You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

514 lines
25 KiB

local CreOptions = require("ui/data/creoptions")
local Device = require("device")
local Event = require("ui/event")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local _ = require("gettext")
local Dispatcher = {
initialized = false,
contains a list of a dispatchable settings
each setting contains:
category: one of
none: a direct event call
arg: a event that expects a gesture object or an argument
absolutenumber: event that sets a number
incrementalnumber: event that increments a number & accepts a gesture object
string: event with a list of arguments to chose from
event: what to call.
title: for use in ui.
section: under which menu to display (currently: device, filemanager, rolling, paging)
and optionally
min/max: for number
args: allowed values for string.
toggle: display name for args
separator: put a separator after in the menu list
local settingsList = {
-- Device settings
show_frontlight_dialog = { category="none", event="ShowFlDialog", title=_("Show frontlight dialog"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),},
toggle_frontlight = { category="none", event="ToggleFrontlight", title=_("Toggle frontlight"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),},
set_frontlight = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetFlIntensity", min=0, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_max, title=_("Set frontlight brightness"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),},
increase_frontlight = { category="incrementalnumber", event="IncreaseFlIntensity", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_max, title=_("Increase frontlight brightness"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),},
decrease_frontlight = { category="incrementalnumber", event="DecreaseFlIntensity", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_max, title=_("Decrease frontlight brightness"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),},
set_frontlight_warmth = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetFlWarmth", min=0, max=100, title=_("Set frontlight warmth"), device=true, condition=Device:hasNaturalLight(),},
increase_frontlight_warmth = { category="incrementalnumber", event="IncreaseFlWarmth", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_warmth_max, title=_("Increase frontlight warmth"), device=true, condition=Device:hasNaturalLight(),},
decrease_frontlight_warmth = { category="incrementalnumber", event="DecreaseFlWarmth", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_warmth_max, title=_("Decrease frontlight warmth"), device=true, condition=Device:hasNaturalLight(),},
toggle_gsensor = { category="none", event="ToggleGSensor", title=_("Toggle accelerometer"), device=true, condition=Device:canToggleGSensor(),},
wifi_on = { category="none", event="InfoWifiOn", title=_("Turn on Wi-Fi"), device=true, condition=Device:hasWifiToggle(),},
wifi_off = { category="none", event="InfoWifiOff", title=_("Turn off Wi-Fi"), device=true, condition=Device:hasWifiToggle(),},
toggle_wifi = { category="none", event="ToggleWifi", title=_("Toggle Wi-Fi"), device=true, condition=Device:hasWifiToggle(),},
reading_progress = { category="none", event="ShowReaderProgress", title=_("Reading progress"), device=true,},
stats_calendar_view = { category="none", event="ShowCalendarView", title=_("Statistics calendar view"), device=true,},
history = { category="none", event="ShowHist", title=_("History"), device=true,},
open_previous_document = { category="none", event="OpenLastDoc", title=_("Open previous document"), device=true,},
filemanager = { category="none", event="Home", title=_("File browser"), device=true,},
dictionary_lookup = { category="none", event="ShowDictionaryLookup", title=_("Dictionary lookup"), device=true,},
wikipedia_lookup = { category="none", event="ShowWikipediaLookup", title=_("Wikipedia lookup"), device=true,},
fulltext_search = { category="none", event="ShowFulltextSearchInput", title=_("Fulltext search"), device=true,},
file_search = { category="none", event="ShowFileSearch", title=_("File search"), device=true,},
full_refresh = { category="none", event="FullRefresh", title=_("Full screen refresh"), device=true,},
night_mode = { category="none", event="ToggleNightMode", title=_("Toggle night mode"), device=true,},
set_night_mode = { category="string", event="SetNightMode", title=_("Set night mode"), device=true, args={true, false}, toggle={_("On"), _("Off")},},
suspend = { category="none", event="SuspendEvent", title=_("Suspend"), device=true,},
exit = { category="none", event="Exit", title=_("Exit KOReader"), device=true,},
restart = { category="none", event="Restart", title=_("Restart KOReader"), device=true, condition=Device:canRestart(),},
