-- Check if we're running a busted version recent enough that we don't need to deal with the LuaJIT hacks... -- That currently means > 2.0.0 (i.e., scm-2, which isn't on LuaRocks...). local busted_ok = false for name, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do if name == "busted.luajit" then busted_ok = true break end end -- Don't try to overwrite metatables so we can use --auto-insulate-tests -- Shamelessly copied from https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/busted/commit/2dfff99bda01fd3da56fd23415aba5a2a4cc0ffd if not busted_ok then local ffi = require "ffi" local original_metatype = ffi.metatype local original_store = {} ffi.metatype = function (primary, ...) if original_store[primary] then return original_store[primary] end local success, result, err = pcall(original_metatype, primary, ...) if not success then -- hard error was thrown error(result, 2) end if not result then -- soft error was returned return result, err end -- it worked, store and return original_store[primary] = result return result end end package.path = "?.lua;common/?.lua;rocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;frontend/?.lua;" .. package.path package.cpath = "?.so;common/?.so;/usr/lib/lua/?.so;rocks/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;" .. package.cpath -- turn off debug by default and set log level to warning require("dbg"):turnOff() local logger = require("logger") logger:setLevel(logger.levels.warn) -- global defaults local DataStorage = require("datastorage") os.remove(DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/defaults.tests.lua") os.remove(DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/defaults.tests.lua.old") G_defaults = require("luadefaults"):open(DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/defaults.tests.lua") -- global reader settings os.remove(DataStorage:getDataDir().."/settings.reader.lua") G_reader_settings = require("luasettings"):open(".reader") -- global einkfb for Screen (do not show SDL window) einkfb = require("ffi/framebuffer") --luacheck: ignore einkfb.dummy = true --luacheck: ignore local Device = require("device") -- init output device local Screen = Device.screen Screen:init() local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") CanvasContext:init(Device) -- init input device (do not show SDL window) local Input = Device.input Input.dummy = true package.unload = function(module) if type(module) ~= "string" then return false end package.loaded[module] = nil _G[module] = nil return true end package.replace = function(name, module) if type(name) ~= "string" then return false end assert(package.unload(name)) package.loaded[name] = module return true end package.reload = function(name) if type(name) ~= "string" then return false end assert(package.unload(name)) return require(name) end package.unloadAll = function() local candidates = { "spec/", "frontend/", "plugins/", "datastorage.lua", "defaults.lua", } local pending = {} for name, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do local path = package.searchpath(name, package.path) if path ~= nil then for _, candidate in ipairs(candidates) do if path:find(candidate) == 1 then table.insert(pending, name) end end end end for _, name in ipairs(pending) do if name ~= "commonrequire" then assert(package.unload(name)) end end return #pending end local background_runner requireBackgroundRunner = function() require("pluginshare").stopBackgroundRunner = nil if background_runner == nil then local package_path = package.path package.path = "plugins/backgroundrunner.koplugin/?.lua;" .. package.path background_runner = dofile("plugins/backgroundrunner.koplugin/main.lua") package.path = package_path end return background_runner end stopBackgroundRunner = function() background_runner = nil require("pluginshare").stopBackgroundRunner = true end notifyBackgroundJobsUpdated = function() if background_runner then background_runner:onBackgroundJobsUpdated() end end