-- To make configuration changes that persists between (nightly) releases, -- copy defaults.lua to defaults.custom.lua and make the changes there, -- or go to [Tools] > More tools > Advanced settings in the filemanager. return { -- number of pages for hinting -- default to pre-rendering 1 page DHINTCOUNT = 1, -- DjVu page rendering mode (used in djvu.c:drawPage()) -- See comments in djvureader.lua:DJVUReader:select_render_mode() DRENDER_MODE = 0, -- 0 is COLOUR -- minimum cache size DGLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE_MINIMUM = 1024*1024*16, -- proportion of system free memory used as global cache DGLOBAL_CACHE_FREE_PROPORTION = 0.4, -- maximum cache size DGLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE_MAXIMUM = 1024*1024*512, -- background colour in non scroll mode: 8 = gray, 0 = white, 15 = black DBACKGROUND_COLOR = 0, -- outer page colour in scroll mode: 8 = gray, 0 = white, 15 = black DOUTER_PAGE_COLOR = 0, -- generic icon size DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE = 40, -- supported view mode includes: "scroll" and "page" DCREREADER_VIEW_MODE = "page", -- show dimmed area to indicate page overlap in "page" view mode, -- default to false DSHOWOVERLAP = false, -- landscape clockwise rotation -- default to true, set to false for counterclockwise rotation DLANDSCAPE_CLOCKWISE_ROTATION = true, -- default minimum screen height for reading with 2 pages in landscape mode DCREREADER_TWO_PAGE_THRESHOLD = 7, -- page overlap pixels DOVERLAPPIXELS = 30, -- timeout to show link rectangle around links -- default to 0.5 second -- set to 0 to disable showing rectangle and follow link immediately FOLLOW_LINK_TIMEOUT = 0.5, -- customizable tap zones(rectangles) -- x: x coordinate of top left corner in proportion to screen width -- y: y coordinate of top left corner in proportion to screen height -- w: tap zone width in proportion to screen width -- h: tap zone height in proportion to screen height DTAP_ZONE_MENU = {x = 0, y = 0, w = 1, h = 1/8}, DTAP_ZONE_MENU_EXT = {x = 1/4, y = 0, w = 2/4, h = 1/5}, -- taller, narrower extension DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG = {x = 0, y = 7/8, w = 1, h = 1/8}, DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT = {x = 1/4, y = 4/5, w = 2/4, h = 1/5}, -- taller, narrower extension DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR = {x = 0, y = 12/13, w = 1, h = 1/13}, DTAP_ZONE_FORWARD = {x = 1/4, y = 0, w = 3/4, h = 1}, DTAP_ZONE_BACKWARD = {x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/4, h = 1}, DTAP_ZONE_TOP_LEFT = {x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/8, h = 1/8}, DTAP_ZONE_TOP_RIGHT = {x = 7/8, y = 0, w = 1/8, h = 1/8}, DTAP_ZONE_BOTTOM_LEFT = {x = 0, y = 7/8, w = 1/8, h = 1/8}, DTAP_ZONE_BOTTOM_RIGHT = {x = 7/8, y = 7/8, w = 1/8, h = 1/8}, DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_NEXT_CHAPTER = {x = 1/4, y = 0, w = 3/4, h = 1}, DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_PREV_CHAPTER = {x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/4, h = 1}, DSWIPE_ZONE_LEFT_EDGE = { x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/8, h = 1}, DSWIPE_ZONE_RIGHT_EDGE = { x = 7/8, y = 0, w = 1/8, h = 1}, DSWIPE_ZONE_TOP_EDGE = { x = 0, y = 0, w = 1, h = 1/8}, DSWIPE_ZONE_BOTTOM_EDGE = { x = 0, y = 7/8, w = 1, h = 1/8}, -- koptreader config defaults DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZE = 1.0, -- range from 0.1 to 3.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_TEXT_WRAP = 0, -- 1 = on, 0 = off DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_TRIM_PAGE = 1, -- 1 = auto, 0 = manual DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DETECT_INDENT = 1, -- 1 = enable, 0 = disable DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DEFECT_SIZE = 1.0, -- range from 0.0 to 3.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_PAGE_MARGIN = 0.10, -- range from 0.0 to 1.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACING = 1.2, -- range from 0.5 to 2.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_RENDER_QUALITY = 1.0, -- range from 0.5 to 2.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_AUTO_STRAIGHTEN = 0, -- range from 0 to 10 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_JUSTIFICATION = 3, -- -1 = auto, 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right, 3 = full DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_MAX_COLUMNS = 2, -- range from 1 to 4 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_CONTRAST = 1.0, -- range from 0.2 to 2.0 -- word spacing for reflow DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_WORD_SPACINGS = {0.05, -0.2, 0.375}, -- range from (+/-)0.05 to (+/-)0.5 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WORD_SPACING = -0.2, -- range from (+/-)0.05 to (+/-)0.5 -- document languages for OCR DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_LANGS_TEXT = {"English", "Chinese"}, DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_LANGS_CODE = {"eng", "chi_sim"}, -- language code, make sure you have corresponding training data DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_DEFAULT_LANG_CODE = "eng", -- that have filenames starting with the language codes -- crereader font sizes -- feel free to add more entries in this list DCREREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZES = {12, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 38, 44}, -- option range from 12 to 44 DCREREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 22, -- default font size -- crereader margin sizes -- horizontal margins {left, right} in (relative) pixels DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_SMALL = {5, 5}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_MEDIUM = {10, 10}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_LARGE = {15, 15}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_X_LARGE = {20, 20}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_XX_LARGE = {30, 30}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_XXX_LARGE = {50, 50}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_HUGE = {70, 70}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_X_HUGE = {100, 100}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_XX_HUGE = {140, 140}, -- top margin in (relative) pixels DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_SMALL = 5, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_MEDIUM = 10, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_LARGE = 15, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_X_LARGE = 20, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_XX_LARGE = 30, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_XXX_LARGE = 50, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_HUGE = 70, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_X_HUGE = 100, DCREREADER_CONFIG_T_MARGIN_SIZES_XX_HUGE = 140, -- bottom margin in (relative) pixels DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_SMALL = 5, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_MEDIUM = 10, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_LARGE = 15, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_X_LARGE = 20, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_XX_LARGE = 30, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_XXX_LARGE = 50, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_HUGE = 70, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_X_HUGE = 100, DCREREADER_CONFIG_B_MARGIN_SIZES_XX_HUGE = 140, -- crereader line space percentage DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_X_TINY = 70, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_TINY = 75, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_XX_SMALL = 80, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_X_SMALL = 85, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_SMALL = 90, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_L_SMALL = 95, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_MEDIUM = 100, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_L_MEDIUM = 105, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_XL_MEDIUM = 110, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_XXL_MEDIUM = 115, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_LARGE = 120, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_X_LARGE = 125, DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_XX_LARGE = 130, -- word spacing percentages -- 1st number scales the normal width of spaces in all font -- (100% uses the font space width untouched) -- 2nd number applies after the 1st has been applied, and -- tells how much these spaces can additionally be condensed -- to make more text fit on a line. -- So, {80,50} can reduce the width of a space up to 40% of its -- regular width. {99, 100} allows reducing it by at least 1px. -- (These replace the old settings DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_GAP_*, -- with the equivalence: new_option = { 100, old_option }.) DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_SPACING_SMALL = {75, 50}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_SPACING_MEDIUM = {95, 75}, DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_SPACING_LARGE = {100, 90}, -- word expansion, to reduce excessive spacing on justified line -- by using letter spacing on the words -- value is the max allowed added letter spacing, as a % of the font size DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_EXPANSION_NONE = 0, DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_EXPANSION_SOME = 5, DCREREADER_CONFIG_WORD_EXPANSION_MORE = 15, -- configure "mini" progress bar DMINIBAR_CONTAINER_HEIGHT = 14, -- Larger means more padding at the bottom, at the risk of eating into the last line -- Normally, KOReader will present file lists sorted in case insensitive manner -- when presenting an alphatically sorted list. So the Order is "A, b, C, d". -- You can switch to a case sensitive sort ("A", "C", "b", "d") by disabling -- insensitive sort DALPHA_SORT_CASE_INSENSITIVE = true, -- Frontlight behavior on Kobo KOBO_LIGHT_ON_START = -2, -- -1, -2 or 0-100. -- -1 uses the brightness set by KOReader (if any, 20% otherwise) -- -2 uses the brightness set in Nickel KOBO_SYNC_BRIGHTNESS_WITH_NICKEL = true, -- Update Nickel's config to match our own -- Network proxy settings -- proxy url should be a string in the format of "http://localhost:3128" -- proxy authentication is not supported yet. NETWORK_PROXY = nil, -- Experimental features -- Use turbo library to handle async HTTP request DUSE_TURBO_LIB = false, -- Absolute path to stardict files (override) -- By default they're stored in data/dict under dataDir. STARDICT_DATA_DIR = nil, }