require("commonrequire") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") describe("PDF document module", function() local sample_pdf = "spec/front/unit/data/tall.pdf" local doc it("should open document", function() doc = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(sample_pdf) assert.truthy(doc) end) it("should get page dimensions", function() local dimen = doc:getPageDimensions(1, 1, 0) assert.are.same(dimen.w, 567) assert.are.same(dimen.h, 1418) end) local pos0 = {page = 1, x = 0, y = 20} local pos1 = {page = 1, x = 300, y = 120} local pboxes = { {x = 26, y = 42, w = 240, h = 22}, {x = 48, y = 82, w = 185, h = 22}, } it("should clip page rect to PNG file", function() doc:clipPagePNGFile(pos0, pos1, nil, nil, "/tmp/clip0.png") doc:clipPagePNGFile(pos0, pos1, pboxes, "lighten", "/tmp/clip1.png") end) it("should clip page rect to PNG string", function() local clip0 = doc:clipPagePNGString(pos0, pos1, nil, nil) assert.truthy(clip0) local clip1 = doc:clipPagePNGString(pos0, pos1, pboxes, "lighten") assert.truthy(clip1) end) it("should calculate fast digest", function() assert.is_equal(doc:fastDigest(), "41cce710f34e5ec21315e19c99821415") end) it("should close document", function() doc:close() end) end) describe("EPUB document module", function() local sample_epub = "spec/front/unit/data/leaves.epub" local doc it("should open document", function() doc = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(sample_epub) assert.truthy(doc) end) it("should get cover image", function() local image = doc:getCoverPageImage() assert.truthy(image) assert.are.same(image:getWidth(), 442) assert.are.same(image:getHeight(), 616) end) it("should calculate fast digest", function() assert.is_equal(doc:fastDigest(), "59d481d168cca6267322f150c5f6a2a3") end) it("should register droid sans fallback", function() local fonts_registry = { "Droid Sans Mono", "FreeSans", "FreeSerif", "Noto Sans", "Noto Sans CJK SC", "Noto Serif", } local face_list = cre.getFontFaces() assert.are.same(fonts_registry, face_list) end) it("should close document", function() doc:close() end) end)