local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Font = require("ui/font") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local ReaderToc = InputContainer:new{ toc = nil, ticks = {}, toc_indent = " ", collapsed_toc = {}, collapse_depth = 2, expanded_nodes = {}, toc_menu_title = _("Table of contents"), alt_toc_menu_title = _("Table of contents *"), } function ReaderToc:init() if Device:hasKeyboard() then self.key_events = { ShowToc = { { "T" }, doc = "show Table of Content menu" }, } end self:resetToc() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderToc:cleanUpTocTitle(title) return (title:gsub("\13", "")) end function ReaderToc:onSetDimensions(dimen) self.dimen = dimen end function ReaderToc:resetToc() self.toc = nil self.ticks = {} self.collapsed_toc = {} self.expanded_nodes = {} end function ReaderToc:onUpdateToc() self:resetToc() return true end function ReaderToc:onPageUpdate(pageno) self.pageno = pageno if G_reader_settings:readSetting("full_refresh_count") == -1 then if self:isChapterEnd(pageno, 0) then self.chapter_refresh = true elseif self:isChapterBegin(pageno, 0) and self.chapter_refresh then UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") self.chapter_refresh = false else self.chapter_refresh = false end end end function ReaderToc:onPosUpdate(pos, pageno) if pageno then self.pageno = pageno end end function ReaderToc:fillToc() if self.toc and #self.toc > 0 then return end if self.ui.document:canHaveAlternativeToc() then if self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("alternative_toc") then -- (if the document has a cache, the previously built alternative -- TOC was saved and has been reloaded, and this will be avoided) if not self.ui.document:isTocAlternativeToc() then self:resetToc() self.ui.document:buildAlternativeToc() end end end self.toc = self.ui.document:getToc() end function ReaderToc:getTocIndexByPage(pn_or_xp) self:fillToc() if #self.toc == 0 then return end local pageno = pn_or_xp if type(pn_or_xp) == "string" then pageno = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(pn_or_xp) end local pre_index = 1 for _k,_v in ipairs(self.toc) do if _v.page > pageno then break end pre_index = _k end return pre_index end function ReaderToc:getTocTitleByPage(pn_or_xp) local index = self:getTocIndexByPage(pn_or_xp) if index then return self:cleanUpTocTitle(self.toc[index].title) else return "" end end function ReaderToc:getTocTitleOfCurrentPage() if self.pageno then return self:getTocTitleByPage(self.pageno) end end function ReaderToc:getMaxDepth() self:fillToc() local max_depth = 0 for _, v in ipairs(self.toc) do if v.depth > max_depth then max_depth = v.depth end end return max_depth end --[[ TOC ticks is a list of page number in ascending order of TOC nodes at certain level positive level counts nodes of the depth level (level 1 for depth 1) negative level counts nodes of reversed depth level (level -1 for max_depth) zero level counts leaf nodes of the toc tree --]] function ReaderToc:getTocTicks(level) if self.ticks[level] then return self.ticks[level] end -- build toc ticks if not found self:fillToc() local ticks = {} if #self.toc > 0 then if level == 0 then local depth = 0 for i = #self.toc, 1, -1 do local v = self.toc[i] if v.depth >= depth then table.insert(ticks, v.page) end depth = v.depth end else local depth if level > 0 then depth = level else depth = self:getMaxDepth() + level + 1 end for _, v in ipairs(self.toc) do if v.depth == depth then table.insert(ticks, v.page) end end end -- normally the ticks are sorted already but in rare cases -- toc nodes may be not in ascending order table.sort(ticks) -- cache ticks only if ticks are available self.ticks[level] = ticks end return ticks end function ReaderToc:getNextChapter(cur_pageno, level) local ticks = self:getTocTicks(level) local next_chapter = nil for i = 1, #ticks do if ticks[i] > cur_pageno then next_chapter = ticks[i] break end end return next_chapter end function ReaderToc:getPreviousChapter(cur_pageno, level) local ticks = self:getTocTicks(level) local