reboot = { category="none", event="Reboot", title=_("Reboot the device"), device=true, condition=Device:canReboot(),},
poweroff = { category="none", event="PowerOff", title=_("Power off"), device=true, condition=Device:canPowerOff(),},
show_menu = { category="none", event="ShowMenu", title=_("Show menu"), device=true,},
toggle_hold_corners = { category="none", event="IgnoreHoldCorners", title=_("Toggle hold corners"), device=true,},
toggle_rotation = { category="none", event="ToggleRotation", title=_("Toggle rotation"), device=true,},
wallabag_download = { category="none", event="SynchronizeWallabag", title=_("Wallabag retrieval"), device=true,},
calibre_search = { category="none", event="CalibreSearch", title=_("Search in calibre metadata"), device=true,},
calibre_browse_tags = { category="none", event="CalibreBrowseTags", title=_("Browse all calibre tags"), device=true,},
calibre_browse_series = { category="none", event="CalibreBrowseSeries", title=_("Browse all calibre series"), device=true,},
favorites = { category="arg", event="ShowColl", arg="favorites", title=_("Favorites"), device=true,},
-- filemanager settings
folder_up = { category="none", event="FolderUp", title=_("Folder up"), filemanager=true},
show_plus_menu = { category="none", event="ShowPlusMenu", title=_("Show plus menu"), filemanager=true},
folder_shortcuts = { category="none", event="ShowFolderShortcutsDialog", title=_("Folder shortcuts"), filemanager=true},
-- reader settings
prev_chapter = { category="none", event="GotoPrevChapter", title=_("Previous chapter"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
next_chapter = { category="none", event="GotoNextChapter", title=_("Next chapter"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
first_page = { category="none", event="GoToBeginning", title=_("First page"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
last_page = { category="none", event="GoToEnd", title=_("Last page"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
prev_bookmark = { category="none", event="GotoPreviousBookmarkFromPage", title=_("Previous bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
next_bookmark = { category="none", event="GotoNextBookmarkFromPage", title=_("Next bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
go_to = { category="none", event="ShowGotoDialog", title=_("Go to"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
skim = { category="none", event="ShowSkimtoDialog", title=_("Skim"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
back = { category="none", event="Back", title=_("Back"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
previous_location = { category="arg", event="GoBackLink", arg=true, title=_("Back to previous location"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
latest_bookmark = { category="none", event="GoToLatestBookmark", title=_("Go to latest bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
follow_nearest_link = { category="arg", event="GoToPageLink", arg={pos={x=0,y=0}}, title=_("Follow nearest link"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
follow_nearest_internal_link = { category="arg", event="GoToInternalPageLink", arg={pos={x=0,y=0}}, title=_("Follow nearest internal link"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
clear_location_history = { category="arg", event="ClearLocationStack", arg=true, title=_("Clear location history"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
toc = { category="none", event="ShowToc", title=_("Table of contents"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
bookmarks = { category="none", event="ShowBookmark", title=_("Bookmarks"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
book_statistics = { category="none", event="ShowBookStats", title=_("Book statistics"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
book_status = { category="none", event="ShowBookStatus", title=_("Book status"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
book_info = { category="none", event="ShowBookInfo", title=_("Book information"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
book_description = { category="none", event="ShowBookDescription", title=_("Book description"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
book_cover = { category="none", event="ShowBookCover", title=_("Book cover"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
show_config_menu = { category="none", event="ShowConfigMenu", title=_("Show bottom menu"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
toggle_bookmark = { category="none", event="ToggleBookmark", title=_("Toggle bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
