local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") --[[ A Layout widget that puts objects above each other --]] local OverlapGroup = WidgetContainer:new{ _size = nil, } function OverlapGroup:getSize() if not self._size then self._size = {w = 0, h = 0} self._offsets = { x = math.huge, y = math.huge } for i, widget in ipairs(self) do local w_size = widget:getSize() if self._size.h < w_size.h then self._size.h = w_size.h end if self._size.w < w_size.w then self._size.w = w_size.w end end end if self.dimen.w then self._size.w = self.dimen.w end if self.dimen.h then self._size.h = self.dimen.h end return self._size end function OverlapGroup:paintTo(bb, x, y) local size = self:getSize() for i, wget in ipairs(self) do local wget_size = wget:getSize() if wget.align == "right" then wget:paintTo(bb, x+size.w-wget_size.w, y) elseif wget.align == "center" then wget:paintTo(bb, x+math.floor((size.w-wget_size.w)/2), y) else -- default to left wget:paintTo(bb, x, y) end end end return OverlapGroup