require "cache" require "ui/geometry" require "ui/screen" require "ui/device" require "ui/reader/readerconfig" KoptOptions = { prefix = 'kopt', { icon = "resources/icons/appbar.transform.rotate.right.large.png", options = { { name = "screen_mode", name_text = "Screen Mode", toggle = {"portrait", "landscape"}, args = {"portrait", "landscape"}, default_arg = "portrait", current_func = function() return Screen:getScreenMode() end, event = "SetScreenMode", } } }, { icon = "resources/icons/appbar.crop.large.png", options = { { name = "trim_page", name_text = "Page Crop", toggle = {"auto", "manual"}, alternate = false, values = {1, 0}, default_value = 1, event = "PageCrop", args = {"auto", "manual"}, } } }, { icon = "resources/icons/appbar.column.two.large.png", options = { { name = "full_screen", name_text = "Full Screen", toggle = {"on", "off"}, values = {1, 0}, default_value = 0, event = "SetFullScreen", args = {true, false}, }, { name = "page_scroll", name_text = "Scroll Mode", toggle = {"on", "off"}, values = {1, 0}, default_value = 1, event = "ToggleScrollMode", args = {true, false}, }, { name = "page_margin", name_text = "Page Margin", toggle = {"small", "medium", "large"}, values = {0.06, 0.10, 0.14}, default_value = 0.10, }, { name = "line_spacing", name_text = "Line Spacing", toggle = {"small", "medium", "large"}, values = {1.0, 1.2, 1.4}, default_value = 1.2, }, { name = "max_columns", name_text = "Columns", item_icons = { "resources/icons/", "resources/icons/appbar.column.two.png", "resources/icons/appbar.column.three.png", }, values = {1,2,3}, default_value = 2, }, { name = "justification", name_text = "Text Align", item_icons = { "resources/icons/", "resources/icons/appbar.align.left.png", "resources/icons/", "resources/icons/appbar.align.right.png", "resources/icons/appbar.align.justify.png", }, values = {-1,0,1,2,3}, default_value = -1, }, } }, { icon = "resources/icons/appbar.text.size.large.png", options = { { name = "font_size", item_text = {"Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa","Aa"}, item_align_center = 1.0, spacing = 15, item_font_size = {22,24,28,32,34,36,38,42,46,50}, values = {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 4.0}, default_value = 1.0, height = 60, }, { name = "font_fine_tune", name_text = "Fine Tuning", toggle = {"decrease","increase"}, values = {-0.05, 0.05}, default_value = 0.05, event = "FineTuningFontSize", args = {-0.05, 0.05}, alternate = false, height = 60, } } }, { icon = "resources/icons/appbar.grade.b.large.png", options = { { name = "contrast", name_text = "Contrast", name_align_right = 0.2, item_text = {"lightest", "lighter", "default", "darker", "darkest"}, item_font_size = 18, item_align_center = 0.8, values = {2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2}, default_value = 1.0, event = "GammaUpdate", args = {0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0}, } } }, { icon = "resources/icons/appbar.settings.large.png", options = { { name = "text_wrap", name_text = "Reflow", toggle = {"On", "Off"}, values = {1, 0}, default_value = 0, events = { { event = "RedrawCurrentPage", }, { event = "RestoreZoomMode", }, { event = "InitScrollPageStates", }, } }, { name="screen_rotation", name_text = "Vertical Text", toggle = {"Off", "On"}, values = {0, 90}, default_value = 0, }, { name = "word_spacing", name_text = "Word Gap", toggle = {"small", "medium", "large"}, values = {0.05, 0.15, 0.375}, default_value = 0.15, }, { name = "defect_size", name_text = "Defect Size", toggle = {"small", "medium", "large"}, values = {0.5, 1.0, 2.0}, default_value = 1.0, }, { name = "quality", name_text = "Render Quality", toggle = {"low", "default", "high"}, values={0.5, 0.8, 1.0}, default_value = 0.8, }, { name = "auto_straighten", name_text = "Auto Straighten", toggle = {"0 deg", "5 deg", "10 deg"}, values = {0, 5, 10}, default_value = 0, }, { name = "detect_indent", name_text = "Indentation", toggle = {"On", "Off"}, values = {1, 0}, default_value = 1, show = false, }, } }, } KoptInterface = { bg_context = { contex = nil, pageno = nil, hash = nil, cached = false, }, } function KoptInterface:waitForContext(kc) -- if koptcontext is being processed in background thread -- the isPreCache will return 1. while kc and kc:isPreCache() == 1 do DEBUG("waiting for background rendering") util.usleep(100000) end end function KoptInterface:consumeBgContext(doc) -- clear up background context self:waitForContext(self.bg_context.context) if self.bg_context.context and not self.bg_context.cached then self:makeCache(doc, self.bg_context.pageno, self.bg_context.hash) self.bg_context.cached = true end end -- get reflow context function KoptInterface:getKOPTContext(doc, pageno, bbox) -- since libk2pdfopt only has one bitmap buffer that holds reflowed page -- we should consume background production before allocating new context. self:consumeBgContext(doc) local kc = local screen_size = Screen:getSize() kc:setTrim(doc.configurable.trim_page) kc:setWrap(doc.configurable.text_wrap) kc:setIndent(doc.configurable.detect_indent) kc:setRotate(doc.configurable.screen_rotation) kc:setColumns(doc.configurable.max_columns) kc:setDeviceDim(screen_size.w, screen_size.h) kc:setDeviceDPI(doc.screen_dpi) kc:setStraighten(doc.configurable.auto_straighten) kc:setJustification(doc.configurable.justification) kc:setZoom(doc.configurable.font_size) kc:setMargin(doc.configurable.page_margin) kc:setQuality(doc.configurable.quality) kc:setContrast(doc.configurable.contrast) kc:setDefectSize(doc.configurable.defect_size) kc:setLineSpacing(doc.configurable.line_spacing) kc:setWordSpacing(doc.configurable.word_spacing) kc:setBBox(bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1) return