#!/bin/bash # Script to generate mac application bundles for KOReader # # We don't use XCode at all. Just commandline tools. # # menu.xml contains the main menu of a typical OSX program. # each time some user facing string in menu.xml changed we can # generate a new translation template with: # # cp menu.xml menu.xib # ibtool --generate-strings-file mac.strings menu.xib # rm -rf menu.xib # # the generated "mac.strings" is in xliff format (binary, not plain text) # and can be translated using an xliff editor or an online service that support # IOS string format, like weblate. COPYRIGHT="Copyright © $(date +"%Y") KOReader" command_exists() { type "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } if [ -z "${1}" ]; then echo "${0}: can't find KOReader build, please specify a path" exit 1 else VERSION="$(cut -f2 -dv "${1}/koreader/git-rev" | cut -f1,2 -d-)" APP_PATH="${1}/bundle" APP_BUNDLE="${1}/../KOReader" OSX_MAJOR=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d "." -f1) OSX_MINOR=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d "." -f2) fi # minimum deployment target based on host version if [ -z "${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}" ]; then if [ "${OSX_MAJOR}" == 11 ]; then MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 elif [ "${OSX_MAJOR}" == 10 ]; then MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.$((OSX_MINOR - 2))" fi fi # Generate PkgInfo and Info.plist printf "APPL????" >"${APP_PATH}/Contents/PkgInfo" cat <"${APP_PATH}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundleName KOReader CFBundleDisplayName KOReader CFBundleExecutable koreader CFBundleIconFile icon.icns CFBundleIdentifier rocks.koreader CFBundleShortVersionString ${VERSION} CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleVersion 1.0 CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleTypeExtensions azw cbz chm djv djvu doc docx epub fb2 htm html md mobi pdb pdf prc rtf txt xhtml xps CFBundleTypeIconFile icon CFBundleTypeName docs CFBundleTypeRole Viewer NSHumanReadableCopyright ${COPYRIGHT} NSHighResolutionCapable NSPrincipalClass NSApplication NSMainNibFile MainMenu LSMultipleInstancesProhibited LSMinimumSystemVersion ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} SDL_FILESYSTEM_BASE_DIR_TYPE bundle END # freeze shared libraries, so they can be loaded within the application bundle pushd "${APP_PATH}/Contents/koreader" || exit 1 for dir in common libs; do path=$(basename "${dir}") pushd "${dir}" || exit 1 for library in *.so *.dylib; do install_name_tool -id "${library}" "$(basename "${library}")" # there may be more than one dependency to fix, so get all of them and iterate dependencies=$(otool -L "${library}" | grep "Users.*x86_64" | tr -s " " | cut -f1 -d" ") if [ -n "${dependencies}" ]; then for dependency in ${dependencies}; do filename=$(basename "${dependency}") if [ ! "${library}" = "${filename}" ]; then install_name_tool -change "${dependency}" "${path}/${filename}" "${library}" fi done fi done popd || exit 1 done BREW=/usr/local/opt cp "${BREW}/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib" "${BREW}/webp/lib/libwebp.7.dylib" libs chmod 777 libs/libintl.8.dylib libs/libwebp.7.dylib install_name_tool -id libintl.8.dylib libs/libintl.8.dylib install_name_tool -id libwebp.7.dylib libs/libwebp.7.dylib install_name_tool -change ${BREW}/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib libs/libintl.8.dylib libs/libglib-2.0.dylib install_name_tool -change ${BREW}/webp/lib/libwebp.7.dylib libs/libwebp.7.dylib libs/liblept.5.dylib install_name_tool -change ${BREW}/webp/lib/libwebp.7.dylib libs/libwebp.7.dylib libs/libtesseract.3.dylib # prepare bundle for distribution ln -s /usr/bin/tar tar mv COPYING README.md ../Resources/ mv koreader ../MacOS/koreader rm -rf cache clipboard history ota \ l10n/.git l10n/.tx l10n/templates l10n/LICENSE l10n/Makefile l10n/README.md \ plugins/SSH.koplugin plugins/hello.koplugin plugins/timesync.koplugin \ plugins/autofrontlight.koplugin resources/fonts resources/icons/src \ resources/kobo-touch-probe.png resources/koreader.icns rocks/bin \ rocks/lib/luarocks screenshots spec tools # adjust reader.lua a bit. sed '1d' reader.lua >tempfile sed -i.backup 's/.\/reader.lua/koreader/' tempfile sed -i.backup 's/the last viewed document will be opened"/" .. os.getenv("HOME") .. " will be opened"/' tempfile mv tempfile reader.lua rm -f tempfile* chmod -x reader.lua popd || exit 1 # bundle translations, if any for path in l10n/*; do lang=$(echo "${path}" | sed s'/l10n\///') if [ "${lang}" != "templates" ]; then translation_file="l10n/${lang}/mac.strings" if [ -f "${translation_file}" ]; then mkdir -p "${APP_PATH}/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj" cp -pv "${translation_file}" "${APP_PATH}/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj/MainMenu.strings" fi fi done # package as DMG if create-dmg is available # reduces size from 80MB to 40MB mv "${APP_PATH}" "${APP_BUNDLE}.app" if command_exists "create-dmg"; then # create KOReader-$VERSION.dmg with KOReader.app inside create-dmg "${APP_BUNDLE}.app" --overwrite rm -rf "${APP_BUNDLE}.app" else # rename as KOReader-$VERSION.app mv -v "${APP_BUNDLE}.app" "${APP_BUNDLE}-${VERSION}.app" fi