local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local dump = require("dump") local joinPath = require("ffi/util").joinPath local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local realpath = require("ffi/util").realpath local history_file = joinPath(DataStorage:getDataDir(), "history.lua") local ReadHistory = { hist = {}, last_read_time = 0, } local function buildEntry(input_time, input_file) return { time = input_time, text = input_file:gsub(".*/", ""), file = realpath(input_file) or input_file, -- keep orig file path of deleted files dim = lfs.attributes(input_file, "mode") ~= "file", -- "dim", as expected by Menu callback = function() local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:showReader(input_file) end } end local function fileFirstOrdering(l, r) if l.file == r.file then return l.time > r.time else return l.file < r.file end end local function timeFirstOrdering(l, r) if l.time == r.time then return l.file < r.file else return l.time > r.time end end function ReadHistory:_indexing(start) assert(self ~= nil) -- TODO(Hzj_jie): Use binary search to find an item when deleting it. for i = start, #self.hist, 1 do self.hist[i].index = i end end function ReadHistory:_sort() assert(self ~= nil) local autoremove_deleted_items_from_history = not G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("autoremove_deleted_items_from_history") if autoremove_deleted_items_from_history then self:clearMissing() end table.sort(self.hist, fileFirstOrdering) -- TODO(zijiehe): Use binary insert instead of a loop to deduplicate. for i = #self.hist, 2, -1 do if self.hist[i].file == self.hist[i - 1].file then table.remove(self.hist, i) end end table.sort(self.hist, timeFirstOrdering) self:_indexing(1) end -- Reduces total count in hist list to a reasonable number by removing last -- several items. function ReadHistory:_reduce() assert(self ~= nil) while #self.hist > 500 do table.remove(self.hist, #self.hist) end end -- Flushes current history table into file. function ReadHistory:_flush() assert(self ~= nil) local content = {} for k, v in pairs(self.hist) do content[k] = { time = v.time, file = v.file } end local f = io.open(history_file, "w") f:write("return " .. dump(content) .. "\n") f:close() end --- Reads history table from file. -- @treturn boolean true if the history_file has been updated and reloaded. function ReadHistory:_read() assert(self ~= nil) local history_file_modification_time = lfs.attributes(history_file, "modification") if history_file_modification_time == nil or history_file_modification_time <= self.last_read_time then return false end self.last_read_time = history_file_modification_time local ok, data = pcall(dofile, history_file) if ok and data then for k, v in pairs(data) do table.insert(self.hist, buildEntry(v.time, v.file)) end end return true end -- Reads history from legacy history folder function ReadHistory:_readLegacyHistory() assert(self ~= nil) local history_dir = DataStorage:getHistoryDir() for f in lfs.dir(history_dir) do local path = joinPath(history_dir, f) if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file" then path = DocSettings:getPathFromHistory(f) if path ~= nil and path ~= "" then local file = DocSettings:getNameFromHistory(f) if file ~= nil and file ~= "" then table.insert( self.hist, buildEntry(lfs.attributes(joinPath(history_dir, f), "modification"), joinPath(path, file))) end end end end end function ReadHistory:_init() assert(self ~= nil) self:reload() end function ReadHistory:clearMissing() assert(self ~= nil) for i = #self.hist, 1, -1 do if self.hist[i].file == nil or lfs.attributes(self.hist[i].file, "mode") ~= "file" then table.remove(self.hist, i) end end end function ReadHistory:removeItemByPath(path) assert(self ~= nil) for i = #self.hist, 1, -1 do if self.hist[i].file == path then self:removeItem(self.hist[i]) break end end end function ReadHistory:updateItemByPath(old_path, new_path) assert(self ~= nil) for i = #self.hist, 1, -1 do if self.hist[i].file == old_path then self.hist[i].file = new_path self:_flush() self.hist[i].callback = function() local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:showReader(new_path) end break end end end function ReadHistory:removeItem(item) assert(self ~= nil) table.remove(self.hist, item.index) os.remove(DocSettings:getHistoryPath(item.file)) self:_indexing(item.index) self:_flush() end function ReadHistory:addItem(file) assert(self ~= nil) if file ~= nil and lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file" then local now = os.time() table.insert(self.hist, 1, buildEntry(now, file)) -- TODO(zijiehe): We do not need to sort if we can use binary insert and -- binary search. -- util.execute("/bin/touch", "-a", file) -- This emulates `touch -a` in LuaFileSystem's API, since it may be absent (Android) -- or provided by busybox, which doesn't support the `-a` flag. local mtime = lfs.attributes(file, "modification") lfs.touch(file, now, mtime) self:_sort() self:_reduce() self:_flush() end end function ReadHistory:setDeleted(item) assert(self ~= nil) if self.hist[item.index] then self.hist[item.index].dim = true end end --- Reloads history from history_file. -- @treturn boolean true if history_file has been updated and reload happened. function ReadHistory:reload() assert(self ~= nil) if self:_read() then self:_readLegacyHistory() self:_sort() self:_reduce() return true end return false end ReadHistory:_init() return ReadHistory