local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Font = require("ui/font") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local T = require("ffi/util").template local TextViewer = require("ui/widget/textviewer") local Trapper = require("ui/trapper") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("ffi/util") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = require("device").screen local Terminal = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "terminal", command = "", dump_file = util.realpath(DataStorage:getDataDir()) .. "/terminal_output.txt", items_per_page = G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_per_page") or 16, settings = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/terminal_shortcuts.lua"), shortcuts_dialog = nil, shortcuts_menu = nil, -- shortcuts_file = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/terminal_shortcuts.lua", shortcuts = {}, source = "terminal", } function Terminal:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self.shortcuts = self.settings:readSetting("shortcuts") or {} end function Terminal:saveShortcuts() self.settings:saveSetting("shortcuts", self.shortcuts) self.settings:flush() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Shortcuts saved"), timeout = 2 }) end function Terminal:manageShortcuts() self.shortcuts_dialog = CenterContainer:new { dimen = Screen:getSize(), } self.shortcuts_menu = Menu:new{ show_parent = self.ui, width = Screen:getWidth(), height = Screen:getHeight(), covers_fullscreen = true, -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() is_borderless = true, is_popout = false, perpage = self.items_per_page, onMenuHold = self.onMenuHoldShortcuts, _manager = self, } table.insert(self.shortcuts_dialog, self.shortcuts_menu) self.shortcuts_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(self.shortcuts_dialog) end -- sort the shortcuts: if #self.shortcuts > 0 then table.sort(self.shortcuts, function(v1, v2) return v1.text < v2.text end) end self:updateItemTable() end function Terminal:updateItemTable() local item_table = {} if #self.shortcuts > 0 then local actions_count = 3 -- separator + actions for nr, f in ipairs(self.shortcuts) do local item = { nr = nr, text = f.text, commands = f.commands, editable = true, deletable = true, callback = function() -- so we know which middle button to display in the results: self.source = "shortcut" -- execute immediately, skip terminal dialog: self.command = self:ensureWhitelineAfterCommands(f.commands) Trapper:wrap(function() self:execute() end) end } table.insert(item_table, item) -- add page actions at end of each page with shortcuts: local factor = self.items_per_page - actions_count if nr % factor == 0 or nr == #self.shortcuts then -- insert "separator": table.insert(item_table, { text = " ", deletable = false, editable = false, callback = function() self:manageShortcuts() end, }) -- actions: self:insertPageActions(item_table) end end -- no shortcuts defined yet: else self:insertPageActions(item_table) end local title = #self.shortcuts == 1 and _("Terminal shortcut") or _("Terminal shortcuts") self.shortcuts_menu:switchItemTable(tostring(#self.shortcuts) .. " " .. title, item_table) UIManager:show(self.shortcuts_dialog) end function Terminal:insertPageActions(item_table) table.insert(item_table, { text = " " .. _("to terminal…"), deletable = false, editable = false, callback = function() self:terminal() end, }) table.insert(item_table, { text = " " .. _("close…"), deletable = false, editable = false, callback = function() return false end, }) end function Terminal:onMenuHoldShortcuts(item) if item.deletable or item.editable then local shortcut_shortcuts_dialog shortcut_shortcuts_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = {{ { text = _("Edit name"), enabled = item.editable, callback = function() UIManager:close(shortcut_shortcuts_dialog) if self._manager.shortcuts_dialog ~= nil then UIManager:close(self._manager.shortcuts_dialog) self._manager.shortcuts_dialog = nil end self._manager:editName(item) end }, { text = _("Edit commands"), enabled = item.editable, callback = function() UIManager:close(shortcut_shortcuts_dialog) if self._manager.shortcuts_dialog ~= nil then UIManager:close(self._manager.shortcuts_dialog) self._manager.shortcuts_dialog = nil end self._manager:editCommands(item) end }, }, { { text = _("Copy"), enabled = item.editable, callback = function() UIManager:close(shortcut_shortcuts_dialog) if self._manager.shortcuts_dialog ~= nil then UIManager:close(self._manager.shortcuts_dialog) self._manager.shortcuts_dialog = nil end self._manager:copyCommands(item) end }, { text = _("Delete"), enabled = item.deletable, callback = function() UIManager:close(shortcut_shortcuts_dialog) if self._manager.shortcuts_dialog ~= nil then UIManager:close(self._manager.shortcuts_dialog) self._manager.shortcuts_dialog = nil end self._manager:deleteShortcut(item) end } }} } UIManager:show(shortcut_shortcuts_dialog) return true end end function Terminal:copyCommands(item) local new_item = { text = item.text .. " (copy)", commands = item.commands } table.insert(self.shortcuts, new_item) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Shortcut copied"), timeout = 2 }) self:saveShortcuts() self:manageShortcuts() end function Terminal:editCommands(item) local edit_dialog edit_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = T(_('Edit commands for "%1"'), item.text), input = item.commands, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.9, para_direction_rtl = false, -- force LTR input_type = "string", allow_newline = true, cursor_at_end = true, fullscreen = true, buttons = {{{ text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(edit_dialog) edit_dialog = nil self:manageShortcuts() end, }, { text = _("Save"), callback = function() local input = edit_dialog:getInputText() UIManager:close(edit_dialog) edit_dialog = nil if input:match("[A-Za-z]") then self.shortcuts[item.nr]["commands"] = input self:saveShortcuts() self:manageShortcuts() end end, }}}, } UIManager:show(edit_dialog) edit_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function Terminal:editName(item) local edit_dialog edit_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit name"), input = item.text, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.9, para_direction_rtl = false, -- force LTR input_type = "string", allow_newline = false, cursor_at_end = true, fullscreen = true, buttons = {{{ text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(edit_dialog) edit_dialog = nil self:manageShortcuts() end, }, { text = _("Save"), callback = function() local input = edit_dialog:getInputText() UIManager:close(edit_dialog) edit_dialog = nil if input:match("[A-Za-z]") then self.shortcuts[item.nr]["text"] = input self:saveShortcuts() self:manageShortcuts() end end, }}}, } UIManager:show(edit_dialog) edit_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function Terminal:deleteShortcut(item) local shortcuts = {} for _, element in ipairs(self.shortcuts) do if element.text ~= item.text and element.commands ~= item.commands then table.insert(shortcuts, element) end end self.shortcuts = shortcuts self:saveShortcuts() self:manageShortcuts() end function Terminal:onTerminalStart() -- if shortcut commands are defined, go directly to the the shortcuts manager (so we can execute scripts more quickly): if #self.shortcuts == 0 then self:terminal() else self:manageShortcuts() end end function Terminal:terminal() self.input = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter a command and press \"Execute\""), input = self.command:gsub("\n+$", ""), para_direction_rtl = false, -- force LTR input_type = "string", allow_newline = true, cursor_at_end = true, fullscreen = true, buttons = {{{ text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.input) end, }, { text = _("Shortcuts"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.input) self:manageShortcuts() end, }, { text = _("Save"), callback = function() local input = self.input:getInputText() if input:match("[A-Za-z]") then local function callback(name) local new_shortcut = { text = name, commands = input, } table.insert(self.shortcuts, new_shortcut) self:saveShortcuts() end local prompt prompt = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Name"), input = "", input_type = "text", fullscreen = true, condensed = true, allow_newline = false, cursor_at_end = true, buttons = {{{ text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(prompt) end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local newval = prompt:getInputText() UIManager:close(prompt) callback(newval) end, }}} } UIManager:show(prompt) prompt:onShowKeyboard() end end, }, { text = _("Execute"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.input) -- so we know which middle button to display in the results: self.source = "terminal" self.command = self:ensureWhitelineAfterCommands(self.input:getInputText()) Trapper:wrap(function() self:execute() end) end, }}}, } UIManager:show(self.input) self.input:onShowKeyboard() end -- for prettier formatting of output by separating commands and result thereof with a whiteline: function Terminal:ensureWhitelineAfterCommands(commands) if string.sub(commands, -1) ~= "\n" then commands = commands .. "\n" end return commands end function Terminal:execute() local wait_msg = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Executing…"), } UIManager:show(wait_msg) local entries = { self.command } local command = self.command .. " 2>&1 ; echo" -- ensure we get stderr and output something local completed, result_str = Trapper:dismissablePopen(command, wait_msg) if completed then table.insert(entries, result_str) self:dump(entries) table.insert(entries, _("Output was also written to")) table.insert(entries, self.dump_file) else table.insert(entries, _("Execution canceled.")) end UIManager:close(wait_msg) local viewer local buttons_table local back_button = { text = _("Back"), callback = function() UIManager:close(viewer) if self.source == "terminal" then self:terminal() else self:manageShortcuts() end end, } local close_button = { text = _("Close"), callback = function() UIManager:close(viewer) end, } if self.source == "terminal" then buttons_table = { { back_button, { text = _("Shortcuts"), -- switch to shortcuts: callback = function() UIManager:close(viewer) self:manageShortcuts() end, }, close_button, }, } else buttons_table = { { back_button, { text = _("Terminal"), -- switch to terminal: callback = function() UIManager:close(viewer) self:terminal() end, }, close_button, }, } end viewer = TextViewer:new{ title = _("Command output"), text = table.concat(entries, "\n"), justified = false, text_face = Font:getFace("smallinfont"), buttons_table = buttons_table, } UIManager:show(viewer) end function Terminal:dump(entries) local content = table.concat(entries, "\n") local file = io.open(self.dump_file, "w") if file then file:write(content) file:close() else logger.warn("Failed to dump terminal output " .. content .. " to " .. self.dump_file) end end function Terminal:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.terminal = { text = _("Terminal emulator"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:onTerminalStart() end, } end return Terminal