toggle_inverse_reading_order = { category="none", event="ToggleReadingOrder", title=_("Toggle page turn direction"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
cycle_highlight_action = { category="none", event="CycleHighlightAction", title=_("Cycle highlight action"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
cycle_highlight_style = { category="none", event="CycleHighlightStyle", title=_("Cycle highlight style"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
kosync_push_progress = { category="none", event="KOSyncPushProgress", title=_("Push progress from this device"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
kosync_pull_progress = { category="none", event="KOSyncPullProgress", title=_("Pull progress from other devices"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
page_jmp = { category="absolutenumber", event="GotoViewRel", min=-100, max=100, title=_("Go X pages"), rolling=true, paging=true,},
-- rolling reader settings
increase_font = { category="incrementalnumber", event="IncreaseFontSize", min=1, max=255, title=_("Increase font size"), rolling=true,},
decrease_font = { category="incrementalnumber", event="DecreaseFontSize", min=1, max=255, title=_("Decrease font size"), rolling=true,},
-- paging reader settings
toggle_page_flipping = { category="none", event="TogglePageFlipping", title=_("Toggle page flipping"), paging=true,},
toggle_reflow = { category="none", event="ToggleReflow", title=_("Toggle reflow"), paging=true,},
zoom = { category="string", event="SetZoomMode", title=_("Zoom to"), args={"contentwidth", "contentheight", "pagewidth", "pageheight", "column", "content", "page"}, toggle={"content width", "content height", "page width", "page height", "column", "content", "page"}, paging=true,},
-- parsed from CreOptions
-- the rest of the table elements are built from their counterparts in CreOptions
rotation_mode = {category="string", device=true},
visible_pages = {category="string", rolling=true},
h_page_margins = {category="string", rolling=true},
sync_t_b_page_margins = {category="string", rolling=true},
t_page_margin = {category="absolutenumber", rolling=true},
b_page_margin = {category="absolutenumber", rolling=true},
view_mode = {category="string", rolling=true},
block_rendering_mode = {category="string", rolling=true},
render_dpi = {category="string", rolling=true},
line_spacing = {category="absolutenumber", rolling=true},
font_size = {category="absolutenumber", title="Font Size", rolling=true},
font_weight = {category="string", rolling=true},
--font_gamma = {category="string", rolling=true},
font_hinting = {category="string", rolling=true},
font_kerning = {category="string", rolling=true},
status_line = {category="string", rolling=true},
embedded_css = {category="string", rolling=true},
embedded_fonts = {category="string", rolling=true},
smooth_scaling = {category="string", rolling=true},
nightmode_images = {category="string", rolling=true},
-- array for item order in menu
local dispatcher_menu_order = {
-- device
-- filemanager
-- reader
add settings from CreOptions / KoptOptions
function Dispatcher:init()
local parseoptions = function(base, i)
for y=1,#base[i].options do
local option = base[i].options[y]
if settingsList[] ~= nil then
if settingsList[].event == nil then
settingsList[].event = option.event
if settingsList[].title == nil then
settingsList[].title = option.name_text
if settingsList[].category == "string" then
if settingsList[].toggle == nil then
settingsList[].toggle = option.toggle or option.labels
if settingsList[].toggle == nil then
settingsList[].toggle = {}
for z=1,#option.values do
if type(option.values[z]) == "table" then
settingsList[].toggle[z] = option.values[z][1]
if settingsList[].args == nil then
settingsList[].args = option.args or option.values
elseif settingsList[].category == "absolutenumber" then
if settingsList[].min == nil then
settingsList[].min = option.args[1]
if settingsList[].max == nil then
settingsList[].max = option.args[#option.args]
if settingsList[].default == nil then
settingsList[].default = option.default_value
for i=1,#CreOptions do
parseoptions(CreOptions, i)
Dispatcher.initialized = true
function Dispatcher:addItem(menu, location, settings, section)
for _, k in ipairs(dispatcher_menu_order) do
if settingsList[k][section] == true and
(settingsList[k].condition == nil or settingsList[k].condition)
if settingsList[k].category == "none" or settingsList[k].category == "arg" then
table.insert(menu, {
text = settingsList[k].title,
checked_func = function()
return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil
callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
if location[settings] ~= nil
and location[settings][k]
location[settings][k] = nil
location[settings][k] = true
if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end
