local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local CreOptions = require("ui/data/creoptions") local Document = require("document/document") local Configurable = require("ui/reader/configurable") local Font = require("ui/font") local Device = require("ui/device") local Screen = require("ui/screen") local DEBUG = require("dbg") -- TBD: DrawContext local CreDocument = Document:new{ -- this is defined in kpvcrlib/crengine/crengine/include/lvdocview.h SCROLL_VIEW_MODE = 0, PAGE_VIEW_MODE = 1, _document = false, engine_initilized = false, line_space_percent = 100, default_font = "FreeSerif", header_font = "FreeSans", fallback_font = "Droid Sans Fallback", default_css = "./data/cr3.css", options = CreOptions, } -- NuPogodi, 20.05.12: inspect the zipfile content function CreDocument.zipContentExt(self, fname) local outfile = "./data/zip_content" local s = "" os.execute("unzip ".."-l \""..fname.."\" > "..outfile) local i = 1 if io.open(outfile,"r") then for lines in io.lines(outfile) do if i == 4 then s = lines break else i = i + 1 end end end -- return the extention return string.lower(string.match(s, ".+%.([^.]+)")) end function CreDocument:engineInit() if not engine_initilized then -- initialize cache cre.initCache(1024*1024*64) -- we need to initialize the CRE font list local fonts = Font:getFontList() for _k, _v in ipairs(fonts) do if _v ~= "Dingbats.cff" and _v ~= "StandardSymL.cff" then local ok, err = pcall(cre.registerFont, Font.fontdir..'/'.._v) if not ok then DEBUG(err) end end end local default_font = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_font") if default_font then self.default_font = default_font end local header_font = G_reader_settings:readSetting("header_font") if header_font then self.header_font = header_font end engine_initilized = true end end function CreDocument:init() require "libs/libkoreader-cre" self:engineInit() self.configurable:loadDefaults(self.options) local ok local file_type = string.lower(string.match(self.file, ".+%.([^.]+)")) if file_type == "zip" then -- NuPogodi, 20.05.12: read the content of zip-file -- and return extention of the 1st file file_type = self:zipContentExt(self.file) end -- these two format use the same css file if file_type == "html" then file_type = "htm" end -- if native css-file doesn't exist, one needs to use default cr3.css if not io.open("./data/"..file_type..".css") then file_type = "cr3" end self.default_css = "./data/"..file_type..".css" -- @TODO check the default view_mode to a global user configurable -- variable 22.12 2012 (houqp) ok, self._document = pcall(cre.newDocView, Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight(), self.PAGE_VIEW_MODE ) if not ok then self.error_message = self.doc -- will contain error message return end -- adjust font sizes according to screen dpi self._document:adjustFontSizes(Screen:getDPI()) -- set fallback font face self._document:setStringProperty("crengine.font.fallback.face", self.fallback_font) self.is_open = true self.info.has_pages = false self:_readMetadata() self.info.configurable = true end function CreDocument:loadDocument() self._document:loadDocument(self.file) if not self.info.has_pages then self.info.doc_height = self._document:getFullHeight() end if Device:getModel() ~= "KindleDXG" then self:setVisiblePageCount(1) end end function CreDocument:close() self._document:saveDefaults() Document.close(self) end function CreDocument:getPageCount() return self._document:getPages() end function CreDocument:getWordFromPosition(pos) local word_box = self._document:getWordFromPos(pos.x, pos.y) if word_box.word then return { word = word_box.word, page = self._document:getCurrentPage(), sbox = { x = word_box.x0, y = word_box.y0, w = word_box.x1 - word_box.x0, h = word_box.y1 - word_box.y0, } } end end function CreDocument:getTextFromPositions(doc, pos0, pos1) DEBUG("getTextFromPositions not finished yet") end function CreDocument:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect, pos) tile_bb = Blitbuffer.new(rect.w, rect.h) self._document:drawCurrentPage(tile_bb) target:blitFrom(tile_bb, x, y, 0, 0, rect.w, rect.h) tile_bb:free() end function CreDocument:drawCurrentViewByPos(target, x, y, rect, pos) self._document:gotoPos(pos) self:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect) end