local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local EventListener = require("ui/widget/eventlistener") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local Screen = Device.screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local bit = require("bit") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local DeviceListener = EventListener:extend{} function DeviceListener:onToggleNightMode() local night_mode = G_reader_settings:isTrue("night_mode") Screen:toggleNightMode() -- Make sure CRe will bypass the call cache if self.ui and self.ui.document and self.ui.document.provider == "crengine" then self.ui.document:resetCallCache() end UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") UIManager:ToggleNightMode(not night_mode) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("night_mode", not night_mode) end function DeviceListener:onSetNightMode(night_mode_on) local night_mode = G_reader_settings:isTrue("night_mode") if night_mode_on ~= night_mode then self:onToggleNightMode() end end function DeviceListener:onShowIntensity() if not Device:hasFrontlight() then return true end local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local new_text if powerd:isFrontlightOff() then new_text = _("Frontlight disabled.") else new_text = T(_("Frontlight intensity set to %1."), powerd:frontlightIntensity()) end Notification:notify(new_text) return true end function DeviceListener:onShowWarmth() if not Device:hasNaturalLight() then return true end -- Display it in the native scale, like FrontLightWidget local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() Notification:notify(T(_("Warmth set to %1."), powerd:toNativeWarmth(powerd:frontlightWarmth()))) return true end -- frontlight controller if Device:hasFrontlight() then local function calculateGestureDelta(ges, direction, min, max) local delta_int if type(ges) == "table" then local gesture_multiplier if ges.ges == "two_finger_swipe" or ges.ges == "swipe" then gesture_multiplier = 0.8 else gesture_multiplier = 1 end local gestureScale if ges.direction == "south" or ges.direction == "north" then gestureScale = Screen:getHeight() * gesture_multiplier elseif ges.direction == "west" or ges.direction == "east" then gestureScale = Screen:getWidth() * gesture_multiplier else local width = Screen:getWidth() local height = Screen:getHeight() -- diagonal gestureScale = math.sqrt(width^2 + height^2) * gesture_multiplier end -- In case we're passed a gesture that doesn't imply movement (e.g., tap or hold) if ges.distance == nil then ges.distance = 1 end -- delta_int is calculated by a function f(x) = coeff * x^2 -- *) f(x) has the boundary condition: f(1) = max/2; -- *) x is roughly the swipe distance as a fraction of the screen geometry, -- clamped between 0 and 1 local x = math.min(1, ges.distance / gestureScale) delta_int = math.ceil(1/2 * max * x^2) else -- The ges arg passed by our caller wasn't a gesture, but an absolute integer increment delta_int = ges end if direction ~= -1 and direction ~= 1 then -- If the caller didn't specify, opt to *increase* by default direction = 1 end return direction * delta_int end -- direction +1 - increase frontlight -- direction -1 - decrease frontlight function DeviceListener:onChangeFlIntensity(ges, direction) local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local delta = calculateGestureDelta(ges, direction, powerd.fl_min, powerd.fl_max) local new_intensity = powerd:frontlightIntensity() + delta -- when new_intensity <= 0, toggle light off self:onSetFlIntensity(new_intensity) self:onShowIntensity() return true end function DeviceListener:onSetFlIntensity(new_intensity) local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() if new_intensity <= 0 then powerd:turnOffFrontlight() else powerd:setIntensity(new_intensity) end return true end function DeviceListener:onIncreaseFlIntensity(ges) self:onChangeFlIntensity(ges, 1) return true end function DeviceListener:onDecreaseFlIntensity(ges) self:onChangeFlIntensity(ges, -1) return true end -- direction +1 - increase frontlight warmth -- direction -1 - decrease frontlight warmth function DeviceListener:onChangeFlWarmth(ges, direction) if not Device:hasNaturalLight() then return true end local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local delta = calculateGestureDelta(ges, direction, powerd.fl_warmth_min, powerd.fl_warmth_max) -- Given that the native warmth ranges are usually pretty restrictive (e.g., [0, 10] or [0, 24]), -- do the computations in the native scale, to ensure we always actually *change* something, -- in case both the old and new value would round to the same native step, -- despite being different in the API scale, which is stupidly fixed at [0, 100]... local warmth = powerd:fromNativeWarmth(powerd:toNativeWarmth(powerd:frontlightWarmth()) + delta) self:onSetFlWarmth(warmth) self:onShowWarmth() return true end function DeviceListener:onSetFlWarmth(warmth) local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() if warmth > 100 then warmth = 100 elseif warmth < 0 then warmth = 0 end powerd:setWarmth(warmth) return true end function DeviceListener:onIncreaseFlWarmth(ges) self:onChangeFlWarmth(ges, 1) end function DeviceListener:onDecreaseFlWarmth(ges) self:onChangeFlWarmth(ges, -1) end function DeviceListener:onToggleFrontlight() local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local new_text if powerd:isFrontlightOn() then new_text = _("Frontlight disabled.") else new_text = _("Frontlight enabled.") end -- We defer displaying the Notification to PowerD, as the toggle may be a ramp, and we both want to make sure the refresh fencing won't affect it, and that we only display the Notification at the end... local notif_source = Notification.notify_source local notif_cb = function() Notification:notify(new_text, notif_source) end if not powerd:toggleFrontlight(notif_cb) then Notification:notify(_("Frontlight unchanged."), notif_source) end end function DeviceListener:onShowFlDialog() Device:showLightDialog() end end if Device:hasGSensor() then function DeviceListener:onToggleGSensor() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("input_ignore_gsensor") Device:toggleGSensor(not G_reader_settings:isTrue("input_ignore_gsensor")) local new_text if G_reader_settings:isTrue("input_ignore_gsensor") then new_text = _("Accelerometer rotation events off.") else new_text = _("Accelerometer rotation events on.") end Notification:notify(new_text) return true end end if not Device:isAlwaysFullscreen() then function DeviceListener:onToggleFullscreen() Device:toggleFullscreen() end end function DeviceListener:onIterateRotation(ccw) -- Simply rotate by 90° CW or CCW local step = ccw and -1 or 1 local arg = bit.band(Screen:getRotationMode() + step, 3) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetRotationMode", arg)) return true end function DeviceListener:onInvertRotation() -- Invert is always rota + 2, w/ wraparound local arg = bit.band(Screen:getRotationMode() + 2, 3) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetRotationMode", arg)) return true end function DeviceListener:onSwapRotation() local rota = Screen:getRotationMode() -- Portrait is always even, Landscape is always odd. For each of 'em, Landscape = Portrait + 1. -- As such... local arg if bit.band(rota, 1) == 0 then -- If Portrait, Landscape is +1 arg = bit.band(rota + 1, 3) else -- If Landscape, Portrait is -1 arg = bit.band(rota - 1, 3) end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetRotationMode", arg)) return true end function DeviceListener:onSetRefreshRates(day, night) UIManager:setRefreshRate(day, night) end function DeviceListener:onSetBothRefreshRates(rate) UIManager:setRefreshRate(rate, rate) end function DeviceListener:onSetDayRefreshRate(day) UIManager:setRefreshRate(day, nil) end function DeviceListener:onSetNightRefreshRate(night) UIManager:setRefreshRate(nil, night) end function DeviceListener:onSetFlashOnChapterBoundaries(toggle) if toggle == true then G_reader_settings:makeTrue("refresh_on_chapter_boundaries") else G_reader_settings:delSetting("refresh_on_chapter_boundaries") end end function DeviceListener:onToggleFlashOnChapterBoundaries() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("refresh_on_chapter_boundaries") end function DeviceListener:onSetNoFlashOnSecondChapterPage(toggle) if toggle == true then G_reader_settings:makeTrue("no_refresh_on_second_chapter_page") else G_reader_settings:delSetting("no_refresh_on_second_chapter_page") end end function DeviceListener:onToggleNoFlashOnSecondChapterPage() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("no_refresh_on_second_chapter_page") end function DeviceListener:onSetFlashOnPagesWithImages(toggle) if toggle == true then G_reader_settings:delSetting("refresh_on_pages_with_images") else G_reader_settings:makeFalse("refresh_on_pages_with_images") end end function DeviceListener:onToggleFlashOnPagesWithImages() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrTrue("refresh_on_pages_with_images") end function DeviceListener:onSwapPageTurnButtons() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("input_invert_page_turn_keys") Device:invertButtons() end function DeviceListener:onToggleKeyRepeat(toggle) if toggle == true then G_reader_settings:makeFalse("input_no_key_repeat") elseif toggle == false then G_reader_settings:makeTrue("input_no_key_repeat") else G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("input_no_key_repeat") end Device:toggleKeyRepeat(G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("input_no_key_repeat")) end function DeviceListener:onRequestUSBMS() local MassStorage = require("ui/elements/mass_storage") -- It already takes care of the canToggleMassStorage cap check for us -- NOTE: Never request confirmation, it's sorted right next to exit, restart & friends in Dispatcher, -- and they don't either... MassStorage:start(false) end function DeviceListener:onRestart() self.ui.menu:exitOrRestart(function() UIManager:restartKOReader() end) end function DeviceListener:onRequestSuspend() UIManager:suspend() end function DeviceListener:onRequestReboot() UIManager:askForReboot() end function DeviceListener:onRequestPowerOff() UIManager:askForPowerOff() end function DeviceListener:onExit(callback) self.ui.menu:exitOrRestart(callback) end function DeviceListener:onFullRefresh() if self.ui and self.ui.view then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateFooter", self.ui.view.footer_visible)) end UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") end -- On resume, make sure we restore Gestures handling in InputContainer, to avoid confusion for scatter-brained users ;). -- It's also helpful when the IgnoreTouchInput event is emitted by Dispatcher through other means than Gestures. function DeviceListener:onResume() UIManager:setIgnoreTouchInput(false) end return DeviceListener