previous_chapter = nil for i = 1, #ticks do if ticks[i] >= cur_pageno then break end previous_chapter = ticks[i] end return previous_chapter end function ReaderToc:isChapterBegin(cur_pageno, level) local ticks = self:getTocTicks(level) local _begin = false for i = 1, #ticks do if ticks[i] == cur_pageno then _begin = true break end end return _begin end function ReaderToc:isChapterEnd(cur_pageno, level) local ticks = self:getTocTicks(level) local _end= false for i = 1, #ticks do if ticks[i] - 1 == cur_pageno then _end = true break end end return _end end function ReaderToc:getChapterPagesLeft(pageno, level) --if self:isChapterEnd(pageno, level) then return 0 end local next_chapter = self:getNextChapter(pageno, level) if next_chapter then next_chapter = next_chapter - pageno - 1 end return next_chapter end function ReaderToc:getChapterPagesDone(pageno, level) if self:isChapterBegin(pageno, level) then return 0 end local previous_chapter = self:getPreviousChapter(pageno, level) if previous_chapter then previous_chapter = pageno - previous_chapter end return previous_chapter end function ReaderToc:updateCurrentNode() if #self.collapsed_toc > 0 and self.pageno then for i, v in ipairs(self.collapsed_toc) do if v.page > self.pageno then self.collapsed_toc.current = i > 1 and i - 1 or 1 return end end self.collapsed_toc.current = #self.collapsed_toc end end function ReaderToc:expandParentNode(index) if index then local nodes_to_expand = {} local depth = self.toc[index].depth for i = index - 1, 1, -1 do if depth > self.toc[i].depth then depth = self.toc[i].depth table.insert(nodes_to_expand, i) end if depth == 1 then break end end for i = #nodes_to_expand, 1, -1 do self:expandToc(nodes_to_expand[i]) end end end function ReaderToc:onShowToc() self:fillToc() -- build menu items if #self.toc > 0 and not self.toc[1].text then for _,v in ipairs(self.toc) do v.text = self.toc_indent:rep(v.depth-1)..self:cleanUpTocTitle(v.title) v.mandatory = v.page end end -- update collapsible state self.expand_button = Button:new{ icon = "resources/icons/appbar.control.expand.png", icon_rotation_angle = BD.mirroredUILayout() and 180 or 0, width = Screen:scaleBySize(30), bordersize = 0, show_parent = self, } self.collapse_button = Button:new{ icon = "resources/icons/appbar.control.collapse.png", width = Screen:scaleBySize(30), bordersize = 0, show_parent = self, } if #self.toc > 0 and #self.collapsed_toc == 0 then local depth = 0 for i = #self.toc, 1, -1 do local v = self.toc[i] -- node v has child node(s) if v.depth < depth then v.state = self.expand_button:new{ callback = function() self:expandToc(i) end, indent = self.toc_indent:rep(v.depth-1), } end if v.depth < self.collapse_depth then table.insert(self.collapsed_toc, 1, v) end depth = v.depth end end local button_size = self.expand_button:getSize() local toc_menu = Menu:new{ title = _("Table of Contents"), item_table = self.collapsed_toc, state_size = button_size, ui = self.ui, is_borderless = true, is_popout = false, width = Screen:getWidth(), height = Screen:getHeight(), cface = Font:getFace("x_smallinfofont"), single_line = true, align_baselines = true, perpage = G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_per_page") or 14, line_color = require("ffi/blitbuffer").COLOR_WHITE, on_close_ges = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "two_finger_swipe", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), }, direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout("west") } } } local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), covers_fullscreen = true, -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() toc_menu, } function toc_menu:onMenuSelect(item, pos) -- if toc item has expand/collapse state and tap select on the left side -- the state switch action is triggered, otherwise goto the linked page local do_toggle_state = false if item.state and pos and pos.x then if BD.mirroredUILayout() then do_toggle_state = pos.x > 0.7 else do_toggle_state = pos.x < 0.3 end end if do_toggle_state then item.state.callback() else