separator = settingsList[k].separator,
elseif settingsList[k].category == "absolutenumber" then
table.insert(menu, {
text_func = function()
return T(settingsList[k].title, location[settings][k] or "")
checked_func = function()
return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil
callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget")
local items = SpinWidget:new{
width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.6,
value = location[settings][k] or settingsList[k].default or 0,
value_min = settingsList[k].min,
value_step = 1,
value_hold_step = 2,
value_max = settingsList[k].max,
default_value = 0,
title_text = T(settingsList[k].title, location[settings][k] or ""),
callback = function(spin)
location[settings][k] = spin.value
if touchmenu_instance then
hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
location[settings][k] = nil
if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end
separator = settingsList[k].separator,
elseif settingsList[k].category == "incrementalnumber" then
table.insert(menu, {
text_func = function()
return T(settingsList[k].title, location[settings][k] or "")
checked_func = function()
return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil
callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
local _ = require("gettext")
local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget")
local items = SpinWidget:new{
width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.6,
value = location[settings][k] or 0,
value_min = settingsList[k].min,
value_step = 1,
value_hold_step = 2,
value_max = settingsList[k].max,
default_value = 0,
title_text = T(settingsList[k].title, location[settings][k] or ""),
info_text = _([[If called by a gesture the amount of the gesture will be used]]),
callback = function(spin)
location[settings][k] = spin.value
if touchmenu_instance then
hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
location[settings][k] = nil
if touchmenu_instance then
separator = settingsList[k].separator,
elseif settingsList[k].category == "string" then
local sub_item_table = {}
for i=1,#settingsList[k].args do
table.insert(sub_item_table, {
text = tostring(settingsList[k].toggle[i]),
checked_func = function()
return location[settings] ~= nil
and location[settings][k] ~= nil
and location[settings][k] == settingsList[k].args[i]
callback = function()
location[settings][k] = settingsList[k].args[i]
table.insert(menu, {
text_func = function()
return T(settingsList[k].title, location[settings][k])
checked_func = function()
return location[settings] ~= nil
and location[settings][k] ~= nil
sub_item_table = sub_item_table,
keep_menu_open = true,
hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
location[settings][k] = nil
if touchmenu_instance then
separator = settingsList[k].separator,
Add a submenu to edit which items are dispatched
arguments are:
1) the table representing the submenu (can be empty)
2) the object (table) in which the settings table is found
3) the name of the settings table
example usage:
Dispatcher.addSubMenu(sub_items,, "profile1")
function Dispatcher:addSubMenu(menu, location, settings)
if not Dispatcher.initialized then Dispatcher:init() end
table.insert(menu, {
text = _("None"),
separator = true,
checked_func = function()
return next(location[settings]) == nil
callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
location[settings] = {}
if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end
local section_list = {
{"device", _("Device")},
{"filemanager", _("File browser")},
{"rolling", _("Reflowable documents (epub, fb2, txt…)")},
{"paging", _("Fixed layout documents (pdf, djvu, pics…)")},
for _, section in ipairs(section_list) do
local submenu = {}
-- pass caller's context
Dispatcher:addItem(submenu, location, settings, section[1])
table.insert(menu, {
text = section[2],
sub_item_table = submenu,
Calls the events in a settings list
arguments are:
1) a reference to the uimanager
2) the settings table
3) optionally a `gestures`object
function Dispatcher:execute(ui, settings, gesture)
for k, v in pairs(settings) do
if settingsList[k].conditions == nil or settingsList[k].conditions == true then
if settingsList[k].category == "none" then
if settingsList[k].category == "absolutenumber"
or settingsList[k].category == "string"
ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, v))
-- the event can accept a gesture object or an argument
if settingsList[k].category == "arg" then
local arg = gesture or settingsList[k].arg
ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, arg))
-- the event can accept a gesture object or a number
if settingsList[k].category == "incrementalnumber" then
local arg = gesture or v
ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, arg))
return Dispatcher