--[[-- This module contains miscellaneous helper functions specific to our usage of LuaSocket/LuaSec. ]] local Version = require("version") local http = require("socket.http") local https = require("ssl.https") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local socket = require("socket") local socketutil = { -- Init to the default LuaSocket/LuaSec values block_timeout = 60, total_timeout = -1, } --- Builds a sensible UserAgent that fits Wikipedia's UA policy local socket_ua = http.USERAGENT socketutil.USER_AGENT = "KOReader/" .. Version:getShortVersion() .. " (https://koreader.rocks/) " .. socket_ua:gsub(" ", "/") -- Monkey-patch it in LuaSocket, as it already takes care of inserting the appropriate header to its requests. http.USERAGENT = socketutil.USER_AGENT --- Common timeout values -- Large content socketutil.LARGE_BLOCK_TIMEOUT = 10 socketutil.LARGE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT = 30 -- File downloads socketutil.FILE_BLOCK_TIMEOUT = 15 socketutil.FILE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT = 60 -- Upstream defaults socketutil.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TIMEOUT = 60 socketutil.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT = -1 --- Update the timeout values. -- Note that this only affects socket polling, -- c.f., LuaSocket's timeout_getretry @ src/timeout.c & usage in src/usocket.c -- Moreover, the timeout is actually *reset* between polls (via timeout_markstart, e.g. in buffer_meth_receive). -- So, in practice, this timeout only helps *very* bad connections (on one end or the other), -- and you'd be hard-pressed to ever hit the *total* timeout, since the starting point is reset extremely often. -- In our case, we want to enforce an *actual* limit on how much time we're willing to block for, start to finish. -- We do that via the custom sinks below, which will start ticking as soon as the first chunk of data is received. -- To simplify, in most cases, the socket timeout matters *before* we receive data, -- and the sink timeout *once* we've started receiving data (at which point the socket timeout is reset every chunk). -- In practice, that means you don't want to set block_timeout too low, -- as that's what the socket timeout will end up using most of the time. -- Note that name resolution happens earlier and one level lower (e.g., glibc), -- so name resolution delays will fall outside of these timeouts. function socketutil:set_timeout(block_timeout, total_timeout) self.block_timeout = block_timeout or 5 self.total_timeout = total_timeout or 15 -- Also update the actual LuaSocket & LuaSec constants, because: -- 1. LuaSocket's `open` does a `settimeout` *after* create with this constant -- 2. KOSync updates it to a stupidly low value http.TIMEOUT = self.block_timeout https.TIMEOUT = self.block_timeout end --- Reset timeout values to LuaSocket defaults. function socketutil:reset_timeout() self.block_timeout = self.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TIMEOUT self.total_timeout = self.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT http.TIMEOUT = self.block_timeout https.TIMEOUT = self.block_timeout end --- Monkey-patch LuaSocket's `socket.tcp` in order to honor tighter timeouts, to avoid blocking the UI for too long. -- NOTE: While we could use a custom `create` function for HTTP LuaSocket `request`s, -- with HTTPS, the way LuaSocket/LuaSec handles those is much more finicky, -- because LuaSocket's adjustrequest function (in http.lua) passes the adjusted nreqt table to it, -- but only when it does the automagic scheme handling, not when it's set by the caller :/. -- And LuaSec's own `request` function overload *forbids* setting create, because of similar shenanigans... -- TL;DR: Just monkey-patching socket.tcp directly will affect both HTTP & HTTPS -- without us having to maintain a tweaked version of LuaSec's `https.tcp` function... local real_socket_tcp = socket.tcp function socketutil.tcp() -- Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/6021774 local req_sock = real_socket_tcp() req_sock:settimeout(socketutil.block_timeout, "b") req_sock:settimeout(socketutil.total_timeout, "t") return req_sock end socket.tcp = socketutil.tcp --- Various timeout return codes socketutil.TIMEOUT_CODE = "timeout" -- from LuaSocket's io.c socketutil.SSL_HANDSHAKE_CODE = "wantread" -- from LuaSec's ssl.c socketutil.SINK_TIMEOUT_CODE = "sink timeout" -- from our own socketutil -- NOTE: Use os.time() for simplicity's sake (we don't really need subsecond precision). -- LuaSocket itself is already using gettimeofday anyway (although it does the maths, like ffi/util's getTimestamp). --- Custom version of `ltn12.sink.table` that honors total_timeout function socketutil.table_sink(t) if socketutil.total_timeout < 0 then return ltn12.sink.table(t) end local start_ts = os.time() t = t or {} local f = function(chunk, err) if chunk then if os.time() - start_ts > socketutil.total_timeout then return nil, socketutil.SINK_TIMEOUT_CODE end table.insert(t, chunk) end return 1 end return f, t end --- Custom version of `ltn12.sink.file` that honors total_timeout function socketutil.file_sink(handle, io_err) if socketutil.total_timeout < 0 then return ltn12.sink.file(handle, io_err) end if handle then local start_ts = os.time() return function(chunk, err) if not chunk then handle:close() return 1 else if os.time() - start_ts > socketutil.total_timeout then handle:close() return nil, socketutil.SINK_TIMEOUT_CODE end return handle:write(chunk) end end else return nil, io_err or "unable to open file" end end return socketutil