You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

594 lines
19 KiB

This module translates text using Google Translate.
-- Useful other implementation and discussion:
local JSON = require("json")
local logger = require("logger")
local Translator = {
trans_servers = {
-- "",
trans_path = "/translate_a/single",
trans_params = {
client = "gtx", -- (using "t" raises 403 Forbidden)
ie = "UTF-8", -- input encoding
oe = "UTF-8", -- output encoding
sl = "auto", -- source language (we need to specify "auto" to detect language)
tl = "en", -- target language
hl = "en", -- ?
otf = 1, -- ?
ssel = 0, -- ?
tsel = 0, -- ?
-- tk = "" -- auth token
dt = { -- what we want in result
"t", -- translation of source text
"at", -- alternate translations
-- Next options only give additional results when text is a single word
-- "bd", -- dictionary (articles, reverse translations, etc)
-- "ex", -- examples
-- "ld", -- ?
-- "md", -- definitions of source text
-- "qca", -- ?
-- "rw", -- "see also" list
-- "rm", -- transcription / transliteration of source and translated texts
-- "ss", -- synonyms of source text, if it's one word
-- q = text to translate
default_lang = "en",
function Translator:getTransServer()
return G_reader_settings:readSetting("trans_server") or self.trans_servers[1]
function Translator:getTargetLanguage()
-- One can manually set his prefered target language
local lang = G_reader_settings:readSetting("translator_target_language")
if not lang then
-- Fallback to the UI language the user has selected
lang = G_reader_settings:readSetting("language")
if lang and lang ~= "" then
-- convert "zh-CN" and "zh-TW" to "zh"
lang = lang:match("(.*)-") or lang
if lang == "C" then
lang = lang:lower()
return lang or "en"
Returns decoded JSON table from translate server.
@string text
@string target_lang
@string source_lang
@treturn string result, or nil
function Translator:loadPage(text, target_lang, source_lang)
local socket = require('socket')
local url = require('socket.url')
local http = require('socket.http')
local https = require('ssl.https')
local ltn12 = require('ltn12')
local request, sink = {}, {}
local query = "" = target_lang = source_lang
for k,v in pairs(self.trans_params) do
if type(v) == "table" then
for _, v2 in ipairs(v) do
query = query .. k .. '=' .. v2 .. '&'
query = query .. k .. '=' .. v .. '&'
local parsed = url.parse(self:getTransServer())
parsed.path = self.trans_path
parsed.query = query .. "q=" .. url.escape(text)
-- HTTP request
request['url'] =
logger.dbg("Calling", request.url)
request['method'] = 'GET'
request['sink'] = ltn12.sink.table(sink)
-- We may try to set a common User-Agent if it happens we're 403 Forbidden
-- request['headers'] = {
-- ["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)",
-- }
http.TIMEOUT, https.TIMEOUT = 10, 10
local httpRequest = parsed.scheme == 'http' and http.request or https.request
-- first argument returned by skip is code
local _, headers, status = socket.skip(1, httpRequest(request))
-- raise error message when network is unavailable
if headers == nil then
error("Network is unreachable")
if status ~= "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" then
logger.warn("translator HTTP status not okay:", status)
local content = table.concat(sink)
-- logger.dbg("translator content:", content)
local first_char = content:sub(1, 1)
if content ~= "" and (first_char == "{" or first_char == "[") then
-- Get nil instead of functions for 'null' by using JSON.decode.simple
-- (so the result can be fully serialized when used
-- with Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess())
local ok, result = pcall(JSON.decode, content, JSON.decode.simple)
if ok and result then
logger.dbg("translator json:", result)
return result
logger.warn("translator error:", result)
logger.warn("not JSON in translator response:", content)
-- The JSON result is a list of 9 to 15 items:
-- 1: translation
-- 2: all-translations
-- 3: original-language
-- 6: possible-translations
-- 7: confidence
-- 8: possible-mistakes
-- 9: language
-- 12: synonyms
-- 13: definitions
-- 14: examples
-- 15: see-also
-- Depending on the 'dt' parameters used, some may be null or absent.
-- See bottom of this file for some sample results.
Tries to automatically detect language of `text`.
