local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local FT = require("ffi/freetype") local HB = require("ffi/harfbuzz") local Persist = require("persist") local util = require("util") local logger = require("logger") local dbg = require("dbg") local FontList = { fontdir = "./fonts", fontlist = {}, fontinfo = {}, fontnames = {}, } --[[ These non-LGC Kindle system fonts fail CRe's moronic header check. Also applies to a number of LGC fonts that have different family names for different styles... (Those are actually "fixed" via FontConfig in the stock system). --]] local kindle_fonts_blacklist = { ["DiwanMuna-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["DiwanMuna-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["HYGothicBold.ttf"] = true, ["HYGothicMedium.ttf"] = true, ["HYMyeongJoBold.ttf"] = true, ["HYMyeongJoMedium.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxBoldItalic.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxBold.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxItalic.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxRegular.ttf"] = true, ["Kindle_MonospacedSymbol.ttf"] = true, ["Kindle_Symbol.ttf"] = true, ["MTChineseSurrogates.ttf"] = true, ["MYingHeiTBold.ttf"] = true, ["MYingHeiTMedium.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskhArabicUI-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskhArabicUI-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskh-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskh-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansBengali-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansGujarati-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansKannada-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansMalayalam-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansTamil-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["SakkalKitab-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["SakkalKitab-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["SongTBold.ttf"] = true, ["SongTMedium.ttf"] = true, ["STHeitiBold.ttf"] = true, ["STHeitiMedium.ttf"] = true, ["STSongBold.ttf"] = true, ["STSongMedium.ttf"] = true, ["TBGothicBold_213.ttf"] = true, ["TBGothicMed_213.ttf"] = true, ["TBMinchoBold_213.ttf"] = true, ["TBMinchoMedium_213.ttf"] = true, ["STKaiMedium.ttf"] = true, ["Amazon-Ember-Bold.ttf"] = false, ["Amazon-Ember-BoldItalic.ttf"] = false, ["Amazon-Ember-Heavy.ttf"] = true, ["Amazon-Ember-HeavyItalic.ttf"] = true, ["Amazon-Ember-Medium.ttf"] = true, ["Amazon-Ember-MediumItalic.ttf"] = true, ["Amazon-Ember-Regular.ttf"] = false, ["Amazon-Ember-RegularItalic.ttf"] = false, ["AmazonEmberBold-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["AmazonEmberBold-BoldItalic.ttf"] = true, ["AmazonEmberBold-Italic.ttf"] = true, ["AmazonEmberBold-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_65_Medium.ttf"] = false, ["Caecilia_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = false, ["Caecilia_LT_75_Bold.ttf"] = false, ["Caecilia_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = false, ["Caecilia_LT_67_Cond_Medium.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_68_Cond_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_77_Cond_Bold.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_78_Cond_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = true, ["Futura-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["Futura-BoldOblique.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_65_Medium.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_75_Bold.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = true, } local function isInFontsBlacklist(f) -- write test for this return CanvasContext.isKindle() and kindle_fonts_blacklist[f] end local function getExternalFontDir() if CanvasContext.isAndroid() or CanvasContext.isDesktop() or CanvasContext.isEmulator() or CanvasContext.isPocketBook() then return require("frontend/ui/elements/font_settings"):getPath() else return os.getenv("EXT_FONT_DIR") end end -- Query FreeType/HarfBuzz about font metadata local function collectFaceInfo(path) local res = {} local n = FT.getFaceCount(path) if not n then return end for i=0, n-1 do local ok, face = pcall(FT.newFace, path, nil, i) if not ok then return nil end -- If family_name is missing, it's probably too broken to be useful if face.family_name ~= nil then local fres = face:getInfo() local hbface = HB.hb_ft_face_create_referenced(face) fres.names = hbface:getNames() fres.scripts, fres.langs = hbface:getCoverage() fres.path = path fres.index = i table.insert(res, fres) hbface:destroy() end face:done() end return res end local font_exts = { ["ttf"] = true, ["ttc"] = true, ["cff"] = true, ["otf"] = true, } function FontList:_readList(dir, mark) util.findFiles(dir, function(path, file, attr) -- See if we're interested if file:sub(1,1) == "." then return end local file_type = file:lower():match(".+%.([^.]+)") or "" if not font_exts[file_type] then return end -- Add it to the list if not isInFontsBlacklist(file) then table.insert(self.fontlist, path) end -- And into cached info table mark[path] = true if self.fontinfo[path] and (self.fontinfo[path].change == attr.change) then return end local fi = collectFaceInfo(path) if not fi then return end fi.change = attr.change self.fontinfo[path] = fi mark.cache_dirty = true end) end function FontList:getFontList() if #self.fontlist > 0 then return self.fontlist end local cache = Persist:new{ path = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/fontinfo.dat" } local t, err = cache:load() if not t then logger.info(cache.path, err, "initializing it") end self.fontinfo = t or {} -- used for marking fonts we're seeing local mark = { cache_dirty = false } self:_readList(self.fontdir, mark) -- multiple paths should be joined with semicolon for dir in string.gmatch(getExternalFontDir() or "", "([^;]+)") do self:_readList(dir, mark) end -- clear fonts that no longer exist for k, _ in pairs(self.fontinfo) do if not mark[k] then self.fontinfo[k] = nil mark.cache_dirty = true end end if dbg.is_verbose then -- when verbose debug is on, always dump the cache in plain text (to inspect the db output) cache:save(self.fontinfo) elseif mark.cache_dirty then -- otherwise dump the db in binary (more compact), and only if something has changed cache:save(self.fontinfo, true) end local names = self.fontnames for _,coll in pairs(self.fontinfo) do for _,v in ipairs(coll) do local nlist = names[v.name] or {} assert(v.name) if #nlist == 0 then logger.dbg("FONTNAMES ADD: ", v.name) end names[v.name] = nlist table.insert(nlist, v) end end table.sort(self.fontlist) return self.fontlist end -- Try to determine the localized font name function FontList:getLocalizedFontName(file, index) local lang = G_reader_settings:readSetting("language") if not lang then return end lang = lang:lower():gsub("_","-") local altname = self.fontinfo[file] altname = altname and altname[index+1] altname = altname and altname.names and (altname.names[lang] or altname.names[lang:match("%w+")]) altname = altname and (altname[tonumber(HB.HB_OT_NAME_ID_FULL_NAME)] or altname[tonumber(HB.HB_OT_NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY)]) if not altname then return end -- ensure nil return altname end return FontList