--[[-- Bidirectional text and UI mirroring setup and helpers. There are 2 concepts we attempt to handle: - Text direction: Left-To-Right (LTR) or Right-To-Left (RTL) - UI elements mirroring: not-mirrored, or mirrored These 2 concepts are somehow orthogonal to each other in their implementation, even if in the real world there are only 2 valid combinations: - LTR and not-mirrored: for western languages, CJK, Indic... - RTL and mirrored: for Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi and a few others. Text direction is handled by the libkoreader-xtext.so C module, and the TextWidget and TextBoxWidget widgets that handle text aligment. We just need here to set the default global paragraph direction (that widgets can override if needed). UI mirroring is to be handled by our widget themselves, with the help of a few functions defined here. Fortunately, low level widgets like LeftContainer, RightContainer, FrameContainer, HorizontalGroup, OverlapGroup... will do most of the work. But some care must be taken in other widgets and apps when: - some arrow symbols are used (for next, previous, first, last...): they might need to be swapped, or some alternative symbols or images can be used. - some geometry arithmetic is done (e.g. detecting if a tap is on the right part of screen, to go forward), which need to be adapted/reversed. - handling left or right swipe, whose action might need to be reversed - some TextBoxWidget/InputText might need to be forced to be LTR (when showing HTML or CSS code, or entering URLs, path...) Some overview at: https://material.io/design/usability/bidirectionality.html ]] local Language = require("ui/language") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Bidi = { _mirrored_ui_layout = false, _rtl_ui_text = false, _inverted = false, } -- Setup UI mirroring and RTL text for UI language function Bidi.setup(lang) local is_rtl = Language:isLanguageRTL(lang) -- Mirror UI if language is RTL Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout = is_rtl -- Unless requested not to (or requested mirroring with LTR language) if G_reader_settings:isTrue("dev_reverse_ui_layout_mirroring") then Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout = not Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout end -- Xtext default language and direction if G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("use_xtext") then local xtext = require("libs/libkoreader-xtext") -- Text direction should normally not follow ui mirroring -- lang override (so that Arabic is still right aligned -- when one wants the UI layout LTR). But allow it to -- be independantly reversed (for testing UI mirroring -- with english text right aligned). if G_reader_settings:isTrue("dev_reverse_ui_text_direction") then is_rtl = not is_rtl end Bidi._rtl_ui_text = is_rtl xtext.setDefaultParaDirection(is_rtl) -- Text language: this helps picking localized glyphs from the -- font (eg. ideographs shaped differently for Japanese vs -- Simplified Chinese vs Traditional Chinese). -- Allow overriding xtext language rules from main UI language -- (eg. English UI, with French line breaking rules) local alt_lang = G_reader_settings:readSetting("xtext_alt_lang") or lang if alt_lang then xtext.setDefaultLang(alt_lang) end end -- Optimise some wrappers by aliasing them to the right wrappers if Bidi._rtl_ui_text then Bidi.default = Bidi.rtl Bidi.wrap = Bidi.rtl Bidi.filename = Bidi._filename_rtl Bidi.filepath = Bidi._filepath_rtl -- filename auto, but with extension on the right Bidi.directory = Bidi._path -- will keep any trailing / on the right Bidi.dirpath = Bidi._path Bidi.path = Bidi._path Bidi.url = Bidi._path else Bidi.default = Bidi.ltr Bidi.wrap = Bidi.nowrap Bidi.filename = Bidi._filename_ltr Bidi.filepath = Bidi._filepath_ltr Bidi.directory = Bidi._path -- will keep any trailing / on the right Bidi.dirpath = Bidi._path Bidi.path = Bidi._path Bidi.url = Bidi._path end -- If RTL UI text, let's have untranslated strings (so english) still rendered LTR if Bidi._rtl_ui_text then _.wrapUntranslated = function(text) -- We need to split by line and wrap each line as LTR (as the -- paragraph direction will still be RTL). local parts = {} for part in util.gsplit(text, "\n", true, true) do if part == "\n" then table.insert(parts, "\n") elseif part ~= "" then table.insert(parts, Bidi.ltr(part)) end end return table.concat(parts) end else _.wrapUntranslated = _.wrapUntranslated_nowrap end end -- Use this function in widgets to check if UI elements mirroring -- is to be done function Bidi.mirroredUILayout() return Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout end -- This fuction can be used by document widgets to temporarily match a widget -- to the document page turn direction instead of the UI layout direction. function Bidi.invert() if not Bidi._inverted then Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout = not Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout Bidi._inverted = true end end function Bidi.resetInvert() if Bidi._inverted then Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout = not Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout Bidi._inverted = false end end -- This function might only be useful in some rare cases (RTL text -- is handled directly by TextWidget and TextBoxWidget) function Bidi.rtlUIText() return Bidi._rtl_ui_text end -- Small helper to mirror gesture directions local mirrored_directions = { east = "west", west = "east", northeast = "northwest", northwest = "northeast", southeast = "southwest", southwest = "southeast", } function Bidi.