function CreDocument:drawCurrentViewByPage(target, x, y, rect, page) self._document:gotoPage(page) self:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect) end function CreDocument:hintPage(pageno, zoom, rotation) end function CreDocument:drawPage(target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation) end function CreDocument:renderPage(pageno, rect, zoom, rotation) end function CreDocument:gotoXPointer(xpointer) DEBUG("CreDocument: goto xpointer", xpointer) self._document:gotoXPointer(xpointer) end function CreDocument:getXPointer() return self._document:getXPointer() end function CreDocument:getPosFromXPointer(xp) return self._document:getPosFromXPointer(xp) end function CreDocument:getPageFromXPointer(xp) return self._document:getPageFromXPointer(xp) end function CreDocument:getFontFace() return self._document:getFontFace() end function CreDocument:getCurrentPos() return self._document:getCurrentPos() end function Document:gotoPos(pos) DEBUG("CreDocument: goto position", pos) self._document:gotoPos(pos) end function CreDocument:gotoPage(page) DEBUG("CreDocument: goto page", page) self._document:gotoPage(page) end function CreDocument:getCurrentPage() return self._document:getCurrentPage() end function CreDocument:setFontFace(new_font_face) if new_font_face then DEBUG("CreDocument: set font face", new_font_face) self._document:setFontFace(new_font_face) end end function CreDocument:getFontSize() return self._document:getFontSize() end function CreDocument:setFontSize(new_font_size) if new_font_size then DEBUG("CreDocument: set font size", new_font_size) self._document:setFontSize(new_font_size) end end function CreDocument:setViewMode(new_mode) if new_mode then DEBUG("CreDocument: set view mode", new_mode) if new_mode == "scroll" then self._document:setViewMode(self.SCROLL_VIEW_MODE) else self._document:setViewMode(self.PAGE_VIEW_MODE) end end end function CreDocument:setHeaderFont(new_font) if new_font then DEBUG("CreDocument: set header font", new_font) self._document:setHeaderFont(new_font) end end function CreDocument:zoomFont(delta) DEBUG("CreDocument: zoom font", delta) self._document:zoomFont(delta) end function CreDocument:setInterlineSpacePercent(percent) DEBUG("CreDocument: set interline space", percent) self._document:setDefaultInterlineSpace(percent) end function CreDocument:toggleFontBolder() DEBUG("CreDocument: toggle font bolder") self._document:toggleFontBolder() end function CreDocument:setGammaIndex(index) DEBUG("CreDocument: set gamma index", index) cre.setGammaIndex(index) end function CreDocument:setStyleSheet(new_css) DEBUG("CreDocument: set style sheet", new_css) self._document:setStyleSheet(new_css) end function CreDocument:setEmbeddedStyleSheet(toggle) DEBUG("CreDocument: set embedded style sheet", toggle) self._document:setEmbeddedStyleSheet(toggle) end function CreDocument:setPageMargins(left, top, right, bottom) DEBUG("CreDocument: set page margins", left, top, right, bottom) self._document:setPageMargins(left, top, right, bottom) end function CreDocument:setFloatingPunctuation(enabled) DEBUG("CreDocument: set floating punctuation", enabled) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.style.floating.punctuation.enabled", enabled) end function CreDocument:setVisiblePageCount(new_count) DEBUG("CreDocument: set visible page count", new_count) self._document:setVisiblePageCount(new_count) end function CreDocument:setBatteryState(state) DEBUG("CreDocument: set battery state", state) self._document:setBatteryState(state) end function CreDocument:register(registry) registry:addProvider("txt", "application/txt", self) registry:addProvider("epub", "application/epub", self) registry:addProvider("html", "application/html", self) registry:addProvider("htm", "application/htm", self) registry:addProvider("zip", "application/zip", self) registry:addProvider("rtf", "application/rtf", self) registry:addProvider("mobi", "application/mobi", self) registry:addProvider("prc", "application/prc", self) registry:addProvider("azw", "application/azw", self) registry:addProvider("chm", "application/chm", self) registry:addProvider("pdb", "application/pdb", self) registry:addProvider("doc", "application/doc", self) registry:addProvider("tcr", "application/tcr", self) end return CreDocument