local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") --[[ A FrameContainer is some graphics content (1 widget) that is surrounded by a frame --]] local FrameContainer = WidgetContainer:new{ background = nil, color = 15, margin = 0, radius = 0, bordersize = 2, padding = 5, width = nil, height = nil, invert = false, } function FrameContainer:getSize() local content_size = self[1]:getSize() return Geom:new{ w = content_size.w + ( self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding ) * 2, h = content_size.h + ( self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding ) * 2 } end function FrameContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local my_size = self:getSize() self.dimen = Geom:new{ x = x, y = y, w = my_size.w, h = my_size.h } local container_width = self.width or my_size.w local container_height = self.height or my_size.h --@TODO get rid of margin here? 13.03 2013 (houqp) if self.background then bb:paintRoundedRect(x, y, container_width, container_height, self.background, self.radius) end if self.bordersize > 0 then bb:paintBorder(x + self.margin, y + self.margin, container_width - self.margin * 2, container_height - self.margin * 2, self.bordersize, self.color, self.radius) end if self[1] then self[1]:paintTo(bb, x + self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding, y + self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding) end if self.invert then bb:invertRect(x + self.bordersize, y + self.bordersize, container_width - 2*self.bordersize, container_height - 2*self.bordersize) end end return FrameContainer