self:closeKeyboard() self:setValueTextBox(input_text, input_text:getText() - step) self:applyValues() end, hold_callback = function() self:closeKeyboard() self:setValueTextBox(input_text, input_text:getText() - step/10.0) self:applyValues() end, } local button_plus = Button:new{ text = "+", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, width = self.button_width, show_parent = self, callback = function() self:closeKeyboard() self:setValueTextBox(input_text, input_text:getText() + step) self:applyValues() end, hold_callback = function() self:closeKeyboard() self:setValueTextBox(input_text, input_text:getText() + step/10) self:applyValues() end, } table.insert(minus_number_plus, button_minus) table.insert(minus_number_plus, input_text) table.insert(minus_number_plus, button_plus) return minus_number_plus end -- Get current values that are used in sysfs_light function NaturalLightWidget:getCurrentValues() return {white_gain = self.powerd.fl.white_gain, white_offset = self.powerd.fl.white_offset, red_gain = self.powerd.fl.red_gain, red_offset = self.powerd.fl.red_offset, green_gain = self.powerd.fl.green_gain, green_offset = self.powerd.fl.green_offset, exponent = self.powerd.fl.exponent} end function NaturalLightWidget:update() local title_bar = TitleBar:new{ title = _("Natural light configuration"), width = self.width, align = "left", with_bottom_line = true, bottom_v_padding = 0, close_callback = function() self:setAllValues(self.old_values) self:onClose() end, show_parent = self, } local main_content = FrameContainer:new{ padding = Size.padding.button, margin = Size.margin.small, bordersize = 0, self:createMainContent(self.width, math.floor(self.screen_height * 0.2)) } self.nl_frame = FrameContainer:new{ radius = Size.radius.window, bordersize = Size.border.window, padding = 0, margin = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", title_bar, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = main_content:getSize().h, }, main_content, }, } } self[1] = WidgetContainer:new{ align = "top", dimen = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = self.screen_width, h = self.screen_height, }, FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, self.nl_frame, }, } end function NaturalLightWidget:createMainContent(width, height) self.fl_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = height }, } self.white_gain = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.white_gain, 1) self.white_offset = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.white_offset, 1) self.red_gain = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.red_gain, 1) self.red_offset = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.red_offset, 1) self.green_gain = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.green_gain, 1) self.green_offset = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.green_offset, 1) self.exponent = self:adaptableNumber(self.powerd.fl.exponent, 0.1) local separator = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.horizontal_default } local vspan = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_large * 2} local vertical_group = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local title_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local white_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local red_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local green_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local exponent_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local button_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local text_gain = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = _("Amplification"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, width = self.textbox_width + 2 * self.button_width } local text_offset = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = _("Offset"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, width = self.textbox_width + self.button_width } local text_white = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = _("White"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, width = self.text_width } local text_red = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = _("Red"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, width = self.text_width } local text_green = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = _("Green"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, width = self.text_width } local text_exponent = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = _("Exponent"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, width = self.text_width } local button_defaults = Button:new{ text = "Restore Defaults", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, width = math.floor(self.width * 0.35), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setAllValues({white_gain = 25, white_offset = -25, red_gain = 24, red_offset = 0, green_gain = 24, green_offset = -65, exponent = 0.25}) end, } local button_cancel = Button:new{ text = "Cancel", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, width = math.floor(self.width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setAllValues(self.old_values) self:onClose() end, } local button_ok = Button:new{ text = "Save", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, width = math.floor(self.width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("natural_light_config", self:getCurrentValues()) self:onClose() end, } table.insert(title_group, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.text_width + self.button_width }) table.insert(title_group, text_gain) table.insert(title_group, separator) table.insert(title_group, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.button_width }) table.insert(title_group, text_offset) table.insert(white_group, text_white) table.insert(white_group, self.white_gain) table.insert(white_group, separator) table.insert(white_group, self.white_offset) table.insert(red_group, text_red) table.insert(red_group, self.red_gain) table.insert(red_group, separator) table.insert(red_group, self.red_offset) table.insert(green_group, text_green) table.insert(green_group, self.green_gain) table.insert(green_group, separator) table.insert(green_group, self.green_offset) table.insert(exponent_group, text_exponent) table.insert(exponent_group, self.exponent) table.insert(button_group, button_defaults) table.insert(button_group, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 0.05*self.width }) table.insert(button_group, button_cancel) table.insert(button_group, button_ok) table.insert(vertical_group, title_group) table.insert(vertical_group, white_group) table.insert(vertical_group, red_group) table.insert(vertical_group, green_group) table.insert(vertical_group, vspan) table.insert(vertical_group, exponent_group) table.insert(vertical_group, vspan) table.insert(vertical_group, button_group) table.insert(self.fl_container, vertical_group) -- Reset container height to what it actually contains self.fl_container.dimen.h = vertical_group:getSize().h return self.fl_container end function NaturalLightWidget:setAllValues(values) self:setValueTextBox(self.white_gain[2], values.white_gain) self:setValueTextBox(self.white_offset[2], values.white_offset) self:setValueTextBox(self.red_gain[2], values.red_gain) self:setValueTextBox(self.red_offset[2], values.red_offset) self:setValueTextBox(self.green_gain[2], values.green_gain) self:setValueTextBox(self.green_offset[2], values.green_offset) self:setValueTextBox(self.exponent[2], values.exponent) self:applyValues() end function NaturalLightWidget:setValueTextBox(widget, val) widget:focus() widget:setText(tostring(val)) widget:unfocus() end function NaturalLightWidget:onCloseWidget() self:closeKeyboard() UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return "flashui", self.nl_frame.dimen end) end function NaturalLightWidget:onShow() UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.nl_frame.dimen end) -- Store values in case user cancels self.old_values = self:getCurrentValues() return true end function NaturalLightWidget:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end function NaturalLightWidget:onShowKeyboard() if self._current_input then self._current_input:onShowKeyboard() self._current_input:focus() end end function NaturalLightWidget:onCloseKeyboard() if self._current_input then self._current_input:onCloseKeyboard() self._current_input:unfocus() -- Make sure the cursor is deleted UIManager:setDirty(self._current_input, "fast") end end function NaturalLightWidget:onSwitchFocus(inputbox) self:onCloseKeyboard() self._current_input = inputbox self:applyValues() self:onShowKeyboard() end function NaturalLightWidget:closeKeyboard() if self._current_input then self._current_input:onCloseKeyboard() self._current_input:unfocus() end end return NaturalLightWidget