#!/bin/sh export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" PROC_KEYPAD="/proc/keypad" PROC_FIVEWAY="/proc/fiveway" test -e $PROC_KEYPAD && echo unlock > $PROC_KEYPAD test -e $PROC_FIVEWAY && echo unlock > $PROC_FIVEWAY # we're always starting from our working directory cd /mnt/us/koreader/ # export trained OCR data directory export TESSDATA_PREFIX="data" # export dict directory export STARDICT_DATA_DIR="data/dict" # bind-mount system fonts if ! grep /mnt/us/koreader/fonts/host /proc/mounts; then mount -o bind /usr/java/lib/fonts /mnt/us/koreader/fonts/host fi # check if we are supposed to shut down the Amazon framework if test "$1" == "--framework_stop"; then shift 1 /etc/init.d/framework stop fi # check if kpvbooklet was launched for more than once, if not we will disable pillow count=`lipc-get-prop -eiq com.github.koreader.kpvbooklet.timer count` if [ "$count" == "" -o "$count" == "0" ]; then lipc-set-prop com.lab126.pillow disableEnablePillow disable fi # stop cvm #killall -stop cvm # finally call reader ./reader.lua "$@" 2> crash.log # clean up forked process in case the reader crashed killall reader.lua # unmount system fonts if grep /mnt/us/koreader/fonts/host /proc/mounts; then umount /mnt/us/koreader/fonts/host fi # always try to continue cvm killall -cont cvm || /etc/init.d/framework start # display chrome bar lipc-set-prop com.lab126.pillow disableEnablePillow enable