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-- trace package loading flow with require call
-- usage: ./luajit -lutils/trace_require reader.lua ../../test
local math = require("math")
local _require = require
local loaded_modules = {}
local highlight = "*"
-- timing threshold for highlight annotation
local threshold = 0.001
-- whether to trace loaded packages
local trace_loaded = false
local indent = string.rep(" ", 4)
local level = 0
function require(module)
level = level + 1
local x = os.clock()
local info = debug.getinfo(2)
-- this is a protected call of require
if info.short_src == "[C]" then
info = debug.getinfo(3)
local loaded = loaded_modules[module]
if not loaded then
print(string.format("%s%s:%s => %s",
indent:rep(level), info.short_src, info.currentline, module))
elseif trace_loaded then
print(string.format("%s%s:%s -> %s",
indent:rep(level), info.short_src, info.currentline, module))
-- protect require call in case we cannot raise call level when errors happen
local ok, loaded_module = pcall(_require, module)
if not ok then
level = level - 1
local elapse = os.clock() - x
local annot = highlight:rep(math.ceil(math.log10(elapse/threshold))) or ""
if not loaded then
print(string.format("%s%s loading time: %.3f",
annot .. indent:rep(level):sub(#annot + 1), module, elapse))
loaded_modules[module] = true
level = level - 1
return loaded_module