local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local LinkBox = require("ui/widget/linkbox") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Screen = require("device").screen local Device = require("device") local logger = require("logger") local Event = require("ui/event") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local ReaderLink = InputContainer:new{ location_stack = {} } function ReaderLink:init() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:initGesListener() end self.ui:registerPostInitCallback(function() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end) end function ReaderLink:onReadSettings(config) -- called when loading new document self.location_stack = {} end function ReaderLink:initGesListener() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight() } } }, Swipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } }, } end end local function isFollowLinksOn() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("follow_links") ~= false end local function isSwipeToGoBackEnabled() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("swipe_to_go_back") == true end local function isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("swipe_to_follow_first_link") == true end function ReaderLink:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table) -- insert table to main reader menu self.ui.menu.menu_items["follow_links"] = { text = _("Follow links"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return isFollowLinksOn() and _("Disable") or _("Enable") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("follow_links", not isFollowLinksOn()) end }, { text = _("Go back"), enabled_func = function() return #self.location_stack > 0 end, callback = function() self:onGoBackLink() end, }, { text = _("Swipe to go back"), checked_func = isSwipeToGoBackEnabled, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("swipe_to_go_back", not isSwipeToGoBackEnabled()) end, }, { text = _("Swipe to follow first link"), checked_func = isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("swipe_to_follow_first_link", not isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled()) end, }, } } end function ReaderLink:onSetDimensions(dimen) -- update listening according to new screen dimen if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:initGesListener() end end function ReaderLink:onTap(_, ges) if not isFollowLinksOn() then return end if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) if pos then -- link box in native page local link, lbox = self.ui.document:getLinkFromPosition(pos.page, pos) if link and lbox then -- screen box that holds the link local sbox = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(pos.page, self.ui.document:nativeToPageRectTransform(pos.page, lbox)) if sbox then UIManager:show(LinkBox:new{ box = sbox, timeout = FOLLOW_LINK_TIMEOUT, callback = function() self:onGotoLink(link) end }) return true end end end else local link = self.ui.document:getLinkFromPosition(ges.pos) if link ~= "" then return self:onGotoLink(link) end end end function ReaderLink:onGotoLink(link) logger.dbg("onGotoLink:", link) if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then -- internal pdf links have a "page" attribute, while external ones have an "uri" attribute if link.page then -- Internal link logger.dbg("Internal link:", link) table.insert(self.location_stack, self.ui.paging:getBookLocation()) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", link.page + 1)) return true end link = link.uri -- external link else -- For crengine, internal links may look like : -- #_doc_fragment_0_Organisation (link from anchor) -- /body/DocFragment/body/ul[2]/li[5]/text()[3].16 (xpointer from full-text search) -- If the XPointer does not exist (or is a full url), we will jump to page 1 -- Best to check that this link exists in document with the following, -- which accepts both of the above legitimate xpointer as input. if self.ui.document:isXPointerInDocument(link) then logger.dbg("Internal link:", link) table.insert(self.location_stack, self.ui.rolling:getBookLocation()) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoXPointer", link)) return true end end logger.dbg("External link:", link) -- Check if it is a wikipedia link local wiki_lang, wiki_page = link:match([[https?://([^%.]+).wikipedia.org/wiki/([^/]+)]]) if wiki_lang and wiki_page then logger.dbg("Wikipedia link:", wiki_lang, wiki_page) -- Ask for user confirmation before launching lookup (on a -- wikipedia page saved as epub, full of wikipedia links, it's -- too easy to click on links when wanting to change page...) local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Would you like to read this Wikipedia %1 article?\n\n%2\n"), wiki_lang:upper(), wiki_page:gsub("_", " ")), ok_callback = function() UIManager:nextTick(function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWikipedia", wiki_page, false, true, wiki_lang)) end) end }) else -- local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Invalid or external link:\n%1"), link), timeout = 1.0, }) end -- don't propagate, user will notice and tap elsewhere if he wants to change page return true end function ReaderLink:onGoBackLink() local saved_location = table.remove(self.location_stack) if saved_location then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new('RestoreBookLocation', saved_location)) return true end end function ReaderLink:onSwipe(_, ges) if ges.direction == "east" then if isSwipeToGoBackEnabled() then return self:onGoBackLink() end elseif ges.direction == "west" then if isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled() then return self:onGoToFirstLink(ges) end end end function ReaderLink:onGoToFirstLink(ges) if not isFollowLinksOn() then return end local firstlink = nil if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) if not pos then return end local links = self.ui.document:getPageLinks(pos.page) if #links == 0 then return end -- DEBUG("PDF Page links : ", links) -- We may get multiple links: internal ones (with "page" key) -- that we're interested in, but also external links (no "page", but -- a "uri" key) that we don't care about. -- [2] = { -- ["y1"] = 107.88977050781, -- ["x1"] = 176.60360717773, -- ["y0"] = 97.944396972656, -- ["x0"] = 97, -- ["page"] = 347 -- }, -- Links may not be in the order they are in the page, so let's -- find the one with the smallest y0. local first_y0 = nil for _, link in ipairs(links) do if link["page"] then if first_y0 == nil or link["y0"] < first_y0 then -- onGotoLink()'s GotoPage event needs the link -- itself, and will use its "page" value firstlink = link first_y0 = link["y0"] end end end else local links = self.ui.document:getPageLinks() if #links == 0 then return end -- DEBUG("CRE Page links : ", links) -- We may get multiple links: internal ones (they have a "section" key) -- that we're interested in, but also external links (no "section", but -- a "uri" key) that we don't care about. -- [1] = { -- ["end_x"] = 825, -- ["uri"] = "", -- ["end_y"] = 333511, -- ["start_x"] = 90, -- ["start_y"] = 333511 -- }, -- [2] = { -- ["end_x"] = 366, -- ["section"] = "#_doc_fragment_19_ftn_fn6", -- ["end_y"] = 1201, -- ["start_x"] = 352, -- ["start_y"] = 1201 -- }, -- links may not be in the order they are in the page, so let's -- find the one with the smallest start_y. local first_start_y = nil for _, link in ipairs(links) do if link["section"] then if first_start_y == nil or link["start_y"] < first_start_y then -- onGotoLink()'s GotoXPointer event needs -- the "section" value firstlink = link["section"] first_start_y = link["start_y"] end end end -- cre.cpp getPageLinks() does highlight found links : -- sel.add( new ldomXRange(*links[i]) ); // highlight -- and we'll find them highlighted when back from link. -- So let's clear them now. self.ui.document:clearSelection() end if firstlink then return self:onGotoLink(firstlink) end end return ReaderLink