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(direction) if Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout then return mirrored_directions[direction] or direction end return direction end function Bidi.flipIfMirroredUILayout(bool) if Bidi._mirrored_ui_layout then return not bool end return bool end -- Wrap provided text with bidirectionality control characters, see: -- http://unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Markup_And_Formatting -- https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-bidi-unicode-controls.en -- https://www.w3.org/International/articles/inline-bidi-markup/ -- This works only when use_xtext=true: these characters are used -- by FriBidi for correct char visual ordering, and later stripped -- by Harfbuzz. -- When use_xtext=false, these characters are considered as normal -- characters, and would be printed. Fortunately, most fonts know them -- and provide an invisible glyph of zero-width - except FreeSans and -- FreeSerif which provide a real glyph (a square with "LRI" inside) -- which would be an issue and would need stripping. But as these -- Free fonts are only used as fallback fonts, and the invisible glyphs -- will have been found in the previous fonts, we don't need to. local LRI = "\xE2\x81\xA6" -- U+2066 LRI / LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE local RLI = "\xE2\x81\xA7" -- U+2067 RLI / RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE local FSI = "\xE2\x81\xA8" -- U+2068 FSI / FIRST STRONG ISOLATE local PDI = "\xE2\x81\xA9" -- U+2069 PDI / POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE -- Not currently needed: -- local LRM = "\xE2\x80\x8E" -- U+200E LRM / LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK -- local RLM = "\xE2\x80\x8F" -- U+200F RLM / RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK function Bidi.ltr(text) return string.format("%s%s%s", LRI, text, PDI) end function Bidi.rtl(text) -- should hardly be needed return string.format("%s%s%s", RLI, text, PDI) end function Bidi.auto(text) -- from first strong character return string.format("%s%s%s", FSI, text, PDI) end function Bidi.default(text) -- default direction return Bidi._rtl_ui_text and Bidi.rtl(text) or Bidi.ltr(text) end function Bidi.nowrap(text) return text end -- Helper for concatenated string bits of numbers an symbols (like -- our reader footer) to keep them ordered in RTL UI (to not have -- a letter B for battery make the whole string considered LTR). -- Note: it will be replaced and aliased to Bidi.nowrap or Bidi.rtl -- by Bibi.setup() as an optimisation function Bidi.wrap(text) return Bidi._rtl_ui_text and Bidi.rtl(text) or text end -- Use these specific wrappers when the wrapped content type is known -- (so we can easily switch to use rtl() if RTL readers prefer filenames -- shown as real RTL). -- Note: when the filename or path are standalone in a TextWidget, it's -- better to use "para_direction_rtl = false" without any wrapping. -- These are replaced above and aliased to the right wrapper depending -- on Bidi._rtl_ui_text Bidi.filename = Bidi.nowrap Bidi.filepath = Bidi.nowrap Bidi.directory = Bidi.nowrap Bidi.dirpath = Bidi.nowrap Bidi.path = Bidi.nowrap Bidi.url = Bidi.nowrap function Bidi._filename_ltr(filename) -- We always want to show the extension on the left, -- but the text before should be auto. local name, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename) -- Let the first strong character of the filename decides -- about the direction if suffix == "" then return Bidi.auto(name) end return Bidi.auto(name) .. "." .. suffix -- No need to additionally wrap it in ltr(), as the -- default text direction must be LTR. -- return Bidi.ltr(Bidi.auto(name) .. "." .. suffix) end function Bidi._filename_rtl(filename) -- We always want to show the extension either on the left -- or on the right - never in the middle (which could happen -- with the bidi algo if we give it the filename as-is). local name, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename) -- Let the first strong character of the filename decides -- about the direction if suffix == "" then return Bidi.auto(name) end return Bidi.auto(name .. "." .. Bidi.ltr(suffix)) end function Bidi._filename_auto_ext_right(filename) -- Auto/First strong char for name part, but extension still -- on the right local name, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename) if suffix == "" then return Bidi.auto(name) end return Bidi.ltr(Bidi.auto(name) .. "." .. suffix) end function Bidi._path(path) -- by wrapping each component in path in FSI (first strong char) local parts = {} for part in util.gsplit(path, "/", true, true) do if part == "/" then table.insert(parts, "/") elseif part ~= "" then table.insert(parts, Bidi.auto(part)) end end return Bidi.ltr(table.concat(parts)) end function Bidi._filepath_ltr(path) local dirpath, filename = util.splitFilePathName(path) return Bidi.ltr(Bidi._path(dirpath) .. filename) end function Bidi._filepath_rtl(path) local dirpath, filename = util.splitFilePathName(path) return Bidi.ltr(Bidi._path(dirpath) .. Bidi._filename_auto_ext_right(filename)) end return Bidi