local ReaderDictionary = require("apps/reader/modules/readerdictionary") local Translator = require("ui/translator") local Wikipedia = require("ui/wikipedia") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") -- Wikipedia as a special dictionary local ReaderWikipedia = ReaderDictionary:extend{ -- identify itself wiki = true, no_page = _("No wiki page found."), } -- the super "class" ReaderDictionary has already registers a menu entry -- we should override the init function in ReaderWikipedia function ReaderWikipedia:init() end function ReaderWikipedia:onLookupWikipedia(word, box) -- set language from book properties local lang = self.view.document:getProps().language if lang == nil then -- or set laguage from KOReader settings lang = G_reader_settings:readSetting("language") if lang == nil then -- or detect language local ok_translator ok_translator, lang = pcall(Translator.detect, Translator, word) if not ok_translator then return end end end -- convert "zh-CN" and "zh-TW" to "zh" lang = lang:match("(.*)-") or lang -- strip punctuation characters around selected word word = string.gsub(word, "^%p+", '') word = string.gsub(word, "%p+$", '') -- seems lower case phrase has higher hit rate word = string.lower(word) local results = {} local ok, pages = pcall(Wikipedia.wikintro, Wikipedia, word, lang) if ok and pages then for pageid, page in pairs(pages) do local result = { dict = _("Wikipedia"), word = page.title, definition = page.extract or self.no_page, } table.insert(results, result) end DEBUG("lookup result:", word, results) self:showDict(word, results, box) else DEBUG("error:", pages) -- dummy results results = { { dict = _("Wikipedia"), word = word, definition = self.no_page, } } DEBUG("dummy result table:", word, results) self:showDict(word, results, box) end end -- override onSaveSettings in ReaderDictionary function ReaderWikipedia:onSaveSettings() end return ReaderWikipedia