-- lulip: LuaJIT line level profiler -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 John Graham-Cumming -- -- License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT local io_lines = io.lines local io_open = io.open local pairs = pairs local print = print local debug = debug local tonumber = tonumber local setmetatable = setmetatable local table_sort = table.sort local table_insert = table.insert local string_find = string.find local string_sub = string.sub local string_gsub = string.gsub local string_format = string.format local ffi = require("ffi") local util = require("ffi/util") -- ffi.C.gettimeofday module(...) local gettimeofday_struct = ffi.new("struct timeval") local function gettimeofday() ffi.C.gettimeofday(gettimeofday_struct, nil) return tonumber(gettimeofday_struct.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tonumber(gettimeofday_struct.tv_usec) end local mt = { __index = _M } -- new: create new profiler object function new(self) return setmetatable({ -- Time when start() and stop() were called in microseconds start_time = 0, stop_time = 0, -- Per line timing information lines = {}, -- The current line being processed and when it was startd current_line = nil, current_start = 0, -- List of files to ignore. Set patterns using dont() ignore = {}, -- List of short file names used as a cache short = {}, -- Maximum number of rows of output data, set using maxrows() rows = 20, }, mt) end -- event: called when a line is executed function event(self, event, line) local now = gettimeofday() local f = string_sub(debug.getinfo(3).source,2) for i=1,#self.ignore do if string_find(f, self.ignore[i], 1, true) then return end end local short = self.short[f] if not short then local start = string_find(f, "[^/]+$") self.short[f] = string_sub(f, start) short = self.short[f] end if self.current_line ~= nil then self.lines[self.current_line][1] = self.lines[self.current_line][1] + 1 self.lines[self.current_line][2] = self.lines[self.current_line][2] + (now - self.current_start) end self.current_line = short .. ':' .. line if self.lines[self.current_line] == nil then self.lines[self.current_line] = {0, 0.0, f} end self.current_start = gettimeofday() end -- dont: tell the profiler to ignore files that match these patterns function dont(self, file) table_insert(self.ignore, file) end -- maxrows: set the maximum number of rows of output function maxrows(self, max) self.rows = max end -- start: begin profiling function start(self) self:dont('lulip.lua') self.start_time = gettimeofday() self.current_line = nil self.current_start = 0 debug.sethook(function(e,l) self:event(e, l) end, "l") end -- stop: end profiling function stop(self) self.stop_time = gettimeofday() debug.sethook() end -- readfile: turn a file into an array for line-level access local function readfile(file) local lines = {} local ln = 1 for line in io_lines(file) do lines[ln] = string_gsub(line, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") ln = ln + 1 end return lines end -- dump: dump profile information to the named file function dump(self, file) local t = {} for l,d in pairs(self.lines) do table_insert(t, {line=l, data=d}) end table_sort(t, function(a,b) return a["data"][2] > b["data"][2] end) local files = {} local f = io_open(file, "w") if not f then print("Failed to open output file " .. file) return end f:write([[ ]]) for j=1,self.rows do if not t[j] then break end local l = t[j]["line"] local d = t[j]["data"] if not files[d[3]] then files[d[3]] = readfile(d[3]) end local ln = tonumber(string_sub(l, string_find(l, ":", 1, true)+1)) f:write(string_format([[ ]], l, d[1], d[2]/1000, files[d[3]][ln])) end f:write('
file:linecount elapsed (ms)line
%s%i%.3f %s