describe("util module", function() local util setup(function() require("commonrequire") util = require("util") end) it("should strip punctuations around word", function() assert.is_equal(util.stripePunctuations("\"hello world\""), "hello world") assert.is_equal(util.stripePunctuations("\"hello world?\""), "hello world") assert.is_equal(util.stripePunctuations("\"hello, world?\""), "hello, world") assert.is_equal(util.stripePunctuations("“你好“"), "你好") assert.is_equal(util.stripePunctuations("“你好?“"), "你好") end) it("should split string with patterns", function() local sentence = "Hello world, welcome to KOReader!" local words = {} for word in util.gsplit(sentence, "%s+", false) do table.insert(words, word) end assert.are_same(words, {"Hello", "world,", "welcome", "to", "KOReader!"}) end) it("should split command line arguments with quotation", function() local command = "./sdcv -nj \"words\" \"a lot\" 'more or less' --data-dir=dict" local argv = {} for arg1 in util.gsplit(command, "[\"'].-[\"']", true) do for arg2 in util.gsplit(arg1, "^[^\"'].-%s+", true) do for arg3 in util.gsplit(arg2, "[\"']", false) do local trimed = arg3:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") if trimed ~= "" then table.insert(argv, trimed) end end end end assert.are_same(argv, {"./sdcv", "-nj", "words", "a lot", "more or less", "--data-dir=dict"}) end) end)