local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Screen = require("device").screen local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local T = require("ffi/util").template local joinPath = require("ffi/util").joinPath local _ = require("gettext") local util = require("util") local tableutil = require("tableutil") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local ReaderProgress = require("readerprogress") local statistics_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/statistics/" -- a copy of page_max_read_sec local page_max_time local ReaderStatistics = Widget:extend{ last_time = nil, page_min_read_sec = 5, page_max_read_sec = 90, current_period = 0, pages_current_period = 0, is_enabled = nil, data = { title = "", authors = "", language = "", series = "", performance_in_pages = {}, total_time_in_sec = 0, highlights = 0, notes = 0, pages = 0, }, } function ReaderStatistics:isDocless() return self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil end function ReaderStatistics:init() if not self:isDocless() and self.ui.document.is_pic then return end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self.current_period = 0 self.pages_current_period = 0 local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("statistics") or {} self.page_min_read_sec = tonumber(settings.min_sec) self.page_max_read_sec = tonumber(settings.max_sec) -- use later in getDatesFromBook page_max_time = self.page_max_read_sec self.is_enabled = not (settings.is_enabled == false) self.last_time = TimeVal:now() end function ReaderStatistics:getBookProperties() local props = self.view.document:getProps() if props.title == "No document" or props.title == "" then -- FIXME: sometimes crengine returns "No document", try one more time props = self.view.document:getProps() end return props end function ReaderStatistics:initData(config) if self:isDocless() or not self.is_enabled then return end -- first execution if not self.data then self.data = { performance_in_pages= {} } self:inplaceMigration(); -- first time merge data end local book_properties = self:getBookProperties() self.data.title = book_properties.title self.data.authors = book_properties.authors self.data.language = book_properties.language self.data.series = book_properties.series self.data.pages = self.view.document:getPageCount() return end local function generateReadBooksTable(title, dates) local result = {} for k, v in tableutil.spairs(dates, function(t, a, b) return t[b].date < t[a].date end) do table.insert(result, { k, T(_("Pages (%1) Time: %2"), v.count, util.secondsToClock(v.read, false)) }) end return result end function ReaderStatistics:getStatisticEnabledMenuItem() return { text = _("Enabled"), checked_func = function() return self.is_enabled end, callback = function() -- if was enabled, have to save data to file if self.last_time and self.is_enabled and not self:isDocless() then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) end self.is_enabled = not self.is_enabled -- if was disabled have to get data from file if self.is_enabled and not self:isDocless() then self:initData(self.ui.doc_settings) end self:saveSettings() end, } end function ReaderStatistics:updateSettings() self.settings_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new { title = _("Statistics settings"), fields = { { text = "", input_type = "number", hint = T(_("Min seconds, default is 5. Current value: %1"), self.page_min_read_sec), }, { text = "", input_type = "number", hint = T(_("Max seconds, default is 90. Current value: %1"), self.page_max_read_sec), }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.settings_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.settings_dialog) end }, { text = _("Apply"), callback = function() self:saveSettings(MultiInputDialog:getFields()) self.settings_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.settings_dialog) end }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.95, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, input_type = "number", } self.settings_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.settings_dialog) end function ReaderStatistics:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table) table.insert(tab_item_table.plugins, { text = _("Statistics"), sub_item_table = { self:getStatisticEnabledMenuItem(), { text = _("Settings"), callback = function() self:updateSettings() end, }, { text = _("Current book"), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Statistics"), kv_pairs = self:getCurrentStat(), }) end, enabled = not self:isDocless() }, { text = _("All books"), callback = function() local total_msg, kv_pairs = self:getTotalStats() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = total_msg, kv_pairs = kv_pairs, }) end }, { text = _("Reading progress"), callback = function() UIManager:show(ReaderProgress:new{ dates = self:getDatesFromAll(7, "daily_weekday"), current_period = self.current_period, current_pages = self.pages_current_period, }) end }, { text = _("Time range"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Last week"), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last week"), kv_pairs = generateReadBooksTable("", self:getDatesFromAll(7, "daily_weekday")), }) end, }, { text = _("Last month by day"), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last month by day"), kv_pairs = generateReadBooksTable("", self:getDatesFromAll(30, "daily_weekday")), }) end, }, { text = _("Last year by day"), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last year by day"), kv_pairs = generateReadBooksTable("", self:getDatesFromAll(365, "daily")), }) end, }, { text = _("Last year by week"), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last year by week"), kv_pairs = generateReadBooksTable("", self:getDatesFromAll(365, "weekly")), }) end, }, { text = _("Last 10 years by month"), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last 10 years by month"), kv_pairs = generateReadBooksTable("", self:getDatesFromAll(3650, "monthly")), }) end, }, } }, }, }) end function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentStat() local dates = {} local now_stamp = os.time() local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour * 3600 + now_t.min * 60 + now_t.sec local start_today_time = now_stamp - from_begin_day local pages_today_period = 0 local time_today_period = 0 local last_period = 0 local sorted_today_performance = {} local diff for k, v in pairs(self.data.performance_in_pages) do dates[os.date("%Y-%m-%d", k)] = true if k >= start_today_time then pages_today_period = pages_today_period + 1 table.insert(sorted_today_performance, k) end end local total_days = util.tableSize(dates) local read_pages = util.tableSize(self.data.performance_in_pages) local current_page = self.view.state.page -- get current page from the view local avg_time_per_page = self.data.total_time_in_sec / read_pages table.sort(sorted_today_performance) for _, n in pairs(sorted_today_performance) do if last_period == 0 then last_period = n time_today_period = avg_time_per_page else diff = n - last_period if (diff <= page_max_time and diff > 0) then time_today_period = time_today_period + diff else time_today_period = time_today_period + avg_time_per_page end last_period = n end end return { { _("Current period"), util.secondsToClock(self.current_period, false) }, { _("Current pages"), self.pages_current_period }, { _("Today period"), util.secondsToClock(time_today_period, false) }, { _("Today pages"), pages_today_period }, { _("Time to read"), util.secondsToClock((self.data.pages - current_page) * avg_time_per_page, false) }, { _("Total time"), util.secondsToClock(self.data.total_time_in_sec, false) }, { _("Total highlights"), self.data.highlights }, { _("Total notes"), self.data.notes }, { _("Total days"), total_days }, { _("Average time per page"), util.secondsToClock(avg_time_per_page, false) }, { _("Read pages/Total pages"), read_pages .. "/" .. self.data.pages }, } end -- For backward compatibility local function getDatesForBookOldFormat(book) local dates = {} for k, v in pairs(book.details) do local date_text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", v.time) if not dates[date_text] then dates[date_text] = { date = v.time, read = v.read, count = 1 } else dates[date_text] = { read = dates[date_text].read + v.read, count = dates[date_text].count + 1, date = dates[date_text].date } end end return generateReadBooksTable(book.title, dates) end -- sdays -> number of days to show -- ptype -> daily - show daily without weekday name -- daily_weekday - show daily with weekday name -- weekly - show weekly -- monthly - show monthly function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype) local dates = {} local sorted_performance_in_pages local diff local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour *3600 + now_t.min*60 + now_t.sec local now_stamp = os.time() local one_day = 24 * 3600 -- one day in seconds local avg_time_per_page local period = now_stamp - ((sdays -1) * one_day) - from_begin_day for _, v in pairs(ReadHistory.hist) do local book_stats = DocSettings:open(v.file):readSetting('stats') if book_stats ~= nil then -- if current reading book if book_stats.title == self.data.title then book_stats = self.data local read_pages = util.tableSize(self.data.performance_in_pages) avg_time_per_page = self.data.total_time_in_sec / read_pages else avg_time_per_page = book_stats.total_time_in_sec / book_stats.pages end --zeros table sorted_performance_in_pages sorted_performance_in_pages = {} for k1, v1 in pairs(book_stats.performance_in_pages) do if k1 >= period then table.insert(sorted_performance_in_pages, k1) end --if period end -- for book_performance -- sort table by time (unix timestamp) local date_text table.sort(sorted_performance_in_pages) for i, n in pairs(sorted_performance_in_pages) do if ptype == "daily_weekday" then date_text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d (%a)", n) elseif ptype == "daily" then date_text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d" , n) elseif ptype == "weekly" then date_text = os.date("%Y Week %W" , n) elseif ptype == "monthly" then date_text = os.date("%B %Y" , n) else date_text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d" , n) end --if ptype if not dates[date_text] then dates[date_text] = { -- first pages of day is set to average of all pages read = avg_time_per_page, date = n, count = 1 } else local entry = dates[date_text] diff = n - entry.date -- page_max_time if (diff <= page_max_time and diff > 0) then entry.read = entry.read + n - entry.date else --add average time if time > page_max_time entry.read = avg_time_per_page + entry.read end --if diff if diff < 0 then entry.read = avg_time_per_page + entry.read end entry.date = n entry.count = entry.count + 1 end --if not dates[] end -- for sorted_performance_in_pages end -- if book_status end --for pairs(ReadHistory.hist) return dates end local function getDatesForBook(book) local dates = {} local sorted_performance_in_pages = {} local diff local read_pages = util.tableSize(book.performance_in_pages) for k, v in pairs(book.performance_in_pages) do table.insert(sorted_performance_in_pages, k) end -- sort table by time (unix timestamp) table.sort(sorted_performance_in_pages) for i, n in pairs(sorted_performance_in_pages) do local date_text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", n) if not dates[date_text] then dates[date_text] = { -- first pages of day is set to average of all pages read = book.total_time_in_sec / read_pages, date = n, count = 1 } else local entry = dates[date_text] diff = n - entry.date if diff <= page_max_time then entry.read = entry.read + n - entry.date else --add average time if time > page_max_time e.g longer break while reading entry.read = book.total_time_in_sec / read_pages + entry.read end entry.date = n entry.count = entry.count + 1 end end return generateReadBooksTable(book.title, dates) end function ReaderStatistics:getTotalStats() local total_stats = {} if not self:isDocless() then total_stats = { { self.data.title, util.secondsToClock(self.data.total_time_in_sec, false), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = self.data.title, kv_pairs = getDatesForBook(self.data), }) end, } } end -- find stats for all other books in history local proceded_titles, total_books_time = self:getStatisticsFromHistory(total_stats) total_books_time = total_books_time + self:getOldStatisticsFromDirectory(proceded_titles, total_stats) total_books_time = total_books_time + tonumber(self.data.total_time_in_sec) return T(_("Total hours read %1"), util.secondsToClock(total_books_time, false)), total_stats end function ReaderStatistics:getStatisticsFromHistory(total_stats) local titles = {} local total_books_time = 0 for _, v in pairs(ReadHistory.hist) do local book_stats = DocSettings:open(v.file):readSetting('stats') if book_stats and book_stats.total_time_in_sec > 0 and book_stats.title ~= self.data.title then titles[book_stats.title] = true table.insert(total_stats, { book_stats.title, util.secondsToClock(book_stats.total_time_in_sec, false), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = book_stats.title, kv_pairs = getDatesForBook(book_stats), }) end, }) total_books_time = total_books_time + tonumber(book_stats.total_time_in_sec) end --if book_stats end --for pairs(ReadHistory.hist) return titles, total_books_time end -- For backward compatibility function ReaderStatistics:getOldStatisticsFromDirectory(exlude_titles, total_stats) if lfs.attributes(statistics_dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then return 0 end local total_books_time = 0 for curr_file in lfs.dir(statistics_dir) do local path = statistics_dir .. curr_file if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file" then local book_result = self:importFromFile(statistics_dir, curr_file) if book_result and book_result.total_time > 0 and book_result.title ~= self.data.title and not exlude_titles[book_result.title] then table.insert(total_stats, { book_result.title, util.secondsToClock(book_result.total_time, false), callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = book_result.title, kv_pairs = getDatesForBookOldFormat(book_result), }) end, }) total_books_time = total_books_time + tonumber(book_result.total_time) end end end return total_books_time end function ReaderStatistics:onPageUpdate(pageno) if self:isDocless() or not self.is_enabled then return end local curr_time = TimeVal:now() local diff_time = curr_time.sec - self.last_time.sec -- if last update was more then 10 minutes then current period set to 0 if (diff_time > 600) then self.current_period = 0 self.pages_current_period = 0 end if diff_time >= self.page_min_read_sec and diff_time <= self.page_max_read_sec then self.current_period = self.current_period + diff_time self.pages_current_period = self.pages_current_period + 1 self.data.total_time_in_sec = self.data.total_time_in_sec + diff_time self.data.performance_in_pages[curr_time.sec] = pageno -- we cannot save stats each time this is a page update event, -- because the self.data may not even be initialized when such a event -- comes, which will render a blank stats written into doc settings -- and all previous stats are totally wiped out. self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) end self.last_time = curr_time end -- For backward compatibility function ReaderStatistics:inplaceMigration() local oldData = self:importFromFile(statistics_dir, self.data.title .. ".stat") if oldData then for k, v in pairs(oldData.details) do self.data.performance_in_pages[v.time] = v.page end end end -- For backward compatibility function ReaderStatistics:importFromFile(base_path, item) item = string.gsub(item, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- trim if item ~= ".stat" then local statistic_file = joinPath(base_path, item) if lfs.attributes(statistic_file, "mode") == "directory" then return end local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, statistic_file) if ok then return stored else DEBUG(stored) end end end function ReaderStatistics:onCloseDocument() if not self:isDocless() and self.last_time and self.is_enabled then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) end end function ReaderStatistics:onAddHighlight() self.data.highlights = self.data.highlights + 1 end function ReaderStatistics:onAddNote() self.data.notes = self.data.notes + 1 end -- in case when screensaver starts function ReaderStatistics:onSaveSettings() self:saveSettings() if not self:isDocless() then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) self.current_period = 0 self.pages_current_period = 0 end end -- screensaver off function ReaderStatistics:onResume() self.current_period = 0 self.pages_current_period = 0 end function ReaderStatistics:saveSettings(fields) if fields then self.page_min_read_sec = tonumber(fields[1]) self.page_max_read_sec = tonumber(fields[2]) end local settings = { min_sec = self.page_min_read_sec, max_sec = self.page_max_read_sec, is_enabled = self.is_enabled, } G_reader_settings:saveSetting("statistics", settings) end function ReaderStatistics:onReadSettings(config) self.data = config.data.stats end function ReaderStatistics:onReaderReady() -- we have correct page count now, do the actual initialization work self:initData() end return ReaderStatistics