local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Event = require("ui/event") local ReaderPanning = require("apps/reader/modules/readerpanning") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local Input = Device.input local Screen = Device.screen --[[ Rolling is just like paging in page-based documents except that sometimes (in scroll mode) there is no concept of page number to indicate current progress. There are three kind of progress measurements for credocuments. 1. page number (in page mode) 2. progress percentage (in scroll mode) 3. xpointer (in document dom structure) We found that the first two measurements are not suitable for keeping a record of the real progress. For example, when switching screen orientation from portrait to landscape, or switching view mode from page to scroll, the internal xpointer should not be used as the view dimen/mode is changed and crengine's pagination mechanism will find a closest xpointer for the new view. So if we change the screen orientation or view mode back, we cannot find the original place since the internal xpointer is changed, which is counter- intuitive as users didn't goto any other page. The solution is that we keep a record of the internal xpointer and only change it in explicit page turning. And use that xpointer for non-page-turning rendering. --]] local ReaderRolling = InputContainer:new{ pan_rate = 30, -- default 30 ops, will be adjusted in readerui old_doc_height = nil, old_page = nil, current_pos = 0, inverse_reading_order = false, -- only used for page view mode current_page= nil, doc_height = nil, xpointer = nil, panning_steps = ReaderPanning.panning_steps, show_overlap_enable = nil, -- nb of lines from previous page to show on next page (scroll mode only) overlap_lines = G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_overlap_lines") or 1, cre_top_bar_enabled = false, } function ReaderRolling:init() if Device:hasKeyboard() or Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events = { GotoNextView = { { Input.group.PgFwd }, doc = "go to next view", event = "GotoViewRel", args = 1 }, GotoPrevView = { { Input.group.PgBack }, doc = "go to previous view", event = "GotoViewRel", args = -1 }, MoveUp = { { "Up" }, doc = "move view up", event = "Panning", args = {0, -1} }, MoveDown = { { "Down" }, doc = "move view down", event = "Panning", args = {0, 1} }, GotoFirst = { {"1"}, doc = "go to start", event = "GotoPercent", args = 0}, Goto11 = { {"2"}, doc = "go to 11%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 11}, Goto22 = { {"3"}, doc = "go to 22%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 22}, Goto33 = { {"4"}, doc = "go to 33%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 33}, Goto44 = { {"5"}, doc = "go to 44%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 44}, Goto55 = { {"6"}, doc = "go to 55%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 55}, Goto66 = { {"7"}, doc = "go to 66%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 66}, Goto77 = { {"8"}, doc = "go to 77%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 77}, Goto88 = { {"9"}, doc = "go to 88%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 88}, GotoLast = { {"0"}, doc = "go to end", event = "GotoPercent", args = 100}, } end table.insert(self.ui.postInitCallback, function() self.doc_height = self.ui.document.info.doc_height self.old_doc_height = self.doc_height self.ui.document:_readMetadata() self.old_page = self.ui.document.info.number_of_pages end) table.insert(self.ui.postReaderCallback, function() self:updatePos() -- Disable crengine internal history, with required redraw self.ui.document:enableInternalHistory(false) self:onRedrawCurrentView() end) self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderRolling:onReadSettings(config) -- 20180503: some fix in crengine has changed the way the DOM is built -- for HTML documents and may make XPATHs obtained from previous version -- invalid. -- We may request the previous (buggy) behaviour though, which we do -- if we use a DocSetting previously made that may contain bookmarks -- and highlights with old XPATHs. -- (EPUB will use the same correct DOM code no matter what DOM version -- we request here.) if not config:readSetting("cre_dom_version") then -- Not previously set, guess which DOM version to use if config:readSetting("last_xpointer") then -- We have a last_xpointer: this book was previously opened -- with possibly a very old version: request the oldest config:saveSetting("cre_dom_version", self.ui.document:getOldestDomVersion()) else -- No previous xpointer: book never opened (or sidecar file -- purged): we can use the latest DOM version config:saveSetting("cre_dom_version", self.ui.document:getLatestDomVersion()) end end self.ui.document:requestDomVersion(config:readSetting("cre_dom_version")) local last_xp = config:readSetting("last_xpointer") local last_per = config:readSetting("last_percent") if last_xp then self.xpointer = last_xp self.setupXpointer = function() self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) -- we have to do a real jump in self.ui.document._document to -- update status information in