ReaderZooming = InputContainer:new{ key_events = { ZoomIn = { { "Shift", }, doc = "zoom in", event = "Zoom", args = "in" }, ZoomOut = { { "Shift", }, doc = "zoom out", event = "Zoom", args = "out" }, ZoomToFitPage = { {"A"}, doc = "zoom to fit page", event = "SetZoomMode", args = "page" }, ZoomToFitContent = { {"Shift", "A"}, doc = "zoom to fit content", event = "SetZoomMode", args = "content" }, ZoomToFitPageWidth = { {"S"}, doc = "zoom to fit page width", event = "SetZoomMode", args = "pagewidth" }, ZoomToFitContentWidth = { {"Shift", "S"}, doc = "zoom to fit content width", event = "SetZoomMode", args = "contentwidth" }, ZoomToFitPageHeight = { {"D"}, doc = "zoom to fit page height", event = "SetZoomMode", args = "pageheight" }, ZoomToFitContentHeight = { {"Shift", "D"}, doc = "zoom to fit content height", event = "SetZoomMode", args = "contentheight" }, }, zoom = 1.0, zoom_mode = "free", current_page = 1, rotation = 0 } function ReaderZooming:onSetDimensions(dimensions) -- we were resized self.dimen = dimensions end function ReaderZooming:onRotationUpdate(rotation) self.rotation = rotation self:setZoom() end function ReaderZooming:setZoom() -- nothing to do in free zoom mode if self.zoom_mode == "free" then return end -- check if we're in bbox mode and work on bbox if that's the case local page_size = {} if self.zoom_mode == "content" or self.zoom_mode == "contentwidth" or self.zoom_mode == "content_height" then -- TODO: enable this, still incomplete page_size = self.ui.document:getUsedBBox(self.current_page) self.view:handleEvent(Event:new("BBoxUpdate", page_size)) else -- otherwise, operate on full page page_size = self.ui.document:getNativePageDimensions(self.current_page) end -- calculate zoom value: local zoom_w = self.dimen.w / page_size.w local zoom_h = self.dimen.h / page_size.h if self.rotation % 180 ~= 0 then -- rotated by 90 or 270 degrees zoom_w = self.dimen.w / page_size.h zoom_h = self.dimen.h / page_size.w end if self.zoom_mode == "content" or self.zoom_mode == "page" then if zoom_w < zoom_h then self.zoom = zoom_w else self.zoom = zoom_h end elseif self.zoom_mode == "contentwidth" or self.zoom_mode == "pagewidth" then self.zoom = zoom_w elseif self.zoom_mode == "contentheight" or self.zoom_mode == "pageheight" then self.zoom = zoom_h end self.view:ZoomUpdate(self.zoom) end function ReaderZooming:onZoom(direction) DEBUG("zoom", direction) if direction == "in" then self.zoom = self.zoom * 1.333333 elseif direction == "out" then self.zoom = self.zoom * 0.75 end DEBUG("zoom is now at", self.zoom) self:onSetZoomMode("free") self.view:ZoomUpdate(self.zoom) return true end function ReaderZooming:onSetZoomMode(what) if self.zoom_mode ~= what then DEBUG("setting zoom mode to", what) self.zoom_mode = what self:setZoom() end return true end function ReaderZooming:onPageUpdate(new_page_no) self.current_page = new_page_no self:setZoom() end