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#!/usr/bin/env bash
CI_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${CI_DIR}/"
rm -rf "${HOME}/.luarocks"
mkdir "${HOME}/.luarocks"
cp "${CI_BUILD_DIR}/install/etc/luarocks/config.lua" "${HOME}/.luarocks/config.lua"
echo "wrap_bin_scripts = false" >>"${HOME}/.luarocks/config.lua"
travis_retry luarocks --local install luafilesystem
# for verbose_print module
travis_retry luarocks --local install ansicolors
travis_retry luarocks --local install busted 2.0.rc13-0
#- mv -f $HOME/.luarocks/bin/busted_bootstrap $HOME/.luarocks/bin/busted
# Apply junit testcase time fix. This can be removed once there is a busted 2.0.rc13 or final
# See
sed -i 's|testcase_node.time = formatDuration(element.duration)|testcase_node:set_attrib("time", formatDuration(element.duration))|' "${HOME}/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/busted/outputHandlers/junit.lua"
travis_retry luarocks --local install luacheck
travis_retry luarocks --local install lanes # for parallel luacheck
# used only on master branch but added to cache for better speed
travis_retry luarocks --local install ldoc
travis_retry luarocks --local install luacov