local DEBUG = require("dbg") local GetText = { translation = {}, current_lang = "C", dirname = "l10n", textdomain = "koreader" } local GetText_mt = { __index = {} } function GetText_mt.__call(gettext, string) return gettext.translation[string] or string end local function c_escape(what) if what == "\n" then return "" elseif what == "a" then return "\a" elseif what == "b" then return "\b" elseif what == "f" then return "\f" elseif what == "n" then return "\n" elseif what == "r" then return "\r" elseif what == "t" then return "\t" elseif what == "v" then return "\v" elseif what == "0" then return "\0" -- shouldn't happen, though else return what end end -- for PO file syntax, see -- https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html -- we only implement a sane subset for now function GetText_mt.__index.changeLang(new_lang) GetText.translation = {} GetText.current_lang = "C" -- the "C" locale disables localization alltogether if new_lang == "C" then return end local file = GetText.dirname .. "/" .. new_lang .. "/" .. GetText.textdomain .. ".po" local po = io.open(file, "r") if not po then DEBUG("cannot open translation file " .. file) return end local data = {} local what = nil while true do local line = po:read("*l") if line == nil or line == "" then if data.msgid and data.msgstr then GetText.translation[data.msgid] = string.gsub(data.msgstr, "\\(.)", c_escape) end -- stop at EOF: if line == nil then break end data = {} what = nil else -- comment if not line:match("^#") then -- new data item (msgid, msgstr, ... local w, s = line:match("^%s*(%a+)%s+\"(.*)\"%s*$") if w then what = w else -- string continuation s = line:match("^%s*\"(.*)\"%s*$") end if what and s then data[what] = (data[what] or "") .. s end end end end GetText.current_lang = new_lang end setmetatable(GetText, GetText_mt) if os.getenv("LANGUAGE") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LANGUAGE")) elseif os.getenv("LC_ALL") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LC_ALL")) elseif os.getenv("LC_MESSAGES") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LC_MESSAGES")) elseif os.getenv("LANG") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LANG")) end return GetText