--[[-- Logger module. See @{Logger.levels} for list of supported levels. Example: local logger = require("logger") logger.info("Something happened.") logger.err("House is on fire!") ]] local dump = require("dump") local isAndroid, android = pcall(require, "android") local DEFAULT_DUMP_LVL = 10 --- Supported logging levels -- @table Logger.levels -- @field dbg debug -- @field info informational (default level) -- @field warn warning -- @field err error local LOG_LVL = { dbg = 1, info = 2, warn = 3, err = 4, } local LOG_PREFIX = { dbg = "DEBUG", info = "INFO ", warn = "WARN ", err = "ERROR", } local noop = function() end local Logger = { levels = LOG_LVL, } local log if isAndroid then local ANDROID_LOG_FNS = { dbg = android.LOGV, info = android.LOGI, warn = android.LOGW, err = android.LOGE, } log = function(log_lvl, ...) local line = {} for _, v in ipairs({...}) do if type(v) == "table" then table.insert(line, dump(v, DEFAULT_DUMP_LVL)) else table.insert(line, tostring(v)) end end return ANDROID_LOG_FNS[log_lvl](table.concat(line, " ")) end else log = function(log_lvl, ...) local line = { os.date("%x-%X"), LOG_PREFIX[log_lvl], } for _, v in ipairs({...}) do if type(v) == "table" then table.insert(line, dump(v, DEFAULT_DUMP_LVL)) else table.insert(line, tostring(v)) end end -- NOTE: Either we add the LF to the table and we get an extra space before it because of table.concat, -- or we pass it to write after a comma, and it generates an extra write syscall... -- That, or just rewrite every logger call to handle spacing themselves ;). table.insert(line, "\n") return io.write(table.concat(line, " ")) end end local LVL_FUNCTIONS = { dbg = function(...) return log("dbg", ...) end, info = function(...) return log("info", ...) end, warn = function(...) return log("warn", ...) end, err = function(...) return log("err", ...) end, } --[[-- Set logging level. By default, level is set to info. @int new_lvl new logging level, must be one of the levels from @{Logger.levels} @usage Logger:setLevel(Logger.levels.warn) ]] function Logger:setLevel(new_lvl) for lvl_name, lvl_value in pairs(LOG_LVL) do if new_lvl <= lvl_value then self[lvl_name] = LVL_FUNCTIONS[lvl_name] else self[lvl_name] = noop end end end Logger:setLevel(LOG_LVL.info) return Logger