describe("util module", function() local DataStorage, util setup(function() require("commonrequire") DataStorage = require("datastorage") util = require("util") end) it("should strip punctuations around word", function() assert.is_equal("hello world", util.stripePunctuations("\"hello world\"")) assert.is_equal("hello world", util.stripePunctuations("\"hello world?\"")) assert.is_equal("hello, world", util.stripePunctuations("\"hello, world?\"")) assert.is_equal("你好", util.stripePunctuations("“你好“")) assert.is_equal("你好", util.stripePunctuations("“你好?“")) assert.is_equal("", util.stripePunctuations("")) assert.is_nil(util.stripePunctuations(nil)) end) describe("gsplit()", function() it("should split string with patterns", function() local sentence = "Hello world, welcome to KOReader!" local words = {} for word in util.gsplit(sentence, "%s+", false) do table.insert(words, word) end assert.are_same({"Hello", "world,", "welcome", "to", "KOReader!"}, words) end) it("should split command line arguments with quotation", function() local command = "./sdcv -nj \"words\" \"a lot\" 'more or less' --data-dir=dict" local argv = {} for arg1 in util.gsplit(command, "[\"'].-[\"']", true) do for arg2 in util.gsplit(arg1, "^[^\"'].-%s+", true) do for arg3 in util.gsplit(arg2, "[\"']", false) do local trimed = arg3:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") if trimed ~= "" then table.insert(argv, trimed) end end end end assert.are_same({"./sdcv", "-nj", "words", "a lot", "more or less", "--data-dir=dict"}, argv) end) it("should split string with dashes", function() local words = {} for word in util.gsplit("a-b-c-d", "-", false) do table.insert(words, word) end assert.are_same({"a", "b", "c", "d"}, words) end) it("should split string with dashes with final dash", function() local words = {} for word in util.gsplit("a-b-c-d-", "-", false) do table.insert(words, word) end assert.are_same({"a", "b", "c", "d"}, words) end) end) describe("splitToWords()", function() it("should split line into words", function() local words = util.splitToWords("one two,three four . five") assert.are_same({ "one", " ", "two", ",", "three", " ", "four", " . ", "five", }, words) end) it("should split ancient greek words", function() local words = util.splitToWords("Λαρισαῖος Λευκοθέα Λιγυαστάδης.") assert.are_same({ "Λαρισαῖος", " ", "Λευκοθέα", " ", "Λιγυαστάδης", "." }, words) end) it("should split Chinese words", function() local words = util.splitToWords("彩虹是通过太阳光的折射引起的。") assert.are_same({ "彩","虹","是","通","过","太","阳","光","的","折","射","引","起","的","。", }, words) end) it("should split words of multilingual text", function() local words = util.splitToWords("BBC纪录片") assert.are_same({"BBC", "纪", "录", "片"}, words) end) end) describe("splitToChars()", function() it("should split text to line - unicode", function() local text = "Pójdźże, chmurność glück schließen Štěstí neštěstí. Uñas gavilán" local word = "" local table_of_words = {} local c local table_chars = util.splitToChars(text) for i = 1, #table_chars do c = table_chars[i] word = word .. c if util.isSplittable(c) then table.insert(table_of_words, word) word = "" end if i == #table_chars then table.insert(table_of_words, word) end end assert.are_same({ "Pójdźże, ", "chmurność ", "glück ", "schließen ", "Štěstí ", "neštěstí. ", "Uñas ", "gavilán", }, table_of_words) end) it("should split text to line - CJK", function() local text = "彩虹是通过太阳光的折射引起的。" local word = "" local table_of_words = {} local c local table_chars = util.splitToChars(text) for i = 1, #table_chars do c = table_chars[i] word = word .. c if util.isSplittable(c) then table.insert(table_of_words, word) word = "" end if i == #table_chars then table.insert(table_of_words, word) end end assert.are_same({ "彩","虹","是","通","过","太","阳","光","的","折","射","引","起","的","。", }, table_of_words) end) it("should split text to line with next_c - unicode", function() local text = "Ce test : 1) est très simple ; 2 ) simple comme ( 2/2 ) > 50 % ? ok." local word = "" local table_of_words = {} local c, next_c local table_chars = util.splitToChars(text) for i = 1, #table_chars do c = table_chars[i] next_c = i < #table_chars and table_chars[i+1] or nil word = word .. c if util.isSplittable(c, next_c) then table.insert(table_of_words, word) word = "" end if i == #table_chars then table.insert(table_of_words, word) end end assert.are_same({ "Ce ", "test : ", "1) ", "est ", "très ", "simple ; ", "2 ) ", "simple ", "comme ", "( ", "2/2 ) > ", "50 % ? ", "ok." }, table_of_words) end) it("should split text to line with next_c and prev_c - unicode", function() local text = "Ce test : 1) est « très simple » ; 2 ) simple comme ( 2/2 ) > 50 % ? ok." local word = "" local table_of_words = {} local c, next_c, prev_c local table_chars = util.splitToChars(text) for i = 1, #table_chars do c = table_chars[i] next_c = i < #table_chars and table_chars[i+1] or nil prev_c = i > 1 and table_chars[i-1] or nil word = word .. c if util.isSplittable(c, next_c, prev_c) then table.insert(table_of_words, word) word = "" end if i == #table_chars then table.insert(table_of_words, word) end end assert.are_same({ "Ce ", "test : ", "1) ", "est ", "« très ", "simple » ; ", "2 ) ", "simple ", "comme ", "( 2/2 ) > 50 % ? ", "ok." }, table_of_words) end) end) it("should split file path and name", function() local test = function(full, path, name) local p, n = util.splitFilePathName(full) assert.are_same(p, path) assert.are_same(n, name) end test("/a/b/c.txt", "/a/b/", "c.txt") test("/a/b////c.txt", "/a/b////", "c.txt") test("/a/b/", "/a/b/", "") test("c.txt", "", "c.txt") test("", "", "") test(nil, "", "") test("a/b", "a/", "b") test("/b", "/", "b") assert.are_same("/a/b/", util.splitFilePathName("/a/b/c.txt")) end) it("should split file name and suffix", function() local test = function(full, name, suffix) local n, s = util.splitFileNameSuffix(full) assert.are_same(n, name) assert.are_same(s, suffix) end test("a.txt", "a", "txt") test("/a/b.txt", "/a/b", "txt") test("a", "a", "") test("/a/b", "/a/b", "") test("/a/", "/a/", "") test("/a/.txt", "/a/", "txt") test(nil, "", "") test("", "", "") assert.are_same("a", util.splitFileNameSuffix("a.txt")) end) describe("fixUtf8()", function() it("should replace invalid UTF-8 characters with an underscore", function() assert.is_equal("\127 _ _\127 ", util.fixUtf8("\127 \128 \194\127 ", "_")) end) it("should replace invalid UTF-8 characters with multiple characters", function() assert.is_equal("\127 __ __\127 ", util.fixUtf8("\127 \128 \194\127 ", "__")) end) it("should replace invalid UTF-8 characters with empty char", function() assert.is_equal("\127 \127 ", util.fixUtf8("\127 \128 \194\127 ", "")) end) it("should not replace valid UTF-8 � character", function() assert.is_equal("�valid � char �", util.fixUtf8("�valid � char �", "__")) end) it("should not replace valid UTF-8 characters", function() assert.is_equal("\99 \244\129\130\190", util.fixUtf8("\99 \244\129\130\190", "_")) end) it("should not replace valid UTF-8 characters Polish chars", function() assert.is_equal("Pójdźże źółć", util.fixUtf8("Pójdźże źółć", "_")) end) it("should not replace valid UTF-8 characters German chars", function() assert.is_equal("glück schließen", util.fixUtf8("glück schließen", "_")) end) end) describe("splitToArray()", function() it("should split input to array", function() assert.are_same({"100", "abc", "", "def", "ghi200"}, util.splitToArray("100\tabc\t\tdef\tghi200\t", "\t", true)) end) it("should also split input to