#!/usr/bin/env bash CI_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${CI_DIR}/common.sh" # print some useful info echo "TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}" echo "pwd: $(pwd)" ls # toss submodules if there are any changes # if [ "$(git status --ignore-submodules=dirty --porcelain)" ]; then # "--ignore-submodules=dirty", removed temporarily, as it did not notice as # expected that base was updated and kept using old cached base if [ "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then # what changed? git status # purge and reinit submodules git submodule deinit -f . git submodule update --init else echo -e "${ANSI_GREEN}Using cached submodules." fi # install our own updated luarocks if [ ! -f "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/install/bin/luarocks" ]; then git clone https://github.com/torch/luajit-rocks.git pushd luajit-rocks && { git checkout 6529891 cmake . -DWITH_LUAJIT21=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/install" make install } || exit popd else echo -e "${ANSI_GREEN}Using cached luarocks." fi if [ ! -d "${HOME}/.luarocks" ] || [ ! -f "${HOME}/.luarocks/$(md5sum <"${CI_DIR}/helper_luarocks.sh")" ]; then echo -e "${ANSI_GREEN}Grabbing new .luarocks." "${CI_DIR}/helper_luarocks.sh" touch "${HOME}/.luarocks/$(md5sum <"${CI_DIR}/helper_luarocks.sh")" else echo -e "${ANSI_GREEN}Using cached .luarocks." fi #install our own updated shellcheck SHELLCHECK_URL="https://s3.amazonaws.com/travis-blue-public/binaries/ubuntu/14.04/x86_64/shellcheck-0.4.5.tar.bz2" if ! command -v shellcheck; then curl -sSL "${SHELLCHECK_URL}" | tar --exclude 'SHA256SUMS' --strip-components=1 -C "${HOME}/bin" -xjf - chmod +x "${HOME}/bin/shellcheck" shellcheck --version else echo -e "${ANSI_GREEN}Using cached shellcheck." fi # install shfmt SHFMT_URL="https://github.com/mvdan/sh/releases/download/v1.3.1/shfmt_v1.3.1_linux_amd64" if [ "$(shfmt --version)" != "v1.3.1" ]; then curl -sSL "${SHFMT_URL}" -o "${HOME}/bin/shfmt" chmod +x "${HOME}/bin/shfmt" else echo -e "${ANSI_GREEN}Using cached shfmt." fi