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The EventListener is an interface that handles events. This is the base class
for @{ui.widget.widget}
EventListeners have a rudimentary event handler/dispatcher that
will call a method "onEventName" for an event with name
local EventListener = {}
function EventListener:new(new_o)
local o = new_o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
if o.init then o:init() end
return o
Invoke handler method for an event.
Handler method name is determined by @{ui.event.Event}'s handler field.
By default, it's `"on"`.
@tparam ui.event.Event event
@treturn bool return true if event is consumed successfully.
function EventListener:handleEvent(event)
if self[event.handler] then
--print("EventListener:handleEvent:", event.handler, "handled by", debug.getinfo(self[event.handler], "S").short_src, self)
return self[event.handler](self, unpack(event.args))
return EventListener