local Generic = require("device/generic/device") -- <= look at this file! local PluginShare = require("pluginshare") local ffi = require("ffi") local logger = require("logger") local C = ffi.C require("ffi/linux_input_h") local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end local SonyPRSTUX = Generic:new{ model = "Sony PRSTUX", isSonyPRSTUX = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasOTAUpdates = yes, hasWifiManager = yes, canReboot = yes, canPowerOff = yes, canSuspend = yes, usbPluggedIn = false, home_dir = nil, } -- sony's driver does not inform of ID, so we overwrite the TOUCH_MAJOR -- event to fake an ID event. a width == 0 means the finger was lifted. -- after all events are received, we reset the counter local next_touch_id = 0 local adjustTouchEvt = function(self, ev) if ev.type == C.EV_ABS and ev.code == C.ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR then ev.code = C.ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID if ev.value ~= 0 then ev.value = next_touch_id else ev.value = -1 end next_touch_id = next_touch_id + 1 logger.dbg("adjusted id: ", ev.value) elseif ev.type == C.EV_SYN and ev.code == C.SYN_REPORT then next_touch_id = 0 logger.dbg("reset id: ", ev.code, ev.value) ev.code = C.SYN_MT_REPORT elseif ev.type == C.EV_SYN and ev.code == C.SYN_MT_REPORT then ev.code = C.SYN_REPORT end end function SonyPRSTUX:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/sony-prstux/powerd"):new{device = self} self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/sony-prstux/event_map"), } self.input.open("/dev/input/event0") -- Keys self.input.open("/dev/input/event1") -- touchscreen self.input.open("/dev/input/event2") -- power button self.input.open("fake_events") -- usb plug-in/out and charging/not-charging self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(adjustTouchEvt) local rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_ROTATED self.screen.native_rotation_mode = rotation_mode self.screen.cur_rotation_mode = rotation_mode Generic.init(self) end function SonyPRSTUX:supportsScreensaver() return true end function SonyPRSTUX:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) if hour == nil or min == nil then return true end local command if year and month and day then command = string.format("date -s '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d'", year, month, day, hour, min, sec) else command = string.format("date -s '%d:%d'",hour, min) end if os.execute(command) == 0 then os.execute("hwclock -u -w") return true else return false end end function SonyPRSTUX:intoScreenSaver() local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") if self.screen_saver_mode == false then Screensaver:setup() Screensaver:show() end self.powerd:beforeSuspend() self.screen_saver_mode = true end function SonyPRSTUX:outofScreenSaver() if self.screen_saver_mode == true then local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") Screensaver:close() local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:nextTick(function() UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") end) end self.powerd:afterResume() self.screen_saver_mode = false end function SonyPRSTUX:suspend() os.execute("./suspend.sh") end function SonyPRSTUX:resume() os.execute("./resume.sh") end function SonyPRSTUX:powerOff() os.execute("sleep 1 && poweroff &") end function SonyPRSTUX:reboot() os.execute("sleep 1 && reboot &") end function SonyPRSTUX:usbPlugIn() self.usb_plugged_in = true PluginShare.pause_auto_suspend = true end function SonyPRSTUX:usbPlugOut() self.usb_plugged_in = false PluginShare.pause_auto_suspend = false end function SonyPRSTUX:usbPluggedIn() return self.usb_plugged_in end function SonyPRSTUX:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi(complete_callback) self:releaseIP() os.execute("./set-wifi.sh off") if complete_callback then complete_callback() end end function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi(complete_callback) os.execute("./set-wifi.sh on") self:reconnectOrShowNetworkMenu(complete_callback) end function NetworkMgr:getNetworkInterfaceName() return "wlan0" end NetworkMgr:setWirelessBackend("wpa_supplicant", {ctrl_interface = "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0"}) function NetworkMgr:obtainIP() self:releaseIP() os.execute("dhclient wlan0") end function NetworkMgr:releaseIP() logger.info("killing dhclient") os.execute("dhclient -x wlan0") end function NetworkMgr:restoreWifiAsync() -- os.execute("./restore-wifi-async.sh") end function NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() return 0 == os.execute("wmiconfig -i wlan0 --wlan query | grep -q enabled") end end function SonyPRSTUX:getSoftwareVersion() return ffi.string("PRSTUX") end function SonyPRSTUX:getDeviceModel() return ffi.string("PRS-T2") end function SonyPRSTUX:setEventHandlers(UIManager) UIManager.event_handlers.Suspend = function() self:_beforeSuspend() self:intoScreenSaver() self:suspend() end UIManager.event_handlers.Resume = function() self:resume() self:outofScreenSaver() self:_afterResume() end UIManager.event_handlers.PowerPress = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(2, UIManager.poweroff_action) end UIManager.event_handlers.PowerRelease = function() if not UIManager._entered_poweroff_stage then UIManager:unschedule(UIManager.poweroff_action) -- resume if we were suspended if self.screen_saver_mode then UIManager.event_handlers.Resume() else UIManager.event_handlers.Suspend() end end end UIManager.event_handlers.Charging = function() self:_beforeCharging() end UIManager.event_handlers.NotCharging = function() self:_afterNotCharging() end UIManager.event_handlers.UsbPlugIn = function() if self.screen_saver_mode then self:resume() self:outofScreenSaver() self:_afterResume() end self:usbPlugIn() end UIManager.event_handlers.UsbPlugOut = function() self:usbPlugOut() end UIManager.event_handlers.__default__ = function(input_event) -- Same as in Kobo: we want to ignore keys during suspension if not self.screen_saver_mode then UIManager:sendEvent(input_event) end end end -- For Sony PRS-T2 local SonyPRSTUX_T2 = SonyPRSTUX:new{ isTouchDevice = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasFrontlight = no, display_dpi = 166, } logger.info("SoftwareVersion: ", SonyPRSTUX:getSoftwareVersion()) local codename = SonyPRSTUX:getDeviceModel() if codename == "PRS-T2" then return SonyPRSTUX_T2 else error("unrecognized Sony PRSTUX model " .. codename) end