toc_menu:close_callback() self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", item.page)) end end toc_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(menu_container) end toc_menu.show_parent = menu_container self.toc_menu = toc_menu self:updateCurrentNode() -- auto expand the parent node of current page self:expandParentNode(self:getTocIndexByPage(self.pageno)) -- auto goto page of the current toc entry self.toc_menu:switchItemTable(nil, self.collapsed_toc, self.collapsed_toc.current or -1) UIManager:show(menu_container) return true end -- expand TOC node of index in raw toc table function ReaderToc:expandToc(index) for k, v in ipairs(self.expanded_nodes) do if v == index then return end end table.insert(self.expanded_nodes, index) local cur_node = self.toc[index] local cur_depth = cur_node.depth local collapsed_index = nil for i, v in ipairs(self.collapsed_toc) do if v.page == cur_node.page and v.depth == cur_depth and v.text == cur_node.text then collapsed_index = i break end end -- either the toc entry of index has no child nodes -- or it's parent nodes are not expanded yet if not collapsed_index then return end for i = index + 1, #self.toc do local v = self.toc[i] if v.depth == cur_depth + 1 then collapsed_index = collapsed_index + 1 table.insert(self.collapsed_toc, collapsed_index, v) elseif v.depth <= cur_depth then break end end -- change state of current node to expanded cur_node.state = self.collapse_button:new{ callback = function() self:collapseToc(index) end, indent = self.toc_indent:rep(cur_depth-1), } self:updateCurrentNode() self.toc_menu:switchItemTable(nil, self.collapsed_toc, -1) end -- collapse TOC node of index in raw toc table function ReaderToc:collapseToc(index) for k, v in ipairs(self.expanded_nodes) do if v == index then table.remove(self.expanded_nodes, k) break end end local cur_node = self.toc[index] local cur_depth = cur_node.depth local i = 1 local is_child_node = false while i <= #self.collapsed_toc do local v = self.collapsed_toc[i] if v.page > cur_node.page and v.depth <= cur_depth then is_child_node = false end if is_child_node then table.remove(self.collapsed_toc, i) else i = i + 1 end if v.page == cur_node.page and v.depth == cur_depth and v.text == cur_node.text then is_child_node = true end end -- change state of current node to collapsed cur_node.state = self.expand_button:new{ callback = function() self:expandToc(index) end, indent = self.toc_indent:rep(cur_depth-1), } self:updateCurrentNode() self.toc_menu:switchItemTable(nil, self.collapsed_toc, -1) end function ReaderToc:addToMainMenu(menu_items) -- insert table to main reader menu menu_items.table_of_contents = { text_func = function() return self.ui.document:isTocAlternativeToc() and self.alt_toc_menu_title or self.toc_menu_title end, callback = function() self:onShowToc() end, } if self.ui.document:canHaveAlternativeToc() then menu_items.table_of_contents.hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if self.ui.document:isTocAlternativeToc() then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("The table of content for this book is currently an alternative one built from the document headings.\nDo you want to get back the original table of content? (The book will be reloaded.)"), ok_callback = function() touchmenu_instance:closeMenu() self.ui.doc_settings:delSetting("alternative_toc") self.ui.document:invalidateCacheFile() -- Allow for ConfirmBox to be closed before showing -- "Opening file" InfoMessage UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function () self.ui:reloadDocument() end) end, }) else UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Do you want to use an alternative table of content built from the document headings?"), ok_callback = function() touchmenu_instance:closeMenu() self:resetToc() self.ui.document:buildAlternativeToc() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("alternative_toc", true) self:onShowToc() self.view.footer:setTocMarkers(true) self.view.footer:updateFooter() end, }) end end end end return ReaderToc