local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Device = require("device") local Screen = require("device").screen local Input = require("device").input local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Screen = require("device").screen local DEBUG = require("dbg") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local ReaderFont = InputContainer:new{ font_face = nil, font_size = nil, line_space_percent = nil, font_menu_title = _("Change font"), face_table = nil, -- default gamma from crengine's lvfntman.cpp gamma_index = nil, } function ReaderFont:init() if Device:hasKeyboard() then -- add shortcut for keyboard self.key_events = { ShowFontMenu = { {"F"}, doc = "show font menu" }, IncreaseSize = { { "Shift", Input.group.PgFwd }, doc = "increase font size", event = "ChangeSize", args = "increase" }, DecreaseSize = { { "Shift", Input.group.PgBack }, doc = "decrease font size", event = "ChangeSize", args = "decrease" }, IncreaseLineSpace = { { "Alt", Input.group.PgFwd }, doc = "increase line space", event = "ChangeLineSpace", args = "increase" }, DecreaseLineSpace = { { "Alt", Input.group.PgBack }, doc = "decrease line space", event = "ChangeLineSpace", args = "decrease" }, } end -- build face_table for menu self.face_table = {} local face_list = cre.getFontFaces() for k,v in ipairs(face_list) do table.insert(self.face_table, { text = v, callback = function() self:setFont(v) end, hold_callback = function() self:makeDefault(v) end, checked_func = function() return v == self.font_face end }) face_list[k] = {text = v} end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderFont:onSetDimensions(dimen) self.dimen = dimen end function ReaderFont:onReadSettings(config) self.font_face = config:readSetting("font_face") or self.ui.document.default_font self.ui.document:setFontFace(self.font_face) self.header_font_face = config:readSetting("header_font_face") or self.ui.document.header_font self.ui.document:setHeaderFont(self.header_font_face) self.font_size = config:readSetting("font_size") or DCREREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE or 22 self.ui.document:setFontSize(Screen:scaleBySize(self.font_size)) self.font_embolden = config:readSetting("font_embolden") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_font_weight") or 0 self.ui.document:toggleFontBolder(self.font_embolden) self.line_space_percent = config:readSetting("line_space_percent") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_line_spacing") or DCREREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACE_PERCENT_MEDIUM self.ui.document:setInterlineSpacePercent(self.line_space_percent) self.gamma_index = config:readSetting("gamma_index") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_font_gamma") or DCREREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FONT_GAMMA self.ui.document:setGammaIndex(self.gamma_index) -- Dirty hack: we have to add folloing call in order to set -- m_is_rendered(member of LVDocView) to true. Otherwise position inside -- document will be reset to 0 on first view render. -- So far, I don't know why this call will alter the value of m_is_rendered. table.insert(self.ui.postInitCallback, function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end) end function ReaderFont:onShowFontMenu() -- build menu widget local main_menu = Menu:new{ title = self.font_menu_title, item_table = self.face_table, width = Screen:getWidth() - 100, } -- build container local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{ main_menu, dimen = Screen:getSize(), } main_menu.close_callback = function () UIManager:close(menu_container) end -- show menu main_menu.show_parent = menu_container UIManager:show(menu_container) return true end --[[ UpdatePos event is used to tell ReaderRolling to update pos. --]] function ReaderFont:onChangeSize(direction) local delta = direction == "decrease" and -1 or 1 self.font_size = self.font_size + delta self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetFontSize", self.font_size)) return true end function ReaderFont:onSetFontSize(new_size) if new_size > 72 then new_size = 72 end if new_size < 12 then new_size = 12 end self.font_size = new_size UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = T( _("Font size set to %1."), self.font_size), timeout = 1, }) self.ui.document:setFontSize(Screen:scaleBySize(new_size)) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) return true end function ReaderFont:onSetLineSpace(space) self.line_space_percent = math.min(200, math.max(80, space)) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = T( _("Line spacing set to %1%."), self.line_space_percent), timeout = 1, }) self.ui.document:setInterlineSpacePercent(self.line_space_percent) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) return true end function ReaderFont:onToggleFontBolder(toggle) self.font_embolden = toggle self.ui.document:toggleFontBolder(toggle) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) return true end function ReaderFont:onSetFontGamma(gamma) self.gamma_index = gamma UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = T( _("Font gamma set to %1."), self.gamma_index), timeout = 1 }) self.ui.document:setGammaIndex(self.gamma_index) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("RedrawCurrentView")) return true end function ReaderFont:onSaveSettings() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("font_face", self.font_face) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("header_font_face", self.header_font_face) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("font_size", self.font_size) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("font_embolden", self.font_embolden) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("line_space_percent", self.line_space_percent) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("gamma_index", self.gamma_index) end function ReaderFont:setFont(face) if face and self.font_face ~= face then self.font_face = face UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = T( _("Redrawing with font %1."), face), timeout = 1, }) self.ui.document:setFontFace(face) -- signal readerrolling to update pos in new height self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end end function ReaderFont:makeDefault(face) if face then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T( _("Set default font to %1?"), face), ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("cre_font", face) end, }) end end function ReaderFont:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table) -- insert table to main reader menu table.insert(tab_item_table.typeset, { text = self.font_menu_title, sub_item_table = self.face_table, }) end return ReaderFont