describe("Persist module", function() local Persist local sample local bitserInstance, dumpInstance local ser, deser, str, tab local fail = { a = function() end, } local function arrayOf(n) assert(type(n) == "number", "wrong type (expected number)") local t = {} for i = 1, n do table.insert(t, i, { a = "sample " .. tostring(i), b = true, c = nil, d = i, e = { f = { g = nil, h = false, }, }, }) end return t end setup(function() require("commonrequire") Persist = require("persist") bitserInstance = Persist:new{ path = "test.dat", codec = "bitser" } dumpInstance = Persist:new { path = "test.txt", codec = "dump" } sample = arrayOf(1000) end) it("should save a table to file", function() assert.is_true(bitserInstance:save(sample)) assert.is_true(dumpInstance:save(sample)) end) it("should generate a valid file", function() assert.is_true(bitserInstance:exists()) assert.is_true(bitserInstance:size() > 0) assert.is_true(type(bitserInstance:timestamp()) == "number") end) it("should load a table from file", function() assert.are.same(sample, bitserInstance:load()) assert.are.same(sample, dumpInstance:load()) end) it("should delete the file", function() bitserInstance:delete() dumpInstance:delete() assert.is_nil(bitserInstance:exists()) assert.is_nil(dumpInstance:exists()) end) it("should return standalone serializers/deserializers", function() tab = sample for _, codec in ipairs({"dump", "bitser"}) do assert.is_true(Persist.getCodec(codec).id == codec) ser = Persist.getCodec(codec).serialize deser = Persist.getCodec(codec).deserialize str = ser(tab) assert.are.same(deser(str), tab) str, ser, deser = nil, nil, nil end end) it("should work with huge tables", function() tab = arrayOf(100000) ser = Persist.getCodec("bitser").serialize deser = Persist.getCodec("bitser").deserialize str = ser(tab) assert.are.same(deser(str), tab) end) it ("should fail to serialize functions", function() for _, codec in ipairs({"dump", "bitser"}) do assert.is_true(Persist.getCodec(codec).id == codec) ser = Persist.getCodec(codec).serialize deser = Persist.getCodec(codec).deserialize str = ser(fail) assert.are_not.same(deser(str), fail) end end) end)