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Subclass of ImageWidget to show icons
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local ImageWidget = require("ui/widget/imagewidget")
local Screen = require("device").screen
-- Directories to look for icons by name, with any of the accepted suffixes
local ICONS_DIRS = {}
local user_icons_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/icons"
if lfs.attributes(user_icons_dir, "mode") == "directory" then
table.insert(ICONS_DIRS, user_icons_dir)
-- Default icons (material design light)
table.insert(ICONS_DIRS, "resources/icons/mdlight")
-- Fallback directories
table.insert(ICONS_DIRS, "resources/icons")
table.insert(ICONS_DIRS, "resources")
-- Supported icon suffixes
local ICONS_EXTS = { ".svg", ".png" }
-- Show this icon instead of crashing if we can't find any icon
local ICON_NOT_FOUND = "resources/icons/icon-not-found.svg"
-- Icon filepath location cache
local ICONS_PATH = {}
local IconWidget = ImageWidget:extend{
-- The icon filename should be provided without any path
icon = ICON_NOT_FOUND, -- show this if not provided
-- See ImageWidget for other available options,
-- we only start with a few different defaults, that can
-- be overriden by callers.
width = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE), -- our icons are square
height = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE),
alpha = false, --- @note: Our icons have a transparent background, but, by default, we flatten them at caching time.
--- Our caller may choose to override that by setting this to true, in which case,
--- the alpha layer will be kept intact, and we'll do alpha-blending at blitting time.
is_icon = true, -- avoid dithering in ImageWidget:paintTo()
function IconWidget:init()
if self.image or self.file then
-- In case we're created with one of these: just be an ImageWidget.
-- See if already seen and full path cached
self.file = ICONS_PATH[self.icon]
if not self.file then
-- Not yet seen, look for it
for _, dir in ipairs(ICONS_DIRS) do
for __, ext in ipairs(ICONS_EXTS) do
local path = dir .. "/" .. self.icon .. ext
if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file" then
self.file = path
if self.file then
if not self.file then
self.file = ICON_NOT_FOUND
ICONS_PATH[self.icon] = self.file
return IconWidget