array", function() assert.are_same({"", "bc", "bc", "bc", "bc"}, util.splitToArray("abcabcabcabca", "a", true)) end) it("should split input to array without empty entities", function() assert.are_same({"100", "abc", "def", "ghi200"}, util.splitToArray("100 abc def ghi200 ", " ", false)) end) end) describe("htmlToPlainTextIfHtml()", function() it("should guess it is not HTML and let is as is", function() local s = "if (i < 0 && j < 0) j = i&" assert.is_equal(s, util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml(s)) end) it("should guess it is HTML and convert it to text", function() assert.is_equal("Making unit tests is fun & nécéssaire", util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml("

Making unit tests is fun & nécéssaire
")) end) it("should guess it is double encoded HTML and convert it to text", function() assert.is_equal("Deux parties.\nPrologue.Désespérée, elle le tue...\nPremière partie. Sur la route & dans la nuit", util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml("Deux parties.<br>Prologue.Désespérée, elle le tue...<br>Première partie. Sur la route &amp; dans la nuit")) end) end) describe("isEmptyDir()", function() it("should return true on empty dir", function() assert.is_true(util.isEmptyDir(DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/data/dict")) -- should be empty during unit tests end) it("should return false on non-empty dir", function() assert.is_false(util.isEmptyDir(DataStorage:getDataDir())) -- should contain subdirectories end) it("should return nil on non-existent dir", function() assert.is_nil(util.isEmptyDir("/this/is/just/some/nonsense/really/this/should/not/exist")) end) end) describe("getFriendlySize()", function() describe("should convert bytes to friendly size as string", function() it("to 100.0 GB", function() assert.is_equal("100.0 GB", util.getFriendlySize(100*1024*1024*1024)) end) it("to 1.0 GB with minimum field width alignment", function() assert.is_equal(" 1.0 GB", util.getFriendlySize(1024*1024*1024+1)) end) it("to 1.0 MB with minimum field width alignment", function() assert.is_equal(" 1.0 MB", util.getFriendlySize(1024*1024+1)) end) it("to 1.0 KB with minimum field width alignment", function() assert.is_equal(" 1.0 KB", util.getFriendlySize(1024+1)) end) it("to B", function() assert.is_equal("100 B", util.getFriendlySize(100)) end) end) it("should return nil when input is nil or false", function() assert.is_nil(util.getFriendlySize(nil)) assert.is_nil(util.getFriendlySize(false)) end) it("should return nil when input is not a number", function() assert.is_nil(util.getFriendlySize("a string")) end) end) describe("secondsToClock()", function() it("should convert seconds to 00:00 format", function() assert.is_equal("00:00", util.secondsToClock(0, true)) assert.is_equal("00:01", util.secondsToClock(60, true)) end) it("should round seconds to minutes in 00:00 format", function() assert.is_equal("00:01", util.secondsToClock(89, true)) assert.is_equal("00:02", util.secondsToClock(90, true)) assert.is_equal("00:02", util.secondsToClock(110, true)) assert.is_equal("00:02", util.secondsToClock(120, true)) assert.is_equal("01:00", util.secondsToClock(3600, true)) assert.is_equal("01:00", util.secondsToClock(3599, true)) assert.is_equal("01:00", util.secondsToClock(3570, true)) assert.is_equal("00:59", util.secondsToClock(3569, true)) end) it("should convert seconds to 00:00:00 format", function() assert.is_equal("00:00:00", util.secondsToClock(0)) assert.is_equal("00:01:00", util.secondsToClock(60)) assert.is_equal("00:01:29", util.secondsToClock(89)) assert.is_equal("00:01:30", util.secondsToClock(90)) assert.is_equal("00:01:50", util.secondsToClock(110)) assert.is_equal("00:02:00", util.secondsToClock(120)) end) end) end)