local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATH = "plugins" -- plugin names that were removed and are no longer available. local OBSOLETE_PLUGINS = { calibrecompanion = true, storagestat = true, kobolight = true, zsync = true, } -- Deprecated plugins are still available, but show a hint about deprecation. local function getMenuTable(plugin) local t = {} t.name = plugin.name t.fullname = string.format("%s%s", plugin.fullname or plugin.name, plugin.deprecated and " (" .. _("outdated") .. ")" or "") t.description = string.format("%s%s", plugin.description, type(plugin.deprecated) == "string" and "\n\n" .. plugin.deprecated or "") return t end local function sandboxPluginEventHandlers(plugin) for key, value in pairs(plugin) do if key:sub(1, 2) == "on" and type(value) == "function" then plugin[key] = function(self, ...) local ok, re = pcall(value, self, ...) if ok then return re else logger.err("failed to call event handler", key, re) return false end end end end end local PluginLoader = { show_info = true, enabled_plugins = nil, disabled_plugins = nil, loaded_plugins = nil, all_plugins = nil, } function PluginLoader:loadPlugins() if self.enabled_plugins then return self.enabled_plugins, self.disabled_plugins end self.enabled_plugins = {} self.disabled_plugins = {} self.loaded_plugins = {} local lookup_path_list = { DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATH } local extra_paths = G_reader_settings:readSetting("extra_plugin_paths") if extra_paths then if type(extra_paths) == "string" then extra_paths = { extra_paths } end if type(extra_paths) == "table" then for _,extra_path in ipairs(extra_paths) do local extra_path_mode = lfs.attributes(extra_path, "mode") if extra_path_mode == "directory" and extra_path ~= DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATH then table.insert(lookup_path_list, extra_path) end end else logger.err("extra_plugin_paths config only accepts string or table value") end else local data_dir = require("datastorage"):getDataDir() if data_dir ~= "." then local extra_path = data_dir .. "/plugins/" G_reader_settings:saveSetting("extra_plugin_paths", { extra_path }) table.insert(lookup_path_list, extra_path) end end -- keep reference to old value so they can be restored later local package_path = package.path local package_cpath = package.cpath local plugins_disabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("plugins_disabled") if type(plugins_disabled) ~= "table" then plugins_disabled = {} end --disable obsolete plugins for element in pairs(OBSOLETE_PLUGINS) do plugins_disabled[element] = true end for _, lookup_path in ipairs(lookup_path_list) do logger.info("Loading plugins from directory:", lookup_path) for entry in lfs.dir(lookup_path) do local plugin_root = lookup_path.."/"..entry local mode = lfs.attributes(plugin_root, "mode") -- valid koreader plugin directory if mode == "directory" and entry:find(".+%.koplugin$") then local mainfile = plugin_root.."/main.lua" local metafile = plugin_root.."/_meta.lua" if plugins_disabled and plugins_disabled[entry:sub(1, -10)] then mainfile = metafile end package.path = string.format("%s/?.lua;%s", plugin_root, package_path) package.cpath = string.format("%s/lib/?.so;%s", plugin_root, package_cpath) local ok, plugin_module = pcall(dofile, mainfile) if not ok or not plugin_module then logger.warn("Error when loading", mainfile, plugin_module) elseif type(plugin_module.disabled) ~= "boolean" or not plugin_module.disabled then plugin_module.path = plugin_root plugin_module.name = plugin_module.name or plugin_root:match("/(.-)%.koplugin") if (plugins_disabled and plugins_disabled[entry:sub(1, -10)]) then table.insert(self.disabled_plugins, plugin_module) else local ok_meta, plugin_metamodule = pcall(dofile, metafile) if ok_meta and plugin_metamodule then for k,v in pairs(plugin_metamodule) do plugin_module[k] = v end end sandboxPluginEventHandlers(plugin_module) table.insert(self.enabled_plugins, plugin_module) end else logger.info("Plugin ", mainfile, " has been disabled.") end package.path = package_path package.cpath = package_cpath end end end -- set package path for all loaded plugins for _, plugin in ipairs(self.enabled_plugins) do package.path = string.format("%s;%s/?.lua", package.path, plugin.path) package.cpath = string.format("%s;%s/lib/?.so", package.cpath, plugin.path) end table.sort(self.enabled_plugins, function(v1,v2) return v1.path < v2.path end) return self.enabled_plugins, self.disabled_plugins end function PluginLoader:genPluginManagerSubItem() if not self.all_plugins then local enabled_plugins, disabled_plugins = self:loadPlugins() self.all_plugins = {} for _, plugin in ipairs(enabled_plugins) do local element = getMenuTable(plugin) element.enable = true table.insert(self.all_plugins, element) end for _, plugin in ipairs(disabled_plugins) do local element = getMenuTable(plugin) element.enable = false if not OBSOLETE_PLUGINS[element.name] then table.insert(self.all_plugins, element) end end table.sort(self.all_plugins, function(v1, v2) return v1.fullname < v2.fullname end) end local plugin_table = {} for __, plugin in ipairs(self.all_plugins) do table.insert(plugin_table, { text = plugin.fullname, checked_func = function() return plugin.enable end, callback = function() local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local plugins_disabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("plugins_disabled") or {} plugin.enable = not plugin.enable if plugin.enable then plugins_disabled[plugin.name] = nil else plugins_disabled[plugin.name] = true end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("plugins_disabled", plugins_disabled) if self.show_info then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("This will take effect on next restart."), }) self.show_info = false end end, help_text = plugin.description, }) end return plugin_table end function PluginLoader:createPluginInstance(plugin, attr) local ok, re = pcall(plugin.new, plugin, attr) if ok then -- re is a plugin instance self.loaded_plugins[plugin.name] = re return ok, re else -- re is the error message logger.err("Failed to initialize", plugin.name, "plugin: ", re) return nil, re end end --- Checks if a specific plugin is instantiated function PluginLoader:isPluginLoaded(name) return self.loaded_plugins[name] ~= nil end --- Returns the current instance of a specific Plugin (if any) --- (NOTE: You can also usually access it via self.ui[plugin_name]) function PluginLoader:getPluginInstance(name) return self.loaded_plugins[name] end -- *MUST* be called on destruction of whatever called createPluginInstance! function PluginLoader:finalize() -- Unpin stale references self.loaded_plugins = {} end return PluginLoader