@string text
@treturn string lang (`"en"`, `"fr"`, `…`)
function Translator:detect(text)
local result = self:loadPage(text, "en", "auto")
if result and result[3] then
local src_lang = result[3]
logger.dbg("detected language:", src_lang)
return src_lang
return self.default_lang
Translate text, returns translation as a single string.
@string text
@string target_lang[opt] (`"en"`, `"fr"`, `…`)
@string source_lang[opt="auto"] (`"en"`, `"fr"`, `…`) or `"auto"` to auto-detect source language
@treturn string translated text, or nil
function Translator:translate(text, target_lang, source_lang)
if not target_lang then
target_lang = self:getTargetLanguage()
if not source_lang then
source_lang = "auto"
local result = self:loadPage(text, target_lang, source_lang)
if result and result[1] and type(result[1]) == "table" then
local translated = {}
for i, r in ipairs(result[1]) do
table.insert(translated, r[1])
return table.concat(translated, "")
return nil
Show translated text in TextViewer, with alternate translations
@string text
@string target_lang[opt] (`"en"`, `"fr"`, `…`)
@string source_lang[opt="auto"] (`"en"`, `"fr"`, `…`) or `"auto"` to auto-detect source language
function Translator:showTranslation(text, target_lang, source_lang)
local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager")
if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then
-- Wrap next function with Trapper to be able to interrupt
-- translation service query.
local Trapper = require("ui/trapper")
self:_showTranslation(text, target_lang, source_lang)
function Translator:_showTranslation(text, target_lang, source_lang)
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local TextViewer = require("ui/widget/textviewer")
local Trapper = require("ui/trapper")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local util = require("util")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local _ = require("gettext")
if not target_lang then
target_lang = self:getTargetLanguage()
if not source_lang then
source_lang = "auto"
local completed, result = Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess(function()
return self:loadPage(text, target_lang, source_lang)
end, _("Querying translation service…"))
if not completed then
text = _("Translation interrupted.")
if not result or type(result) ~= "table" then
text = _("Translation failed.")
if result[3] then
source_lang = result[3]
local output = {}
-- For both main and alternate translations, we may get multiple slices
-- of the original text and its translations.
if result[1] and type(result[1]) == "table" and #result[1] > 0 then
-- Main translation: we can make a single string from the multiple parts
-- for easier quick reading
local source = {}
local translated = {}
for i, r in ipairs(result[1]) do
local s = type(r[2]) == "string" and r[2] or ""
local t = type(r[1]) == "string" and r[1] or ""
table.insert(source, s)
table.insert(translated, t)
table.insert(output, "" .. table.concat(source, " "))
table.insert(output, "" .. table.concat(translated, " "))
if result[6] and type(result[6]) == "table" and #result[6] > 0 then
-- Alternative translations:
table.insert(output, "________")
for i, r in ipairs(result[6]) do
if type(r[3]) == "table" then
local s = type(r[1]) == "string" and r[1]:gsub("\n", "") or ""
table.insert(output, "" .. s)
for j, rt in ipairs(r[3]) do
-- Use number in solid black circle symbol (U+2776...277F)
local symbol = util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(10101 + (j < 10 and j or 10))
local t = type(rt[1]) == "string" and rt[1]:gsub("\n", "") or ""
table.insert(output, symbol .. " " .. t)
table.insert(output, "")
-- table.insert(output, require("dump")(result)) -- for debugging
title = T(_("Translation from %1 to %2"), source_lang:upper(), target_lang:upper()),
text = table.concat(output, "\n"),
height = Screen:getHeight() * 3/4,
return Translator
-- Sample JSON results:
-- Multiple words result:
-- {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "I know you did not destroy your King's house, because then you had none. ",
-- [2] = "Ich weiß, dass ihr nicht eures Königs Haus zerstört habt, denn damals hattet ihr ja keinen.",
-- [5] = 3,
-- ["n"] = 5
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "But you can not deny that you destroyed a royal palace. ",
-- [2] = "Aber ihr könnt nicht leugnen, dass ihr einen Königspalast zerstört habt.",
-- [5] = 3,
-- ["n"] = 5
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = "If the king is dead, then the kingdom remains, just as a ship remains, whose helmsman has fallen",
-- [2] = "Ist der König tot, so bleibt doch das Reich bestehen, ebenso wie ein Schiff bleibt, dessen Steuermann gefallen ist",
-- [5] = 3,
-- ["n"] = 5
-- }
-- },
-- [3] = "de",
-- [6] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "Ich weiß, dass ihr nicht eures Königs Haus zerstört habt, denn damals hattet ihr ja keinen.",