kc end function KoptInterface:setTrimPage(doc, pageno) if doc.configurable.trim_page == 0 then return end local page_dimens = doc:getNativePageDimensions(pageno) --DEBUG("original page dimens", page_dimens) local orig_bbox = doc:getUsedBBox(pageno) --DEBUG("original bbox", orig_bbox) if orig_bbox.x1 - orig_bbox.x0 < page_dimens.w or orig_bbox.y1 - orig_bbox.y0 < page_dimens.h then doc.configurable.trim_page = 0 --DEBUG("Set manual crop in koptengine") end end function KoptInterface:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local screen_size = Screen:getSize() local screen_size_hash = screen_size.w.."|"..screen_size.h local bbox_hash = bbox.x0.."|"..bbox.y0.."|"..bbox.x1.."|"..bbox.y1 return doc.file.."|"..pageno.."|"..doc.configurable:hash("|").."|"..bbox_hash.."|"..screen_size_hash end function KoptInterface:logReflowDuration(pageno, dur) local file ="reflowlog.txt", "a+") if file then if file:seek("end") == 0 then -- write the header only once file:write("PAGE\tDUR\n") end file:write(string.format("%s\t%s\n", pageno, dur)) file:close() end end function KoptInterface:getReflowedDim(kc) self:waitForContext(kc) return kc:getPageDim() end -- calculates page dimensions function KoptInterface:getPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) self:setTrimPage(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local kc = self:getKOPTContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) -- reflow page --local secs, usecs = util.gettime() page:reflow(kc, 0) --local nsecs, nusecs = util.gettime() --local dur = nsecs - secs + (nusecs - usecs) / 1000000 --DEBUG("Reflow duration:", dur) --self:logReflowDuration(pageno, dur) page:close() local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() DEBUG("page::reflowPage:", "fullwidth:", fullwidth, "fullheight:", fullheight) local page_size = Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight } -- cache reflowed page size and kc Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ kctx = kc }) return page_size end --DEBUG("Found cached koptcontex on page", pageno, cached) local fullwidth, fullheight = self:getReflowedDim(cached.kctx) local page_size = Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight } return page_size end function KoptInterface:makeCache(doc, pageno, context_hash) -- draw to blitbuffer local kc_hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local tile_hash = "renderpg|"..context_hash local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) local cached = Cache:check(kc_hash) if cached then local fullwidth, fullheight = self:getReflowedDim(cached.kctx) -- prepare cache item with contained blitbuffer local tile = CacheItem:new{ size = fullwidth * fullheight / 2 + 64, -- estimation excerpt = Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight }, pageno = pageno, bb =, fullheight) } page:rfdraw(cached.kctx, page:close() --DEBUG("cached hash", hash) if not Cache:check(tile_hash) then Cache:insert(tile_hash, tile) end return tile end DEBUG("Error: cannot render page before reflowing.") end function KoptInterface:renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, render_mode) self:setTrimPage(doc, pageno) doc.render_mode = render_mode local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "renderpg|"..context_hash local page_size = self:getPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) -- this will be the size we actually render local size = page_size -- we prefer to render the full page, if it fits into cache if not Cache:willAccept(size.w * size.h / 2) then -- whole page won't fit into cache DEBUG("rendering only part of the page") -- TODO: figure out how to better segment the page if not rect then DEBUG("aborting, since we do not have a specification for that part") -- required part not given, so abort return end -- only render required part hash = "renderpg|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno.."|"..doc.configurable:hash("|").."|"..tostring(rect) size = rect end local cached = Cache:check(hash) if cached then return cached else return self:makeCache(doc, pageno, context_hash) end end function KoptInterface:hintPage(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) self:setTrimPage(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local kc = self:getKOPTContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) kc:setPreCache() self.bg_context.context = kc self.bg_context.pageno = pageno self.bg_context.hash = context_hash self.bg_context.cached = false DEBUG("hinting page", pageno, "in background") -- will return immediately page:reflow(kc, 0) page:close() Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ kctx = kc }) end end function KoptInterface:drawPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, render_mode) local tile = self:renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, render_mode) --DEBUG("now painting", tile, rect) target:blitFrom(, x, y, rect.x - tile.excerpt.x, rect.y - tile.excerpt.y, rect.w, rect.h) end