--[[-- Events are messages that are passed through the widget tree. Events need a "name" attribute as minimal data. To see how event propagation works and how to make widgets event-aware see the implementation in @{ui.widget.container.widgetcontainer}. A detailed guide to events can be found in @{Events.md|the event programmer's guide}. ]] --[[-- @field handler name for the handler method: `"on"..Event.name` @field args array of arguments for the event @table Event ]] local Event = {} --[[-- Creates a new event. @string name @tparam[opt] ... arguments for the event @treturn Event @usage local Event = require("ui/event") Event:new("GotoPage", 1) ]] function Event:new(name, ...) local o = { handler = "on"..name, -- Minor trickery to handle nils, c.f., http://lua-users.org/wiki/VarargTheSecondClassCitizen --- @fixme: Move to table.pack() (which stores the count in the field `n`) here & table.unpack() in @{ui.widget.eventlistener|EventListener} once we build LuaJIT w/ 5.2 compat. argc = select('#', ...), args = {...} } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end return Event