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "I know you did not destroy your King's house, because then you had none.",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "I know that you have not destroyed your king house, because at that time you had not any.",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- }
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = 0,
-- [2] = 91
-- }
-- },
-- [5] = "Ich weiß, dass ihr nicht eures Königs Haus zerstört habt, denn damals hattet ihr ja keinen.",
-- [6] = 0,
-- [7] = 0
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "Aber ihr könnt nicht leugnen, dass ihr einen Königspalast zerstört habt.",
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "But you can not deny that you destroyed a royal palace.",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "But you can not deny that you have destroyed a royal palace.",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- }
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = 0,
-- [2] = 72
-- }
-- },
-- [5] = "Aber ihr könnt nicht leugnen, dass ihr einen Königspalast zerstört habt.",
-- [6] = 0,
-- [7] = 0
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = "Ist der König tot, so bleibt doch das Reich bestehen, ebenso wie ein Schiff bleibt, dessen Steuermann gefallen ist",
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "If the king is dead, then the kingdom remains, just as a ship remains, whose helmsman has fallen",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "yet the king dead, remains the kingdom stand remains as a ship the helmsman has fallen",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- }
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = 0,
-- [2] = 114
-- }
-- },
-- [5] = "Ist der König tot, so bleibt doch das Reich bestehen, ebenso wie ein Schiff bleibt, dessen Steuermann gefallen ist",
-- [6] = 0,
-- [7] = 0
-- }
-- },
-- [7] = 1,
-- [9] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "de"
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = 1
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = "de"
-- }
-- },
-- ["n"] = 9
-- }
-- Single word result with all dt= enabled:
-- {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fork",
-- [2] = "fourchette",
-- [5] = 0,
-- ["n"] = 5
-- }
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "noun",
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "fork"
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fork",
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "fourche",
-- [2] = "fourchette",
-- [3] = "embranchement",
-- [4] = "chariot",
-- [5] = "chariot à fourche"
-- },
-- [4] = 0.21967085
-- }
-- },
-- [4] = "fourchette",
-- [5] = 1
-- }
-- },
-- [3] = "fr",
-- [6] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fourchette",
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fork",
-- [2] = 1000,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "band",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = "bracket",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = "range",
-- [2] = 0,
-- [3] = true,
-- [4] = false
-- }
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = 0,
-- [2] = 10
-- }
-- },
-- [5] = "fourchette",
-- [6] = 0,
-- [7] = 1
-- }
-- },
-- [7] = 1,
-- [9] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fr"
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = 1
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = "fr"
-- }
-- },
-- [12] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "noun",
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "ramification",
-- [2] = "enfourchure"
-- },
-- [2] = ""
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "échéance",
-- [2] = "bande"
-- },
-- [2] = ""
-- },
-- [3] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "ramification",
-- [2] = "jambe"
-- },
-- [2] = ""
-- },
-- [4] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "bifurcation"
-- },
-- [2] = ""
-- },
-- [5] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fourche",
-- [2] = "bifurcation",
-- [3] = "entrejambe"
-- },
-- [2] = ""
-- },
-- [6] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "fourche",
-- [2] = "bifurcation"
-- },
-- [2] = ""
-- }
-- },
-- [3] = "fourchette"
-- }
-- },
-- [13] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "noun",
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "Ustensile de table.",
-- [2] = "12518.0",
-- [3] = "Des fourchettes, des couteaux et des cuillères ."
-- },
-- [2] = {
-- [1] = "Ecart entre deux valeurs.",
-- [2] = "12518.1",
-- [3] = "La fourchette des prix ."
-- }
-- },
-- [3] = "fourchette"
-- }
-- },
-- [14] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = {
-- [1] = "La <b>fourchette</b> des prix .",
-- [5] = 3,
-- [6] = "12518.1",
-- ["n"] = 6
-- }
-- }
-- },
-- ["n"] = 14
-- }