CREngine. self.ui.document:gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) end -- we read last_percent just for backward compatibility -- FIXME: remove this branch with migration script elseif last_per then self.setupXpointer = function() self:_gotoPercent(last_per) -- _gotoPercent calls _gotoPos, which only updates self.current_pos -- and self.view. -- we need to do a real pos change in self.ui.document._document -- to update status information in CREngine. self.ui.document:gotoPos(self.current_pos) -- _gotoPercent already calls gotoPos, so no need to emit -- PosUpdate event in scroll mode if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent( Event:new("PageUpdate", self.ui.document:getCurrentPage())) end self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() end else self.setupXpointer = function() self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", 1)) end end end self.show_overlap_enable = config:readSetting("show_overlap_enable") if self.show_overlap_enable == nil then self.show_overlap_enable = DSHOWOVERLAP end self.inverse_reading_order = config:readSetting("inverse_reading_order") or false end -- in scroll mode percent_finished must be save before close document -- we cannot do it in onSaveSettings() because getLastPercent() uses self.ui.document function ReaderRolling:onCloseDocument() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("percent_finished", self:getLastPercent()) local cache_file_path = self.ui.document:getCacheFilePath() -- nil if no cache file self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("cache_file_path", cache_file_path) if self.ui.document:hasCacheFile() then -- also checks if DOM is coherent with styles; if not, invalidate the -- cache, so a new DOM is built on next opening if self.ui.document:isBuiltDomStale() then logger.dbg("cre DOM may not be in sync with styles, invalidating cache file for a full reload at next opening") self.ui.document:invalidateCacheFile() end end logger.dbg("cre cache used:", cache_file_path or "none") end function ReaderRolling:onCheckDomStyleCoherence() if self.ui.document:isBuiltDomStale() then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Styles have changed in such a way that fully reloading the document may be needed for a correct rendering.\nDo you want to reload the document?"), ok_callback = function() -- Allow for ConfirmBox to be closed before showing -- "Opening file" InfoMessage UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function () self.ui:reloadDocument() end) end, }) end end function ReaderRolling:onSaveSettings() -- remove last_percent config since its deprecated self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("last_percent", nil) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("last_xpointer", self.xpointer) -- in scrolling mode, the document may already be closed, -- so we have to check the condition to avoid crash function self:getLastPercent() -- that uses self.ui.document if self.ui.document then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("percent_finished", self:getLastPercent()) end self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("show_overlap_enable", self.show_overlap_enable) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("inverse_reading_order", self.inverse_reading_order) end function ReaderRolling:onReaderReady() self:setupTouchZones() self.setupXpointer() end function ReaderRolling:setupTouchZones() self.ges_events = {} self.onGesture = nil if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end local forward_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_FORWARD.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_FORWARD.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_FORWARD.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_FORWARD.h, } local backward_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_BACKWARD.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_BACKWARD.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_BACKWARD.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_BACKWARD.h, } local forward_double_tap_zone = { ratio_x = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_NEXT_CHAPTER.x, ratio_y = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_NEXT_CHAPTER.y, ratio_w = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_NEXT_CHAPTER.w, ratio_h = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_NEXT_CHAPTER.h, } local backward_double_tap_zone = { ratio_x = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_PREV_CHAPTER.x, ratio_y = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_PREV_CHAPTER.y, ratio_w = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_PREV_CHAPTER.w, ratio_h = DDOUBLE_TAP_ZONE_PREV_CHAPTER.h, } if self.inverse_reading_order then forward_zone.ratio_x = 1 - forward_zone.ratio_x - forward_zone.ratio_w backward_zone.ratio_x = 1 - backward_zone.ratio_x - backward_zone.ratio_w forward_double_tap_zone.ratio_x = 1 - forward_double_tap_zone.ratio_x - forward_double_tap_zone.ratio_w backward_double_tap_zone.ratio_x = 1 - backward_double_tap_zone.ratio_x - backward_double_tap_zone.ratio_w end self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = "tap_forward", ges = "tap", screen_zone = forward_zone, handler = function() return self:onTapForward() end }, { id = "tap_backward", ges = "tap", screen_zone = backward_zone, handler = function() return self:onTapBackward() end }, { id = "double_tap_forward", ges = "double_tap", screen_zone = forward_double_tap_zone, handler = function() return self:onDoubleTapForward() end }, { id = "double_tap_backward", ges = "double_tap", screen_zone = backward_double_tap_zone, handler = function() return self:onDoubleTapBackward() end }, { id = "rolling_swipe", ges = "swipe", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipe(nil, ges) end }, { id = "rolling_pan", ges = "pan", rate = self.pan_rate, screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onPan(nil, ges) end }, }) end function ReaderRolling:getLastProgress() return self.xpointer end function ReaderRolling:addToMainMenu(menu_items) -- FIXME: repeated code with page overlap menu for readerpaging -- needs to keep only one copy of the logic as for the DRY principle. -- The difference between the two menus is only the enabled func. local page_overlap_menu = { { text_func = function() return self.show_overlap_enable and _("Disable") or _("Enable") end, callback = function() self.show_overlap_enable = not self.show_overlap_enable if not self.show_overlap_enable then self.view:resetDimArea() end end }, } for _, menu_entry in ipairs(self.view:genOverlapStyleMenu()) do table.insert(page_overlap_menu, menu_entry) end menu_items.page_overlap = { text = _("Page overlap"), enabled_func = function() return self.view.view_mode ~= "page" end, sub_item_table = page_overlap_menu, } end function ReaderRolling:getLastPercent() if self.view.view_mode == "page" then return self.current_page / self.old_page else -- FIXME: the calculated percent is not accurate in "scroll" mode. return self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer( self.ui.document:getXPointer()) / self.doc_height end end function ReaderRolling:onTapForward() self:onGotoViewRel(1) return true end function ReaderRolling:onTapBackward() self:onGotoViewRel(-1) return true end function ReaderRolling:onSwipe(_, ges) if ges.direction == "north" then self:onGotoViewRel(1) elseif ges.direction == "south" then self:onGotoViewRel(-1) elseif ges.direction == "west" then if self.inverse_reading_order then self:onGotoViewRel(-1) else self:onGotoViewRel(1) end elseif ges.direction == "east" then if self.inverse_reading_order then self:onGotoViewRel(1) else self:onGotoViewRel(-1) end else -- update footer (time & battery) self.view.footer:updateFooter() -- trigger full refresh UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") end end function ReaderRolling:onPan(_, ges) if self.view.view_mode == "scroll" then if ges.direction == "north" then self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + ges.distance) elseif ges.direction == "south" then self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos - ges.distance) end end return true end function ReaderRolling:onPosUpdate(new_pos) self.current_pos = new_pos self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onPageUpdate(new_page) self.current_page = new_page self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onResume() self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onDoubleTapForward() local visible_page_count = self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() local pageno = self.current_page + (visible_page_count > 1 and 1 or 0) local new_page = self.ui.toc:getNextChapter(pageno, 0) if new_page then self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self:onGotoPage(new_page) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onDoubleTapBackward() local pageno = self.current_page local new_page = self.ui.toc:getPreviousChapter(pageno, 0) if new_page then self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self:onGotoPage(new_page) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onNotCharging() self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onGotoPercent(percent) logger.dbg("goto document offset in percent:", percent) self:_gotoPercent(percent) self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoPage(number) if number then self:_gotoPage(number) end self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoRelativePage(number) if number then self:_gotoPage(self.current_page + number) end self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoXPointer(xp, marker_xp) if self.mark_func then -- unschedule previous marker as it's no more accurate UIManager:unschedule(self.mark_func) self.mark_func = nil end if self.unmark_func then -- execute scheduled unmark now to clean previous marker self.unmark_func() self.unmark_func = nil end self:_gotoXPointer(xp) self.xpointer = xp -- Allow tweaking this marker behaviour with a manual setting: -- followed_link_marker = false: no marker shown -- followed_link_marker = true: maker shown and not auto removed -- followed_link_marker = : removed after seconds -- (no real need for a menu item, the default is the finest) local marker_setting = G_reader_settings:readSetting("followed_link_marker") if marker_setting == nil then marker_setting = 1 -- default is: shown and removed after 1 second end if marker_xp and marker_setting then -- Show a mark on left side of screen to give a visual feedback of -- where xpointer target is (and remove if after 1s) local doc_y = self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(marker_xp) local top_y = self.ui.document:getCurrentPos() local screen_y = doc_y - top_y local doc_margins = self.ui.document:getPageMargins() local header_height = self.ui.document:getHeaderHeight() -- top full status bar (0 when bottom mini bar used) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then screen_y = screen_y + doc_margins["top"] + header_height end local marker_h = Screen:scaleBySize(self.ui.font.font_size * 1.1 * self.ui.font.line_space_percent/100.0) -- Make it 4/5 of left margin wide (and bigger when huge margin) local marker_w = math.floor(math.max(doc_margins["left"] - Screen:scaleBySize(5), doc_margins["left"] * 4/5)) self.mark_func = function() self.mark_func = nil Screen.bb:paintRect(0, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h, Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK) Screen["refreshFast"](Screen, 0, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h) if type(marker_setting) == "number" then -- hide it self.unmark_func = function() self.unmark_func = nil -- UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "ui", Geom:new({x=0, y=screen_y, w=marker_w, h=marker_h})) -- No need to use setDirty (which would ask crengine to -- re-render the page, which may take a few seconds on big -- documents): we drew our black marker in the margin, we -- can just draw a white one to make it disappear Screen.bb:paintRect(0, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h, Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE) Screen["refreshUI"](Screen, 0, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h) end UIManager:scheduleIn(marker_setting, self.unmark_func) end end UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, self.mark_func) end return true end function ReaderRolling:getBookLocation() return self.xpointer end function ReaderRolling:onRestoreBookLocation(saved_location) return self:onGotoXPointer(saved_location.xpointer, saved_location.marker_xpointer) end function ReaderRolling:onGotoViewRel(diff) logger.dbg("goto relative screen:", diff, ", in mode: ", self.view.view_mode) if self.view.view_mode == "scroll" then local footer_height = (self.view.footer_visible and 1 or 0) * self.view.footer:getHeight() local page_visible_height = self.ui.dimen.h - footer_height local pan_diff = diff * page_visible_height if self.show_overlap_enable then local overlap_h = Screen:scaleBySize(self.ui.font.font_size * 1.1 * self.ui.font.line_space_percent/100.0) * self.overlap_lines if pan_diff > overlap_h then pan_diff = pan_diff - overlap_h elseif pan_diff < -overlap_h then pan_diff = pan_diff + overlap_h end end local old_pos = self.current_pos -- Only draw dim area when we moved a whole page (not when smaller scroll with Pan) local do_dim_area = math.abs(diff) == 1 self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + pan_diff, do_dim_area) if diff > 0 and old_pos == self.current_pos then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("EndOfBook")) end elseif self.view.view_mode == "page" then local page_count = self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() local old_page = self.current_page self:_gotoPage(self.current_page + diff*page_count) if diff > 0 and old_page == self.current_page then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("EndOfBook")) end end if self.ui.document ~= nil then self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() end return true end function ReaderRolling:onPanning(args, _) if self.view.view_mode ~= "scroll" then return end local _, dy = unpack(args) self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + dy * self.panning_steps.normal) self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onZoom() --@TODO re-read doc_height info after font or lineheight changes 05.06 2012 (houqp) self:updatePos() end --[[ remember to signal this event when the document has been zoomed, font has been changed, or line height has been changed. Note that xpointer should not be changed. --]] function ReaderRolling:onUpdatePos() if self.ui.postReaderCallback ~= nil then -- ReaderUI:init() not yet done -- Don't schedule any updatePos as long as ReaderUI:init() is -- not finished (one will be called in the ui.postReaderCallback -- we have set above) to avoid multiple refreshes. return true end UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function () self:updatePos() end) return true end function ReaderRolling:updatePos() -- reread document height self.ui.document:_readMetadata() -- update self.current_pos if the height of document has been changed. local new_height = self.ui.document.info.doc_height local new_page = self.ui.document.info.number_of_pages if self.old_doc_height ~= new_height or self.old_page ~= new_page then self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) self.old_doc_height = new_height self.old_page = new_page self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateToc")) self.view.footer:updateFooter() end UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") -- Allow for the new rendering to be shown before possibly showing -- the "Styles have changes..." ConfirmBox so the user can decide -- if it is really needed UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function () self:onCheckDomStyleCoherence() end) end --[[ switching screen mode should not change current page number --]] function ReaderRolling:onChangeViewMode() self.ui.document:_readMetadata() self.old_doc_height = self.ui.document.info.doc_height self.old_page = self.ui.document.info.number_of_pages self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateToc")) if self.xpointer then self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) else table.insert(self.ui.postInitCallback, function() self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) end) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onRedrawCurrentView() if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", self.current_page)) else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PosUpdate", self.current_pos)) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onSetDimensions(dimen) self.ui.document:setViewDimen(Screen:getSize()) end function ReaderRolling:onChangeScreenMode(mode, rotation) -- We need to temporarily re-enable internal history as crengine -- uses it to reposition after resize self.ui.document:enableInternalHistory(true) -- Flag it as interactive so we can properly swap to Inverted orientations (we usurp the second argument, which usually means rotation) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetScreenMode", mode, rotation or true)) self.ui.document:setViewDimen(Screen:getSize()) self:onChangeViewMode() self:onUpdatePos() -- Re-disable internal history, with required redraw self.ui.document:enableInternalHistory(false) self:onRedrawCurrentView() end function ReaderRolling:onColorRenderingUpdate() self.ui.document:updateColorRendering() end --[[ PosUpdate event is used to signal other widgets that pos has been changed. --]] function ReaderRolling:_gotoPos(new_pos, do_dim_area) if new_pos == self.current_pos then return end if new_pos < 0 then new_pos = 0 end if new_pos > self.doc_height then new_pos = self.doc_height end -- adjust dim_area according to new_pos if self.view.view_mode ~= "page" and self.show_overlap_enable and do_dim_area then local footer_height = (self.view.footer_visible and 1 or 0) * self.view.footer:getHeight() local page_visible_height = self.ui.dimen.h - footer_height local panned_step = new_pos - self.current_pos self.view.dim_area.x = 0 self.view.dim_area.h = page_visible_height - math.abs(panned_step) self.view.dim_area.w = self.ui.dimen.w if panned_step < 0 then self.view.dim_area.y = page_visible_height - self.view.dim_area.h elseif panned_step > 0 then self.view.dim_area.y = 0 end else self.view:resetDimArea() end self.ui.document:gotoPos(new_pos) -- The current page we get in scroll mode may be a bit innacurate, -- but we give it anyway to onPosUpdate so footer and statistics can -- keep up with page. self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PosUpdate", new_pos, self.ui.document:getCurrentPage())) end function ReaderRolling:_gotoPercent(new_percent) self:_gotoPos(new_percent * self.doc_height / 10000) end function ReaderRolling:_gotoPage(new_page) self.ui.document:gotoPage(new_page) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", self.ui.document:getCurrentPage())) else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PosUpdate", self.ui.document:getCurrentPos(), self.ui.document:getCurrentPage())) end end function ReaderRolling:_gotoXPointer(xpointer) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self:_gotoPage(self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(xpointer)) else self:_gotoPos(self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(xpointer)) end end --[[ currently we don't need to get page links on each page/pos update since we can check link on the fly when tapping on the screen function ReaderRolling:updatePageLink() logger.dbg("update page link") local links = self.ui.document:getPageLinks() self.view.links = links end --]] function ReaderRolling:onSetStatusLine(status_line, on_read_settings) -- status_line values: -- in crengine: 0=header enabled, 1=disabled -- in koreader: 0=top status bar, 1=bottom mini bar self.ui.document:setStatusLineProp(status_line) self.cre_top_bar_enabled = status_line == 0 if not on_read_settings then -- Ignore this event when it is first sent by ReaderCoptListener -- on book loading, so we stay with the saved footer settings self.view.footer:setVisible(status_line == 1) end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end function ReaderRolling:updateBatteryState() if self.view.view_mode == "page" and self.cre_top_bar_enabled then logger.dbg("update battery state") local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() -- -1 is CR_BATTERY_STATE_CHARGING @ crengine/crengine/include/lvdocview.h local state = powerd:isCharging() and -1 or powerd:getCapacity() if state then self.ui.document:setBatteryState(state) end end end return ReaderRolling